Baked Alaska stated that Blaire White is clean down there now, (during irl stream) she cut her penis off. Blaire is no longer a trap but a mutilated faggot now.
Baked Alaska stated that Blaire White is clean down there now, (during irl stream) she cut her penis off...
>mentally ill faggot further mutilates himself
why is this a thread? sage
>she cut her penis off
It is only threadworthy when it kills itself. Maybe not even then.
How would Faked Alaska know? And if this is true, I have lost all respect for Blaire White and no longer consider her /ourgirl/.
fuck off faggot
What fucking board am I on? Why is this shit allowed
Obligatory. I hope her faggy weirdo boyfriend enjoys the smell.
So she's not a liberalist?
Maybe because 2 seconds later he showed up on stream with him. Then said it saying he told him
There's nothing wrong with that anus, those legs, the tits, and sans dick this thing is utterly buttsquirtable. I'd buttsquirt it.
Nasty, hope it kills itself ASAP.
No more Jennifer Lawrence threads pls
While Blair is no longer pitching a tent between her legs, she IS helping to pitch the tent that makes the GOP the new BIG TENT party.
What do you think of that, pol?
When trannies cut off their dingus they lose everything that makes them special. A lot of straight men are disgusted by vaginas and would happily date a woman with a penis. This has been proven throughout history. It's the best solution for pedophiles, too, since trannies essentially look like prepubescent boys
Got a link and time stamp friend?
why is this so much more arousing than a real woman to me
Because traps are literally angelic and divine, while women/vaginas are of the devil.
Literally who the fuck cares about this six piece chicken mcnobody. Sage.
Quick kill me now! I.... got aroused by that.... thing. C-can't continue living like this now.... cannot unsee...
Sup Forums and Sup Forums in one webm
The cock is the only thing that makes a tranny appealing. No one wants a mutilated make-shift vagina.
Maybe because you are dumb human trash that that cant even controll their urges and dont even have the slighest spark of discipline and completely without honor.
not sure why any of you normie mutants would listen to anything this transtard has to say about anything ever.
Only sudoku can save my honor now....
You never had honor, also you killing yourself would be an insult to all people that commited suicide.
Uncle Alex??????
>using nujack
Yeah, you deserve death
...y-you are right! I am...trash...
Plz abuse me goshujinsama!!!
Is this a pic of Blair White?
Baked Alaska publish your sex video with her please
Speaking of fucked up genitle mutilation
>"clean" down there
>she cut her penis off
>no longer a trap but a mutilated faggot now
if true, ab-so-lute-ly fucking degenerate...
and her faggot bf will dump "her" like a sack of mutilated shit without as much as a by your leave... you watch -- no point being a made in china roastie knock-off
If you did nofap/no porn for ~90 full days, your future self would be rightfully disgusted at how low you sank. It's a better place user, stop ruining your brain with pron.
one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history... up there with the final scenes in Heat and Last of the Mohicans
>literal fucking kino
Does nofap = nosex(with wife)?
How does he know ?
>being so abjectly and irredeemably worthless to the species, as to measure discipline by not rubbing one off for a few days
put a shotgun in your mouth, pathetic fucking loser