Why are so many college professors liberals?

We’re acsdemics always this way?

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Conservatives are too selfish to teach, not to mention too stupid (despite the fact teaching is one of the easiest jobs in the world)

>we can do hard things

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Those are sister missionaries for the LDS church. It’s not a liberal intention. It’s serving a mission which is usually a difficult thing to do.

T. Mormon

Because they're intelligent.

Cute missionaries except the fat ties

Being brainwashed for years in Jewish Marxist backed education institutions and watching Jewish media is an excellent measure of political intelligence.

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"college", that's why.
College in cucked countries is basically a belief reinforcement system that bluepills everyone even more.

Go to a good university not a fucking liberal college.

>decreeing that everything that contradicts his views is somehow Jewish
>being this deluded

>we can do hard things

They all said with full use of limbs/senses and are overweight.

The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.

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Not exactly, liberal professors can have high IQ but it could indicate good memory/mathematical abilities, it doesn't mean they have good political/verbal abilities, so people think high IQ means high intelligence in everything which is bullshit.

Because they entirely reason with emotion and therefore are the best to repeat the Jewish lies they make the kids believe.

One of the things a good education gives you, is the knowledge that people of all races and socioeconomical backgrounds can do great things and that the thing stopping them are corporate induced prejudices.

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long hard things

Because of the jews.

The Frankfurt School & all the Marxist subversion are the main source of the pozz in academia and media, and the insane SJWs we see today.

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??? Did you forget to meme flag?

Based Ted.

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This guy was such a fucking genius


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The jew is allowed to tell the truth when in their own holy land. It's a strange loophole to the curse on their devil tongues.

Do my dick

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Yet shitskins who live in developed countries and have easy access to all the facilities the Whites installed still transform the places they're in in open dumps and rely on social aids.
This is also why White minorities in your shithole of a continent are the most successful.
A good sheep will stupidly ingest the Jewish lies, a rational mind will judge the facts as they are even if they displease at first.
That is why these dumb, emotional women who cry as soon as they see a picture of a skinny nigger or a rapefugee child will never consider the racial prism which allows you in fact to understand issues of plenty of conflictual societies.

Not my dick, ugly hags

Ah...had to ask.

>we can do hard things
Unless that thing is “even”

What is this, your Jewish tea-party thread?
Just give up, men. Give it up for God.

"those who cannot do, teach"

OP you're an idiot. Those are mormon missionaries that are talking about how hard it is to preach the gospel to filthy degenerates that most of the world is. Their sign has nothing to do with feminism or anything liberal in anyway. Completely taken out of context. Look at their black name tags and how they are dressed? Conservative and modest.

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Tell the blacks to go back to Africa. They can have fun succeeding in a black majority.

Did ted write that?


Figures the dress meant they were at work.

>t. Corporate brainwashed retards that seriously believe that capitalism it's human nature.

Public schools are funded by the government. If you are a teacher or professor you get money from the government. Most people tend to build their political ideology around their life situation. This way you get much more liberals in public office just by design.

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>those who can’t do, teach.
A lot of professors could not survive outside of academia and are unhireable in private sector industry.
Exceptions include some STEM professors, who are likely conservative at a much higher rate than non-STEM professors - especially engineering professors.

They Eat, Sleep and Breath the lies they have been taught since birth. It would be funny to watch them tremble at an overwhelming number of darkies confronting them over their white privilege.

I'm on your side, Jude.

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Only the shit-tier degree professors are.


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ask him, he knows

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You have no idea how bad things really are, do you?
Here's a suggestion to start you on your path: Bill Ayers, aka communist domestic terrorist from the Weather Underground, was responsible for the public school curriculum during decades. It's on his wiki.

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I guess they are Mormons and not feminists

First, learn how to spell before you start throwing stones cletus.

Second, a place where conservative minds gather already exists. It's called church.

A bunch of fat old men and women standing and sitting, chanting and singing, doing whatever the man with the microphone instructs them to do, all in unison. They stand in line to get symbolically drowned, or to eat their symbolic human sacrifice.

A place that's supposed to represent new ideas is a complete anathema to the conservative mind, because conservative minds are filled with the same tired ass ideas we've heard ad infinitum, no matter how stupid or backwards they are.

Don't believe me? Mercury was the preferred, traditional method of curing syphilis for almost 500 years. It's kill/cure ratio was 6/1. Wiping your bare ass with your left hand is still the traditional method of hygiene to shitskins. God knows how many pathogens are spread from their traditional values.

Because you have to be a mouthbreathing retard to be a conservative. That, or you are probably exploiting more retarded conservatives for profit (see: limbaugh, hannnity, trump, etc)

Here is a red pill for ya: "the Frankfurt school" and cultural Marxism


good grief this guy was Sup Forums before we existed.

the rise in liberal teachers in education is also linked to the rise in teachers that have sexual relations with their students.
Liberals became teachers because for the sole purpose of satisfying their prurient passions.

>fundamentally misunderstanding what cultural marxism is

i feel pity for children like you. if i was one of your parents id probably kill myself knowing i failed my kid so badly

Where intellect abounds, the right wing has no place

Many of the professors I had were actual retired engineers, or left engineering because it's boring.
>work on this tiny segment of a giant cool machine
>never see machine, just program boolean logic gates all day every day for 16 hours a day.
That type of work is for ant people and zombies.

