German Teen Murdered by Asylum Seeker After She Refused to Convert to Islam

A German teenager was found dead this week and her Afghan failed asylum seeker boyfriend has been arrested on suspicion of killing her; her friends claim he was angry she would not convert to Islam.

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Other urls found in this thread:

religion of peace, all.

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Ha. I made that image like 2 years ago. So proud.

Why do the krauts keep voting for this bitch?

Because their altruism is being weaponized against themselves

It's a real gem. Good job user.

thank you for your service!

Attached: ckem.jpg (432x444, 196K)

Dating men from the Middle East who aren't Christians is a bad idea. She won't make that mistake again ;-)

Serves her right.

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Have a free (You)

>Afghan failed asylum seeker boyfriend

Toll status: Paid in full.

It's really good work.

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We need another Crusade

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have a (you)

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Where are the fathers of these young teenagers allowing them to go with fucking muzzie scum? They must know that we live similar to a war time and daughters must not be allowed to just go with anyone out there, especially not the invaders.

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Attached: Fury as German primary school ‘forces’ children to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Muslim prayer.png (610x3842, 2M)

ty ty ty for doing what my lazy ass didn't want to

something something racism islamophobia something something daddy issues

Attached: Integration Commissioner Says German Culture Does Not Exist, ‘Diversity Is Nation’s Strength’. (608x2028, 754K)

Attached: Jews around world concerned by far-right breakthrough in German election.png (951x3232, 1.85M)

wow, disgusting racist bitch deserved it.

Attached: Outrage as convicted German rape gang WALK FREE from court despite leaving victim, 14, for dead – (649x4241, 3.11M)

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Attached: German Dentists Warn Treating Migrant’s ‘Catastrophic’ Teeth Will Cost Tax Payer BILLIONS.png (666x1686, 368K)

>killed by her Afghan failed asylum seeker boyfriend

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Attached: School Warns Parents To Dress Daughters Modestly To Avoid Offending Muslim Refugees.png (702x2615, 793K)

Attached: REPORT Locals Fled Pool After Migrants Masturbated Into Jacuzzi, Defecated Into Kid's Pool, Inv (601x2106, 948K)

Attached: Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve.png (894x1425, 945K)

>so what country takes in white refugees nowadays?

srsly though?

have a fuck

Why is Europe letting in refugees in from South Asia and North Africa? can someone explain what horrible wars are going on there to justify this? I know for a fact they are letting these counties dump their prison populations into Europe on purpose, these arent just ordinary Muslims thats exactly why they are all young men and only that. They are trying to condition Europe to really hate Muslims more than they already do for a massive war with Iran and Lebanon to finally complete the Greater Israel project

well Poland has taken some Ukrainian refugees, but major country like Germany hasnt and now people are going nuts for Australias proposal to take in white South African refugees, hmmm... really makes me think

toll status: paid

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One less traitor lads.

Breitbart eh? Why do I get the impression that when I google for a German source I will find either nothing or a totally different story? Had this way to often with Breitbart, too lazy to do it again..

>mudpeople never murder
>the German state would never lie to me
>mutti told me so
Just go back to sleep Hans.

Oh hi Shlomo

That was sarcasm you retarded burger.

Autists can't into sarcasm.

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it's a work of art

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The German source is cited in the first paragraph.

Keep your head in the sand you pathetic shill.

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Good on ya

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>A German teenager was found dead this week and her Afghan failed asylum seeker boyfriend-

And nothing of value was lost.

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Burn the coal, pay the toll.

quality bro

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What is that ultra-rare two-flag country?

honestly, no idea.

Oh fugg, I misread that. Ignore previous post.

Why couldn't she just convert to Islam? Degenerate whore.

anyone else think changing religion for sex is the most cucked thing you can do