>turn hobos in to wifi hotspots
>charge $2 for 15 minutes of wifi
>give bums $1 to stand in high volume locations
This was unironically a good idea
No thanks. I don't want cyber-AIDS.
How do I get faggots here to stop using "unironically" so frequently?
Unironically, calling someone a faggot isn't the solution. :^)
you forgot one step.
>monitor all data that goes through the bums and use it against the passerbys.
I unironically can't even literally right now.
They tested this overseas first just a few weeks ago. If you consider what wi-fi does in close proximity to plants as an indicator, this is actually pretty sinister. But this is going to have other consequences, also already seen in those same overseas areas tested. In China, beggars are now wearing QR codes when begging so that the smartphone equipped people can send them money wirelessly instead.
>wirelessly is red underlined
Who the fuck manages this? I want to punch them in the throat for all the damn words they lie to me about not being real words.
My router is next to my lemon tree and that fucker is growing huge, are we going to have a giant problem?
I see in this day and age people can't walk two steps without their network access. It's bloody pitiful is what it is.
You unironically have to kill them
This but unironically
Cyberpunk doesn't properly convey the retardedness of this peculiar dystopia we've created. We need a name for this genre.
>>give bums $1 to stand in high volume locations
That cant be right, surely its 1 dollar an hour or 1 dollar per hit etc.
Lmao good one
Straight out of the article even. Only limousine liberals were hating on it being exploitive or dystopian. Why don't you give a job to these homeless volunteers then?
Check out the comments too sperg, might give you some perspective
are you being ironic?
They just want to feel superior, not solve the problems. fucking baizus
Quick rundown
>company gets homeless volunteers from local shelter
>give them a t-shirt with their name and what they're doing and $20 a day plus whatever they get in donations
>have them stand at a tech conference and actually get talked to/treated like they're human
>limousine liberal sjw and other retarded people lose their shit on the internet about exploiting the homeless, dystopian nightmare, etc
>homeless guys say they enjoy it and don't understand why people are jumping to hate on the program
>homeless shelter director who helped oversee project with company says it inspired a spirit of entrepreneurship among the homeless volunteers
>people who don't want to see poverty at all are blasted as fuck that they might have to acknowledge a homeless person
you have to kys but unironically
>Give Bums Cancer via EM Radiation
The project's less popular unchosen name.
unironically check'd
>creatings ways for unproductive members of society to still contribute and earn
>this is a bad thing somehow
Hell if anything it sounds like life is getting easier for these bums. They used to have to approach me pumping gas, pitch a sale for window washing and then actually do the work. Now they just strap on a router, stand still and earn money?
This is a really, really good idea. It's a simple job that anyone can do that gives the homeless not only a chance to earn money by providing a useful service (it's called a job), but a reason for people to not treat them like walking garbage. The best part is pays them enough to get a gym membership, which means it gives them access to showers. That means they suddenly have non-zero social mobility.
My only real concern is that they'll probably get mugged in bad areas. Literal target on their T-shirt. It probably pays close to garbage, but it'd be legal as contractor labor and it's enough to have a chance out of the dystopian nightmare that we punish people without jobs with.
There could be some unintended consequences. As the guys that are doing this are wearing garments advertising the fact it is made quite public that they have no one that much cares for them, a number of electronics on them that a retard would think could be pawned at high value and have a wad of cash on their person. They've accidentally created marks for junkies to violently mug.
>This is a really, really good idea. It's a simple job that anyone can do that gives the homeless not only a chance to earn money by providing a useful service
you mean a service that could be easily rednered by just strapping said wifi on the nearest pole?
>Employ someone, but don't pay them minimum wage
>Suddenly there are jobs available for people who were otherwise unemployable
But obviously the answer to poverty is increasing the minimum wage, it will make everyone better off!
the problem is that most people dont want homeless people at their workplace even paying them 0. they usually have mental illnesses and other problems
>The best part is pays them enough to get a gym membership, which means it gives them access to showers. That means they suddenly have non-zero social mobility.
this right here is the problem with people when they think about the homeless. nobody really realizes that a large portion of the homeless WANT to be pathetic walking piles of trash. They do not desire to have homes, jobs, clean clothes - most are mentally ill and simply do not give one iota of a fuck. you could give them $100k and they will spend it in a couple months, and be homeless again (this has literally happened).
