>The farming district of eShowe in KwaZulu-Natal is currently plagued by violent protests that have led to the torching of a farm.
>TimesLIVE reports that the protest broke out after a man who was fishing on a farm dam was shot dead. According to reports, the residents believe he was shot by security guards.
>Police spokesperson Captain Mbongeni Mdlalose confirmed that the 30-year-old man had been on the farm property during the incident.
>“There is an allegation that the man was fishing in a dam on one of the farms in the area when he was confronted by officials from a security company who patrol the area. There was a shooting and the man was killed‚” he said.
>Following the incident, angry residents from the local community gathered and blocked two roads in an act of retribution.
>“They had blocked the road completely and we had to call in our members from the public order policing unit. We managed to disperse them and they left the area‚” Mdlalose said.
>“The story got out that a farmer had shot the man so they went to a farm outside eShowe and torched a sugarcane plantation and a farm house. Even now the farm house is burning‚” he told TimesLIVE.
>Police also confirmed that one of the security guards has been detained and will appear in the eShowe Magistrate’s court on Friday.
>With initial reports falsely reporting that a boy was killed, it is not yet fully clear how that affected the community’s mobilisation.
>With the South African farming community facing concerns over land expropriation, social media has been abuzz with alleged pictures from the protest. As usual, some of the language used was particularly appalling.
>Police in the area are still trying to bring the situation under control.
Protesters Set South African Farm Ablaze In “Act Of Retribution” After Shooting
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Fuck white South Africans.
>instead of killing the farmers and taking the farms for themselves, niggards just burn the farms and all the crops
I would really despise niggards if there were any over here.
That is the point, you did not take over a country that was not yours for the Brit pedo royalty.
No monarchy in history ever gave a fuck about the people. Let it all burn
Actually we took over more land than we know what to do with. Our "colonies" just happen to be all in one big blob.
Still, you were smart enough to exterminate those you took over.
Fucking moron south africans did not do a complete job...fuck em.
what a contribution.
Treating races like we're all the same is the biggest mistake of civilized people
Fuck brown inherently corrupt spics who can't help but line their pockets whenever they get a chance so they never develop a secure society because of the inherent nature of these savage spics.
1)Brazilians are not Spics
2)I am Japanese Brazilian
3)still does not change the fact that white south africans are fucking hobos that were sent to secure land for the crown and they left them behind when shit hit the fan
White people are fucking retarded enough to believe that their royalty will stick with them once they have lost the territory
There is a reason Asians are smarter than white people, you cunts can't see the forest from the trees. Good riddance to white tools.
I am Japanese Brazilian. Not a turk...uneducated indonesian
Where do the Dutch Voortrekkers fall into your British pedo royalty rant?
And does a Brazilian hybrid really have any claim to the land and resources of Brazil? The indigenous are very deracinated and estranged from the old ways
I am not a hybrid, I am a third generation Japanese.
The Dutch and the Brit cucks both have the crown to thank for getting cucked in their lands
>Japanese Brazilian
Ohhh my sides! What level of irony is this?
Also, enjoy your tiny dick. You japs operate like ant people. Try not to kill yourself.
Brazil has the largest population of Japanese people outside of Japan...read a book, get educated.
>muh dick
I thought iceland did not have negro tier intelligence
i hope you get culturally enriched by a black Brazilian mongoloid insect
The founding dates of the other main Jewish communities were: Port Elizabeth, 1862, Kimberley, 1875, Durban, 1883, Johannesburg, 1887 and Pretoria, 1890.
"the crown" what the actual fuck are you talking about you deranged monkey?
nope, we are smart enough to have created our own enclaves..100+ years and going strong. We are part of the 1% of Brazil and live amongst the insects as their masters.
I am Japanese, potato eater.
Go praise the queen of the English
Don't kys.
Kill your parents, and suffer.
Death is a solace for you.
Rapist deserve more kindness.
I praise my parents for bestowing upon me a higher intelligence than the white insect slaves
You legitimately sound retarded.
you stole the farm land of S.Africa, now we are taking it back, we are willing to let you live on it, with us, as equals, in spite all the things you did.
here are the new rules. we all work the land, we all eat from the land. we Communixe the land.
this is the only way out for both you and us that does not involve bloodshed
Lol ikr
the poor Y PEPO... white crypto kikes want help now, but only after 200 years of forcing the niggars into mundane boring meager slave lives
Kek hope they are all raped and burned to death
Fucking crypto Kikes the boers and Afrikaans are. White people belong in Europe not Africa all these white people deserve death
The security guard was black
The owner of the farm that got burned was black
A bunch of black families now don’t have a job
yet have superior Japanese genes and am married to a superior Japanese woman of respect and dignity. I can afford to have children, whilst you await for your brit masters to give you a potato for selling out.
im doing is proposing a way for white africans not to die and continue living on the land, not as masters -those times are over anyway - but as equals, as fellow human beings who work the land and eat off of it
Poor soul, you can barely muster command of your language. How sad that you need to resort to Internet speak to get your lame point across.
Go away white insect.
Preto de merda
We wuz japs and sheeeit
Japanese, my unibrow fish monger
Man nogs really want to get the famine going dont they
that's like saying that if the slave tills the master then the slave is now unemployed.
you, my sir, are talking bullshit
Nigga I'm black like you
Fuck Niggers are dumb as hell.
>We want the land whites aren't using!
>Hang out on in use structure behind a fence
>steal wildlife from land that's in use
>Confront security
>Threaten them
>Get shot
>HE dindu nuffin!
>Lets burn down our own food during a famine/doubt, that will show those rich white land owners.
yet 90% of /pol wishes they could have a Japanese wife....
Sad insects..go give your foreskin to your masters
They burned the farm down dip shit, what they gonna do with burned fields and no masta?
