Why would a Jew boldly say this out in the open? Can't Jews resist subverting themselves?

Why would a Jew boldly say this out in the open? Can't Jews resist subverting themselves?

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Did something happen to the Israeli posters here? They used to be somewhat funny, and gladly played up Le Happy Merchant stereotype. Now, they're a bunch of smug, assblasted faggots. Better to just filter their flag entirely.

He wouldnt say it in the oven

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The realized that things got real
Their smugness is just a mask to hide their fright

And suddenly the dog trapped in the corner bites back. Oy vey, how could this happen. Again.

Relax, I don't like Jews either, but their women are sexy as fuck.

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While I have my doubts, I do hope you're right. Also...
>first Israeli post I see since writing that message

all they say is Ahmed. Its sad

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she has no forehead

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Fuck she's hot

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i want to make a million jew babies with her.

>Jew larps on Sup Forums
>wow this is true!
The absolute state of goyim. You do realize that Jews are not exempt from having LARPers, right? The same way when you hear a white poster larping about how “his people” did somethinf great or a black poster larping about we wuz kangz, a Jew poster takes your beliefs and larps with them. “Yeah goyim I’m one of the elders of Zion, just got out of a meeting with my local rabbi on how we’re going to brainwash some whiteys to become trans”. And you actually take it seriously because you’re a retard.


Jokes on them, my entire social circle names them out loud.

we got rid of them all

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What also pisses me off is when you're arguing with a fellow goy over the JQ, they ask for evidence, then you present evidence of Jews admitting to being in control and being destroyers, etc. and they will still completely dismiss it and call you a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

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good taste

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Thats because you aren't arguing with a goy, you're arguing with a Jew larper.

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I forgot to mention that it's also when arguing with family members and friends.

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I remember they always used to be pretty cool. They even had Sup Forums meet ups in Israel.

General rule was diaspora = shit, Israelis = based

Only a retard would say that

they are probably too mad to talk to us ever since syria general got all their mercenaries killed and kept assad in power

early adolescence transexual

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the jew fails to realizes his power lies in the shame of whites not speaking out

once we do they lose it all.......they only have power if we stay quiet

00:03 fucking gold

Jews aren't a hivemind user
Honestly if I were a Jew I'd be rubbing your face in it too. None of this would have been possible if half the white race hadn't so eagerly stabbed the other half in the back in order to be lords of the right side of history.

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EVERYONE on pol needs to read The Invention of the Jewish People. It's one of the few instances of a Jew telling the truth about Zionism.

>actually believing flags on Sup Forums
It cost $20 to buy a Sup Forums pass and shitpost behind a VPN, what makes you so sure this guy isn't just LARPing for the lulz?

But that's their religion you can't call it off as larp because with jews you have a whole nation of larpers where the extremism is the norm

>kike with alium skull is sexy
Get some standards, man

underrated post

>jew has to stand sideways so no one sees her fridge bod

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Read the Invention of the Jewish People. READ IT

>is it fun hating something so much
>is it fun living with a constant hate burning in your soul


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jews overestimate their importance to regular people, if you are considered well thought out articulate educated man you can easily talk open about the jews and how fucking horrible they are and how much they lie, you just have to talk from evidence, say you have nothing against them, you don't even know any jews but you looked into it regarding nepotism, elitism, duel citizenship, marxism, globalism, ect. the information is readily available, you don't want to do someone thinking for them or try to persuade or convince them, just put them on the right track to figure it out for themselves. don't speak from a place of hate but from intellectual curiosity. and boom, anther jew hater is soon born. this is why such a push to censor the internet and "fake news" they don't want goys discussing who is pulling the strings what they have planned. being the replacement and destruction of the white race in their own countries through mass immigration and anit white propaganda. who ones the media? who are the lenders and financiers? who benefits and pushes for war in the middle east? who are the marxist idiologs pushing SJW agendas and calling more multiculturalism, all the evidence of their words and crimes are easily available so now they want to cover it up and shut it down so to speak.

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"Gal" Gadot is a tranny. The face is obvious.

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Yeah, now that more people are naming the jew in public, shit just real for them.

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Lol tranny shills are so fucking retarded. Pretty stupid that you think tranny's can actually be passable without massive amounts of makeup and constant image management.

If you can't tell Gal Gadot is a woman you are legitimately a defective faggot

What is he talking about? I say the shit in the out in the open all the time. Redpilled quite a few. I dont say what I say bc Im worried about others opinions, I say it because I mean it. I think that's what makes a man a man, being loyal to oneself.

Isn't that Alicia Vikander?

how to measure angles on an image on the pc?
photoshop is too bothersome

10/10 jew, would burn in oven.

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cry more, homo.

Energetic answer

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If you only knew how much hate I had for kikes. Every time I see one in public I fantasize about throwing gasoline on them and setting them on fire. Children first in front of them if they have them. I like to fantasize from time to time about reaching a new high score with a jewish school. All those young kikes taken out before they can become full parasites. I don't even think of you as human, but as a vermin infestation that plagues the planet as a cancer. Nothing would ever make me more fulfilled then being the one shoveling your kind into the oven. Their screams would only bring me closer and closer to euphoria. I hate you more than you could ever hope to imagine. But soon, as the world begins to wake up, you'll see first hand.

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They honestly (for a jew) thought they'd won. This latest generation was born into a world with completely subdued and subverted goyim, who never utter a word of dissent in public, so to them, that's the goy's natural state. Between that and the ashkenazi superiority complex, it's no wonder they're counting their chickens already.
And now he deleted it, kek.

