Brit/pol/: Press F to Pay Respects to Peter Kay edition

Peter Kay is dead. Not widely known yet.

>Parsons Green attack: Iraqi teenager convicted over Tube bomb

>13 days on and police still have no idea how Russian agent and his daughter were poisoned - as they reveal 131 local people came into contact with nerve agent and cordon off army base

>Petulant Gavin tells Russia 'Tell rudeboi shut up'

>Russia accuses UK for attack, using 'Black-PR' and bad investigation

>Revealed: Tories cut £129Million from MoD Chemical Weapons defence

>Corbyn urges "not to rush" before evidence found for Salisbury Russia

>Sadiq Khan's 'viral' video turns out to be fake news

>May praises Azerbaijan dictatorship, seeks deeper ties [pipelines]

>France U-Turns on "fantasy politics" after phone call

>May faces Telford question in PMQs

>It's time to give EU nationals the vote

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Other urls found in this thread:

stop trying to kill garlic bread man please

fake news not in MY britpol

Not fake news, faggot.

No more care share with that fit milf

What was her name?

>Not being 2nd cousing to Milla Jovovich

Don't be jealous on me lads

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>my man on da next hype
>I don't even no yo doe
>waste man
>chattin shit
>yu get me?
>on a level bro
> got banged by bare man yo
>low it man
>fuk da 5 0 yooo
Pakis and bongo wongos speak like this all over the country with their shit grime culture. Absolutely disgusting!

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Did he cancel his tour because he was terminally ill?

It would make sense t be h

Garlic thread?

I can see that boys nipple

>texting a qt i knew from an old job
>bring up politics
>ask her her views
>she says " a bit right wing"
>weve been talking about,niggers,jews,sharia may and Hitler.

Feel like im talking to someone from Britpol

I was obsessed with her for a bit when I was a teen. Used to rewind the bit in Resi Evil where you can see her muff over and over

say you'll notify her to prevent unless she agrees to a small dowry and marriage

What's her opinion on the Jews?

Marry her.

Post pics.

Yeah it was Leukaemia I think.

I quote "They should be turned into soap"

Sian Gibson

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fucking hell you've got her in a vice

i like this larp, feed me more

the DVD was probably physically worn through like an old pair of jeans on this bit

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Is she aware of their degenerate media and finance control?

Where do meet right wing women?

if this is true she's going to turn out to be a hooer. girls aren't hardcore, if they're pretending to be it means they get off too much on attention

>Used to rewind

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I've started going to church, there is one nice girl there but she seems a little overexcitable, if you understand what I mean. She dresses nicely but always wears her hair up, I saw her once have it down and she looked very pretty. I haven't had the chance to speak to her yet.

lads i got paid today, first time in almost a week not eating beans on toast.
tescos finest caramelised onion sausages and potato dauphinoise, sliced potatos and cheese.

i feel human

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>a little overexcitable, if you understand what I mean.
I could think of 3 possibilities, desu

give me sources on garlic bread man

>Peter Kay is dead.
too bad, he was a funny fat fuck

why are you so poor?

I know it from someone who knows someone who knows someone who works in TV. I know it sounds like a bad line of information but I'm pretty sure.


That sounds incredible, I'm starving but I think I pissed all my money away.


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wasted youth

it is!

sugar rush , tell her parents to stop the cola

Nothing to drink?

fuck wrong pic

Now I follow you

surely you should have enough money for food on minimum wage if you budget wisely? whats going on big guy?

i only drink highland spring, brand of bottled water

czech lad living in bath

You said sliced potatoes. Your an AI bot clearly. Its called scalloped potatoes, also there's no evident seasoning. Not human.

Its the Future , I tell you

story of my life

Actually a Czech friend wants to visit me in bath

Got this beauty from Sup Forums.

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Would you ever date a mentally ill girl? providing they're on medication it wouldn't bother me much. Bi-polar sufferers are usually quite creative and artistic in their 'high' mood.

an Iroish whiskey ,fixed that for you

lets LARP the bag of rice meme again , I like that one

Brit here from Bolton, living in Bolton. Peter Kay lives near Doffcocker, got two young kids. Bit of a cock in person, always tried to avoid people except when he was doing an event and then he'd go into character mode.

Apparently he had leukemia, which we heard from people who work at Bolton hospital. Yesterday we heard that he'd died.

tell him to bring his own towel because bacteria can spread easily

>no booze
>no hobbies
>no drugs
>no meme starbucks drinks
you can afford food

Bipolar is a fucking nightmare, I actively avoid getting involved with anyone because I just poison their lives. If you meet a grill with BP just run. It's not werf it.