I lived a few blocks from a homeless shelter for about 5 years and became privy to all their bullshit. this one guy i see all the time, he looks like a literal pile of fucking garbage, like he literally crawled out of a fucking dumpster. he just sits near the concert venue, also a couple blocks away, and goes "AAAAAUUGHHHHHHHHhghhh" and looks pathetic as all fuck. your knee jerk reaction is to think "holy shit i have to help this guy" and most do, and i see dipshit suburban kids going to a concert give this guy money all the time. YOU WOULD THINK he would go to the goodwill and buy some clean clothes with the probably multi hundreds he's making some nights, but fuck no, that means he would look less pathetic, and someone might expect him to get a job or something, fuck that, better to be a walking pile of garbage and just go "UUUGHAAAAAAAAUHGHHHHHHHHHHHH" and stare at people until they give you stuff from feeling pity.
If you gave this job to homeless, they'd sell the shit at some point, probably after demanding more money and not getting it, and being like "oh i was robbed, sorry"
Poles don't walk and can't perform transactions without additional equipment. My hunch is having people do it is actually cheaper. when you factor in installation, maintenance, and theft costs.
Yeah tough guy, you tell 'em. Meanwhile, about half of the homeless people in America have cars and jobs and stop being homeless within 2 years. I do like how you understand that you're talking about the (severely) mentally ill homeless, but don't understand that the severely mentally ill are definitionally dysfunctional. Pretty sure if you keep kicking the retard who goes "AAAAAUUGHHHHHHHHhghhh" sooner or later he'll magically transform into Cinderella.
this but ironically
are you insinuating people who are mentally stable and trying hard to get out of homelessness will happily take up this job, and waste a bunch of time sitting in urban areas?
i'm sorry dude, but the amount of bullshit i;ve seen with the homeless just makes me hate them, you can't trust them, period. i'll gladly give money to a charity for the homeless, just not them directly.
as nietzsche said - you feel bad not giving to them, and you feel bad giving to them.
also, if you think i'm speaking from some fucking ivory tower, the area i lived in that 5 years was considered deep ghetto. i lived there because it's all i could afford. i was on food stamps for about 2 years and thank fuck for it. i also saw plenty of nogs gaming that system as well. i just have contempt all around for these fucking people
Or we can just build homes for everyone. I don't get how infrastructure spending is suddenly inconvenient for rich people all of a sudden.
Ironically, this.
homes aren't infrastructure though.
Just put the peasants back to work in the fields.
This is what we used to do.
All those mexicans you claim we need? Homeless can do the same job for free.
I'm just saying you were looking at the worst of the worst while the half of the homeless who live in their cars were completely invisible to you.
>plug device into cyber-bum
>upload a virus
It turns you into a nehplim like nimrod
>mfw there's more empty homes and buildings in the USA than there are homeless
money ate your society in the 19th century bro
>connecting to a network controlled by a nigger
No thx
If Amerifats don't use these words regularly their brains start working.
Nobody wants that.
Put a shirt on a homeless person that says "I have some money."
What could go wrong?
Also how much tax do they pay on that?
Oh wait, the tax burden was shifted to the poorest decades ago in the form of sales tax, no problem.
>lemon tree indoors
>growing huge
>router next to it
If it's so huge than why the fuck is it indoors?
>Oh wait, the tax burden was shifted to the poorest decades ago in the form of sales tax, no problem.
In any tax system, the poor pay the largest share of their disposable income and the rich pay the largest absolute share. The only way to avoid that is to exempt like the bottom 50% of earners and no one has ever tried that.
1$ hobo cumdumpsters when