You're not wrong user. Except 'half' is really a minuscule drop of traitors both halves failed to hang & quarter in the town square.
Who here wouldn't lynch the most toxic 3% of the population. Unintended consequences be damned

Cool story, bro

jewish post revived

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Just know I mean every word. Not a larp, not a shitpost. I never say "kill" jews, only "burn" jews. Traitors are killed. jews have to burn. As your family screams out in agony, I'll be laughing at them for not dying fast enough.

Does he actually believe this? Sucks for him because I use every opportunity to name and blame the jew irl and online... I keep it in the consciousness of everyone I can

Why do the kikes even bother deleting their posts?

Dude I can go full antisemitic on the street and in company of friends, and it passes as okay.

Aww, I love you too.

Didn't Putin even name the Jew a few days ago?

It's funny. Was just having lunch with my super-liberal mom the other day and decided to test the water with her by pointing out the "fellow white people" trend. Without even batting an eye, she goes "What? Jews aren't white."

Haha! Sounds like we're winning user
And I'm not tired of it yet
Not by a long shot

>he think antisemitism is rare
ive found that most people have at least wariness or distrust of jews, even if they aren't completely antisemitic. Many US jews are also critical of israel, and every year the number of jews that support israel decreases.

Yep. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

>that nose
really cant get into it desu

and how frustrating is it for you to be filled with all that hate, and yet out in the real world you have to crawl on the floor to beg a jew to lend you money or to give you a job?

They always have really dead sunken in heroin eyes

C a u g h t i t

Don't give me a boner user

>and yet out in the real world you have to crawl on the floor to beg a jew to lend you money or to give you a job?
I don't live in Hollywood.

Exactly. There are plenty of ways of making this happen, even if the majority does not support it, but mentality is shifting anyway.

How frustrating it must be to know that another holocaust can happen at any moment and that you brought it on yourselves. Again.

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>getting so mad by a shitpost that you had to make another thread about it

Grug hate longnose tribe...

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sorry bong but you are wrong. they aren't really "trannies" in the traditional sense, but many models are xy "females". Look up AIS. Examples: Ann Coulter and Jamie Lee Curtis.
AIS people tend to be tall, thing and have big breasts. Phenotypically they look like women from the outside but do not have ovaries or a uterus and in fact have testes that are often surgically removed.

>Pretty stupid that you think tranny's can actually be passable without massive amounts of makeup and constant image management.
You mean the kind of thing a rich celebrity could have?

so you're living in mommy's house. dad left because he hates the bitch, and to escape reality, you target the jews with the rage you have inside from the abandonment by your father. go ahead. contradict me.

first they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

227227, them digits

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I still think my favorite part of this gif is that the Nazi war machine burns itself as well as the Jews.

>threatens with holocaust
>posts meme

please stop. i'm scared now.

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It's the kikes that have eroded our Western Culture to begin with. Using our own mercy against us. God's got something much worse than 40 years in the desert or interbreeding with Turks for two thousand years.

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Sure, but there's also a lot of trolls with Jewish proxies. The sudden resurgence of the flag is fairly recent.

You'll understand once you learn about the uncensored history of world power of the past 300 years. More recently, funding both sides to give a reason for war in Europe (so they could rebuild it) was built on funding both agitators (communists, Antifa) and an enemy (Hitler). The Rothschilds and friends didn't care as much about the peons as long as they strategy would consolidate their resources and control. Israel established: check. European Union formed: check. Total consolidation over international banking: mostly check. New century of (((never forgetting))) victim status to use for future plans into the end game of a one world government (NWO) and non-Jew underclass: check.

Don't mind the fact 100-200 million NON-Jews were slaughtered, raped, enslaved, and tortured from the occult-Zog strategy of communism (funding the Jewish Bolshevik takeover of Russia and funding Mao) to bring it about.

Eternal Victimhood is the ultimate social engineering political tool when you control the entire media (narrative) and increasingly the curriculum in schools.

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Yet, they never wonder why they're persecuted. Why has every nation in history given them the boot? Will Jews ever have a collective "oh, I'm the asshole" realization?

Just think if Sup Forums produced a meme, that will make everyone question the moral authority of (((media))) and (((academia)))?

Sanhedrin 59a

"To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."

And does it even matter, if the "goyim" will do the red-pilling or a kike? (Not that you kikes hide it well these days anyways)

>my mom is a whore
>my dad didnt stay
>......because of jews!

i'm sorry it happened to you. it's not your fault.

Subversion and Marxism. This list is going to get a lot longer one day soon if you and yours keeps up this accelerationist way of thinking.

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>Will Jews ever have a collective "oh, I'm the asshole" realization?
we've been waiting a couple thousand years now
my patience is starting to wear thin

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They still haven't discovered 4plebs or 4chanx, because not a single one of them has read anything here.

>go ahead. contradict me.
Honest question: do you make an effort to be as jewy as possible or
does it just sort of happen on it's own?

Kikes can't help themselves before throwing the snake hommage to satan in a clip that would make succubus proud.

Stop thinking with your cock, user

You really should be. You have no idea how many people hate your kind. It's worse than you think.

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I apologise in the name of those tribesmen who fail to play the part.
I will always (when I'm here on Sup Forums) be happy to play the merchant.
Now forgive me goy, and pay back mr. sheckelstien for the loan

lol I read that as caught tit