"superior Japanese genes" Jesus fucking Christ. Please keep going
Why the fuck should anybody even need to know about some trivial immigration in the shithole melting pot that is Brazil?
This stupid chink clearly caught toxoplasma while growing up.
Nothing is more hilarious than a dumb chink, socially inept, physically weak and stupid, funny combo.
I am Japanese, not black.
But I do respect your people more than the whites as you have taken their women away from them. They prefer to be with real men, the blacks than to live with pathetic white insects
90% of Sup Forums are against race mixing you el insectoamto.
they gonna replant. thats like saying to a prisoners in a prison to not burn the prison because this is their home ...
come on man, stop bullshiting yourself
Fight back against your white brit masters and free yourself of the tyranny.
You are not white and should be proud of this fact. The Irish are superior to the white clowns
That is Spanish....of some kind, my uneducated friend.
>as equals
Are monkeys equal to humans now?
>You are not white and should be proud of this fact. The Irish are superior to the white clowns
okay, enough pol for today. The shills here are becoming a serious nuisance bullshitting threads left and right
I did not create this thread, mr meme flag.
If anybody is the nuisance here, it is your cowardly ass.
if they cant be then monkey kills man, which makes the monkey Superior
true that. we came here with a gun in one hand and the bible in the other.
>one day the headlines will read "South Africa calls for aid as catastrophic famine worsens"
You should have clean the place out instead of having to deal with their dumb fucking asses.
Now you either clear out of finish the job you were supposed to do in the first place.
That fucking simple.
God bless you.
you yourself are a colonized white nigger
russia colonized itself, ever heard of gulags?
You fucking dumb are you? Stupid chink doesn't even know basic Sup Forums memes.
That toxoplasma really did a number on you, must be hard being a chink with a double digit IQ.
SA is going to end up like Zimbabwe soon. White farmers will be driven out. Then the country will starve because nogs can't figure out farming or long term planning. The gov. will try and lease the land back to the farmers.
lol we wont be leaving. there is going to be a war here.
>With the South African farming community facing concerns over land expropriation, social media has been abuzz with alleged pictures from the protest.
>alleged pictures from the protest.
>the protest.
They rallied a mob and burnt their house down to the ground. That's not a "protest" that's mob violence. Holy shit the media is so fucking corrupt.
ooga booga
Are you stockpiling weapons? Do your white friends have guns?
will you just take a picture and date it, we'll just keep harrassing you untill proofs...
Good, these savages obviously can't govern their own state.
Does the "average"/die antwoord type white south African support being cuckolded and governed by these "blacks"?
no i dont stockpile weapons. i cant shoot 20 guns at the same time.
everyone i know is armed.
i dont personally know any afrikaans speaking white thats a lefty. The lefties are mostly young english and jewish.
What are you doing in Brazil asshole? Why don't you go back to Japan and stop trying to colonize other countries.
Is Japan just too big of a piece shit to go back to?
Maybe whites down there should work together for segregation, if the want to keep some land for themselves.
The hordes are coming closer and closer.
>we all eat from the land
toppest of kekers, that worked really well everywhere else in africa
White people are a plague that need to die, good luck for the brothers and sisters in South Africa
You eat dogs though.
Chinks are the lowest denominator in south Africa, they're hated by blacks, more so than white people.
They'd actually raped your chubby soy ass if get cornered by these blacks and then they would kill you.
>be japanese
>White People are fucking retarded, your royalty is betraying you
>gets 2 nuclear bombs up the ass because of retarded japanese royalty
you must have >90 IQ to post here
Stop embarrassing yourself.
no luck involved. your brothers and sisters will be driven back to the congo.
> (You)
>Chinks are the lowest denominator in south Africa, they're hated by blacks, more so than white people.
I'm not a chink
I've seen city of god, and liveleak so I know how savage you brown brazil afromutts really are.
>I did not create this thread, mr meme flag.
>If anybody is the nuisance here, it is your cowardly ass.
What would be funny is if native Brazilians realize what pieces of shit you are, round you all up and shoot you. You never know.
We must meme this, the Brazilians deserve to know who's jewing them into oblivion.
Brazilian ""Japanese"" aren't welcome back in grorious Nippon. They are the cunt-eye version of Amerimutts.
>sent to secure land for the crown
Oops. I guess someone doesn't know the history of south africa. Ever heard of jan van riebeeck?
Huh? This whole time I thought kek was derived from WoW. I learned something today user.
would love to see a pic of the security guard what done it.
>white man farms land that niggers just piss and shit on
>niggers get blasted some years later because muh revolutionism culture the Jews spread
>White man needs to suddenly share his crop and fortune, in the same place you fucking idiots refuse to do anything with.
Still not sharing my hard work with you, you fucking savages.
Listen to yourself. Do people in civilized countries make death threats against a minority because their jealous?
nigger logic
Nope, japas are based. Baitmasters in every sense
Treating niggers as if they were humans was the biggest mistake of the Amerimutts
and then the food voucher nigs dont get to eat a weeks rations...
full sunbaked retard logic
your end is near
the white race is dying, good bye
>Do people in civilized countries make death threats against a minority because their jealous?
what is you race?
my race is Smack
What gun should I get?
Eventually, the media is going to cross the Uncanny Valley completely, and we're gonna see some shit. It's gonna be soon.
Must be "punk rock af" to hold such corporate/establishment ideas.
Keep trucking and sticking it to the man, the "bad" whites that is.
First FUD Mud Blood
Look at the Haitian Revolution. Ignoring eveything else part of the reason why Haiti was so fucked afterwards was that during the initial rebellions the slaves destroyed a lot of the sugar refinining machinery. Since sugar was Haiti's main export they basically destroyed their entire economy.
got em