The fellas are back with a new video that is oddly inspiring and very positive admist all this alt-right homo weenie drama.
Yes, I'm a shill don't hate.
The fellas are back with a new video that is oddly inspiring and very positive admist all this alt-right homo weenie drama.
Yes, I'm a shill don't hate.
Other urls found in this thread:
the only group with peak optics who is not gay
no other alt-right group comes even close
horse right
we need to see this widespread throughout the USA
how do they present outside of physical appearance?! Specifically family and spouses?
not trying to hate on them but it's good to build a community that's more than just a crew.
well addressing the youth to do irl and be healthy is the first step in my opinion.
I agree but most of those guys looked naturally healthy and fit so it's more maintenance, competition and comradery at this point.
they need to self improve in every aspect of life. Financial, familial and especially craftsmanship.
If I could give some advice I'd add a couple days a week were they create things and expand their reach through that method.
agreed, good advice
If you're a member or can communicate to them .. I would suggest a nature hike into the more remote regions of the area (no cellphones), graphic design projects and perhaps starting their own business.
my pre workout
take care brother. war until victory
thanks for a share, i think i can dm them
wait , I have more advice lmao
get their sisters and other females involved in this lifestyle but into more feminine activities. sort of a BDM organization
These will form more naturally, but women are apolitical.
meant for you
dont be making fun on kettleball exercises
>Yes, I'm a shill don't hate.
honest OP?
that's some homo shit. go kill arabs like we do
you genocide whites
I don't think it should be overtly politically (for the female side). More of building a community, necessary skills and support system for them too. Better that they engage in positive activities with like minded people than sending snap chat vids to Stacey of her smoking weed with T-aquarius.
There are a lot of examples of these type of women communities in the nationalists' movement of Europe. Something we can imitate and learn from
nope ill practice and get in shape by killing your kids
They lost and will lose every time in the appreciable future., you can't start a political movement based on being a nigger even with le 56% meme it doesn't work.
Maybe in china it would work if chinese reidentified based on a growing urban movement.
the tension
i have to disagree that the nationalist mma scene is growing.
it used to be thought at home but mothers have neglected their most important job, teacher and example setter. Maybe an older member, preferably married mother could do a one a week meet up with the younger girls and just teach them things.
Homeschooling communities are huge in USA but i hear are difficult to justify in europe because of policy
i think i confused Revolutionary Action Movement the precursor to black panthers and courthouse standoffs with Rise Above Movement a white power movement from the late 2000's. I thought they were some reinvention of antifa
>i think i confused Revolutionary Action Movement the precursor to black panthers and courthouse standoffs with Rise Above Movement a white power movement from the late 2000's. I thought they were some reinvention of antifa
hell no hahahaha
I’ve been inspired to get a shirt to larp around my apartment if they sell them but no way am I working out anytime soon
apparently they are coming out with a website for apparel
so how fat are you? pathetic.
at least he is honest of being lazy
Pretty cool but gay tattoos
this is homosexual as fuck
okay leaf
Belton can
language canada, it's fucking
>blocks your path
>jews hate muslims
>good goy " nationalists " hate muslims
So the jew is smiling when looking at this.
>>good goy " nationalists " hate muslims
The fuck is wrong with you usa? You used to be cool... Just get out there and bomb someone already, stop this gay bullshit. It's time for another war you are all gay and retarded when you aren't at war.
They seem pretty cool, but I remember reading somewhere that they're almost all ex-cons. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a fed or two among them.
What if they're all feds?
they are not doing anything illegal as far I know getting into a self *hmnf* defense situation is not against the law
they only defend people from antifa
Yeah, but aren't they them damn European style socialists?
bro you're thinking about the antifa groups
Bump you guys do good work, should be taking baseball bats to antifa but still good
no fed posting haha
Wish there was a R.A.M group up Western WA
There kind of is, but it's nothing big and open as they are.
It's a MM reference
Any way I can get in contact with them?
>not realizing that there's a huge overlap between IE and RAM
Linking to another important thread Please stop by if you could
they work in different capacities.
Love that they are showing such spirit in a place as pozzed as cali, too.
There's a huge overlap in membership though. Why do you think so many RAM guys were with Nathan at Berkeley?
>There's a huge overlap in membership though. Why do you think so many RAM guys were with Nathan at Berkeley?
because so many people were at berkely
Nathan was with them constantly, in literally every photo. Like 50% or more of RAM is in IE as well.
>tfw no anti-communist bros to train with
I love that RAM and even non-political groups like Wolves of Vinland exist. Most young men who're not in a tight-knit community (pretty much all young Westerners) should seek out like-minded men like these groups have been doing.
Amazing work we need more communities like this ! How did they manage to get so much young guys, we have develloped the same idea in France with a website called "Suavelos" but most of the members are in their 40s/50s and are a bit outcasts
God dam I need me some Stoney so swag
>How did they manage to get so much young guys
This is a good question.
local alt right group meets
I live in flyover, I have no trouble finding like minded guys my age for stuff like this. But for guys where speech/organization is actively surpressed by the state wouldn't that be difficult?
>not a single fat bastard or skinhead
As it should be.
do you know about the flyover group
No. I'm not in any group atm.
the flyovers group exist in the midwest they're active
I'll start looking around user. The only existing group I actually know of is a small Wolves of Vinland chapter just north of me, aside from the longstanding biker gangs that run prostitution and drugs in the cities around me. I'd love to be apart of something anti-drug and anti-zog like RAM
>that quarter squat
Good video up until that point
R.A.M. are fucking rad. I'm on the board of College Republicans at UC Berkeley and we could not have gotten away with half the shit we do without their support.
I was hoping they were gonna do something with that molotow can.
>I'm on the board of College Republicans at UC Berkeley
Nice bro, much love for you guys
Join IE. It will almost certainly have a chapter near you.
The Wolves seem pretty cool. I might be moving back to Nashville in the next year or so and I plan to go check out the gym and BJJ studio that they're friends/affiliated with. Some of them moved there right after I left which sucks, I'd like to meet them.
>false hermeneutic of gay suspicion
Oh wow, a cucked soy leaf. Didn't suspect this
Good to see them staying active. I'm looking forward to another fun summer for streams on the West Coast
Where are they based out of? I live in California.
In Cali, most of them are in SoCal.
I can't find a website. What are the stated goals?
How do I join?
Lol, their opsec is a bit tighter than
>hello fellow white nationalists! I'm here to join
Get vetted fsggot
Galveston Texas here. I wanna RAM
Ok. Well I mean there is a video with all their faces and tats on it so that's not exactly high opsec. But I was just curious what they're about other than boxing.
Yeah, but they're open about that shit, mang. Not everyone is. Also they're all vetted. Get off Sup Forums, either go find a pool party or book club in your area and talk to them
They have posters saying "DA GOYIM KNOW"
Death to both of them, tolerate no one.
is there a canada chapter?
RAM isn't a real membership organization in the way a lot of people on Sup Forums think it is. It's much more of a social/workout club. Your best way to them is to join IE, because CA IE has a lot of overlap with RAM. Plus, IE has a well established vetting method, while TRS and bookclubs still vary a lot on that.
haha how he face get so little
R.A.M. is only based out of southern california. they dont seem to have any desire to expand.
Sadly this.
They should look into expanding into all the western states.
from what they said, its difficult to monitor expansion chapters, especially when you're trying to exercise a certain optic and standard