I'd say it depends on severity. If I knew they're managing it, and have been for a while, I'd risk it.

just the usual poverty trap, private rents+bills, low wages, no assets or investments, dropped out of university early and have no skills or useful experience.
i dont get paid minimum wage, it fluctuates between 9-11 per hour but i only work about 24 hours per week.

it was a combination of pol, fit and r9k that got me to even do this job. i was neet before for a couple of years and before that i had about 50 jobs between the ages of 20 and 27, was eternally blackpilled and just wanted to do nothing.
name any big high street retailer and ive done at least a week there

I won't have any more of this slanderous talk about Peter Kay being dead, alright?

I'm fucking warning you lot to knock it off. The man is a saint... A northern hero. I will not have his good name dragged through the mud by you decrepit cynical hyenas.

the gf

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we will Never know if he an that bird in his car got leg over , although might have written it already before he snuffed it ?

I did and she topped herself from her flat window ..its the downers with bipolar you gotta worry about lol

>Britain could "throw open the borders" to avoid customs checks in the event of a no deal Brexit under plans reportedly being considered in Whitehall. Officials are reported to have discussed the possibility of not applying checks to lorries passing through ports...

The entirety of the third world would begin sprinting here, rather than merely jogging.

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fair play to you for actually reintegrating it must have been tough after such a long time

an jonnies
what a tragic life lol

Let them come. It's going to happen anyway and a sudden massive influx might shake a few people awake. Not holding my breath though.

Respect m8
At least you have had a nice tea

could be worse

Are you that monkey in the car lol

How ..?

oh fuck I've just remembered I've got a tin of beans n sosij. I almost don't want to go and heat it up because the anticipation is so good


So weird that the director just used this series to keep his wife in work.
Even weirder how he keeps making her do shit like this. He probably gets off on people jerking to her.
Also Milla was fucking beautiful when she was 14 but like all white women she hit the wall a few years later.

Grime culture is one of the worst things to happen to this country in the last decade

Go for it

could be born blind in Dharavi Shahu Nagar

>Also Milla was fucking beautiful when she was 14
I WILL call the nonce patrol on you


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True - better a sudden flood than a continuous trickle. What we need are shanty towns beginning to pop up in London and other high profile places. Whole areas that aren't simply post-war housing estates need to become actively hostile and dangerous to enter - unavoidable areas. The neutering of the police will only accelerate just how lawless the situation can become. A large scale (but temporary) breakdown in law and order, with another bout of large scale rioting with the associated property damage would certainly wake some people up. These riotous people are only going to get bolder, too, as they increasingly know that they will be left to it and the police are not there to stop them, but to stop them from getting hurt.


We need a Calais Jungle on our side of the Channel, tbqhwyl

>jacking off to 5th Element means cousins in montenegro

Yep - and imagine if it were outside of St Paul's or some other London landmark where the local authorities were both as cucked as the Church and subject to the pressures of having hordes of left wing grinning journalists with their cameras out chomping at the bit for any 'forced' arrests or incarcerations.

The 'Occupy' protesters were there for months, and these were middle class leftists. A horde of """"""""""Syrian"""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""refugees""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" would be untouchable.

swear i've got a bit of korsakoffs syndrome

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Don't say so in America, they will give you 4 scripts and a free AR-15, Bruv.

It's comfy listening to a radio show knowing that the rest of Brit/pol/ is listening to it

I've thought this before, luckily it always got better. What makes you think you've got it?

i just googled britpol calories without thinking

Someone just posted her nudes in the other thread. Titlet. How about you?

I wonder who the most fucked-up person on brit/pol/ is. I know we've got some proper sad acts hanging around

Eddie, no fucking doubt

Nah he's just a boring alcy, we've got enough of those to fill a church hall. I wonder if there's anyone who literally has no life outside these threads at all. I think yktd was headed that way but to his credit he shook himself out of it and left

it wasnt as hard as youd think, motivation is important, being forced into work/socialising is a bit different from actively seeking it.
shits tough though, sucks being broke, feel like im 10 steps ahead of some of the cunts i work with in terms of brains but it doesnt count for much when youve spent a decade doing as little as possible.

and yeah, having a normal tea was nice, been a rough week, dinner last night was frozen garlic bread and a tin of beans lol

i'll put myself forward:

>no friends
>never had sex sober
>drama degree from bottom ten uni
>work minimum wage
>hated by all my colleagues
>compulsive liar
>terrible eyesight
>still have a superiority complex
>my siblings are all phd students

Do you think YKTD will ever return? It's been fucking ages now

somehow out of all of that, manlet seems the worst, how tall are you?

I'm getting back in the world as well, slowly. I suppose you just have to remember people manage to have a life after being in prison for decades and such, so it can be done. Still feel like an alien around people at work though

>drama degree
Is that you, Stalker?

>He who binds to himself a joy
>Does the winged life destroy
>He who kisses the joy as it flies
>Lives in eternity’s sunrise

BEND OVER Blackadder

>compulsive liar

for some reason this strikes me as incredibly funny. the poison dwarf

>drama degree
how many times a day do you ask yourself why