Who cares? Why should we give a shit about professors?

yeah seriously, school is a liberal meme. universities and "higher education" are just liberal brainwashing.

They can barely get me hard.

sage. not even professors. mormon missionaries.

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I guess they mean "difficult"? Morons and their low English...

>"Those who cannot do, teach"

It takes a special kind of retard to choose a smaller paycheck. It takes a special kind of crazy to want the career that needs 4 years of graduate (ontop of your 4 years undergraduate) courses to get a PhD, just to be eligible to get a job teaching/researching at institutions you just spent 8 years paying for, with no real world experience. It takes a special kind of immature manbabby to be choose a sheltered school life from the age of 8 til he is middle aged and beyond.

tl;dr appeals to low IQ drones, aka democrats

The adage is that those who can’t do, teach.

Tbh I find some of them so attractive, especially with their clothes. I like this modest, traditional-looking style, even if it can turn ugly very rapidly if not well done (like the one on the far-right).
I'd marry from left to right: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10.
Even 5 or 8 if I had to.

Because they're lazy and teaching is the easiest job on earth

Watch this and you'll know. They call it the long march through the institutions
tl;dw The Soviet Union caused modern liberalism by manipulating Western academics to shill for communism. Eventually enough academics were won over that they became the majority in universities. These same academics then proceeded to bar anybody from joining them that wasn't a Marxist which effectively turned western universities into echo chambers for "liberal" (leftist) thought.

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The paycheck isn't even all that small. Teachers are doing better than the majority of the private sector. Cozy pensions, retirement plans, health insurance, you name it. Thank the tax payer! What? Saving money? Haha, we're teachers! What do we look like? We don't need to save for our own retirement because stupid tax payers will foot the bill!

Because they get 6 figure salaries and retirement funded by the tax payer. They do not actually need to create value to generate revenue it literally just falls in their laps.

I teach millwright, pipefitter, and steamfitter apprenticeship programs at a trade school. Almost all of the teachers at the school are very conservative if not borderline libertarian. We all collectively hate the general studies area of our school as it is a liberal filled cesspool. Not all teachers are bad.

oh i bed they can

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lets go boys

no give me the giantess on the right

because long march through institutions

We should make Ted the Sup Forums mod


They're out of touch with reality. Their world is built on acting smart in front of others, desperately trying to look unique, and desperately trying to appeal to their students


all we need to do is remove communist

Fucking russian roulette. Roll!

I believe it from the last girl, not from the rest.

Damm that girl can chop trees for a leaving with no problem.

wtf is wrong with women

Those are Mormon missionaries, retard.

they are desperate for approval - all the time - for their entire lives

"we can do hard things" (too)

The can all sit on hard things

because they are fags

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academia is full of shit

She looks kinda cute actually
still, not into snoo snoo

can i get a source for this? did he write this in a book?

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try goog it's proablyb from his manifesto

>we can do hard things
[insert hard dicking joke here]

I have my doubts.

typically people who end up as college professors are in some for autistic

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They have a propensity to hire people ideologically similar to themselves.

They might be intelligent, but intelligent people are not necessarily intellectually brave.

As an academic (and you can guess the kind of bullshit this means in a country like Brazil), I'd say funding goes a long way in turning the ideology of some place into X or Y. In my country many of the entrepreneurs are too dumb (but at the same time not stimulated) to invest in applied research, so it is mostly left to public investment. As the cesspool of corruption that it is, government focus too much on the humanities (Law of course gets the biggest slice of the cake), the private sector follows suit, and we end up in a society of rentiers and other leeching "rich people" that are only rich in assets but do not generate any wealth at all.

In this highly corrosive environment, STEM and otherwise "market-progressive" fields STILL don't get funding, but rather what gets even more funding is the "safe opposition" to what people believe to be the evil of the moment. In the case of Brazil, leftist academia is heavily funded by rich rentiers who believe right-ish academia is stepping on their proverbial governmental toes. This conflict is actually not truly economical because both sides are leeching off of government grants, it is merely ideological and a mere ways of diverting attention from true issues.

And I'd claim the same is true, somewhat, for your first world academia. It has been entrapped in ideology that is meant to be "fake opposition" to rent-based economics, so that said economics can perpetuate itself without worrying about protests from the intellectual caste. It only so happens that, in your case, your rentiers are a bit smarter and actually want to thrive on technological development and such.

They're not, at least not in non-meme degrees. If you're in STEM you'll be hard-pressed to find a liberal professor.

Sounds like the engineering version of code monkeys. The engineering professors at my school did a lot of consulting on the side, including being expert witnesses at trials. Being a professor was good for marketing pirposes as it gave them an air of credibility. Doubt many made the majority of their income from the university.

Glad they admit to be able to handle brutal boners.

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>Do hard things
Always looking for cock i see

Rejecting conservative women based on looks
- Either teenager, faggot, virgin or all

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Pretty much this. Conservatives are usually not interested in teaching unless it's teaching their children