FBI official: IG report contains "PURE TNT"
WH user Was Right!!!!
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Never get tired of winning.
Is this the second or third BOOM?
wow its nothing
>Ex-ABC director/agent says something
Better than
>According a source eho is fimiliar with the sources thinking
Too bad the IG doesn't have to power to charge anyone with anything
Nope but Mueller does and they're working together.
Just wait until he mentions the book he just wrote, where you can read all about deep state.
Second special counsel will be responsible for that
Fuck off you pathetic lying faggot
Wrong. Mueller is the special council.
Setting the stage for his book release. You fucking gullible children will believe anything
>The memo is going to blow things up guys anyone who says otherwise is a shill!
Brb micro dosing adderall bihourly for a day or two before I make the deep dive into this bombshell
I would unironically buy WH user's book
Nunes memo just got #2 at the FBI fired and headed for indictment
Q predicted this
>yfw you've been edging for hours and hours while waiting for this one vid to finish downloading it's at 99% complete
Wow and it's fucking nothing
I think its the one with 13 exclamation points.
>shills hate this
Where is it?
What is the IG report?
Go research it you fuckin newfag
Are you saying it's dynomite?
>no release date
>hyped forever
>next month itll be next month
Ok Q
>never get tired of winning
I think you meant: never get tired of waiting
The deep state is always just a day away from getting BTFO.
Tomorrow, goys. Never today, always tomorrow
>it's a boomer cat nip episode
shadow govt. war!wow! hey check out this twitter feed it's a small business from flyover country who's in contact with 'fellow patriots' deep in the viper's nest, he's got all the REAL news the globalists don't want you to know about.
>Mueller is actually a super duper secret agent who left a lifetime of working with the deep state to take them down with Trump
Just kill yourself, faggot. That bullshit theory was fun for a couple weeks like 6 months ago.
None of it adds up. It's as retarded as "Trump hacked the election with Putin and he's going away in handcuffs!"
Just completely insane garbage that no self-respecting person can believe.
>implying the inspector general will never release the IG report
Better flee to Mexico before you're hung traitor
what’s his twadder handle. I need a pure sauce
>did i mention israel and jews are good and a great ally in the middle east??
>sure i know one or two of them can be bad but thats just like us here, everyone has their bad apples
>and btw rothschilds arent even jewish, theyre humanist, do your research. Trust Q!
>wrong, Mueller is the first AND second special counsel
No it didn't. He wasn't fired
The IG report has been hyped for about 6 months. Lots of waiting and waiting.
Hopefully people will wake up when the IG report comes out and there STILL aren't arrests.
Look you fuckin boomer retard - just like #thememo and this IG report and whatever other 20 year old stupid shit Q and the boomer gang push its gonna flop. If the shit you guys push were even fractionally true SOMEONE would be put in jail already. Ill ignore your other precious theories like hillarys wearing a boot to hide her ankle monitor and other shit because you guys are naive enough to think Trump will put away the jewish cabal, putting him on par with the greatest leaders this world has ever seen, possibly number 2 behind Jesus. Sad thing is youve built it up so much its either that or he's a flop, those are the expectations you put forward and why Q has been the most successful psyop of all time.
I love Trump and think he's great for white americas psyche. He's bad on the JQ but that's better than the alternative of Hillary, so he's not ideal but a step in the right direction. It's just sad the expectations theyve put around him are going to cripple him because of retard level conspiracy theories about 900D chess moves against the rothschilds. It was OK that he wasn't that guy but now Q and thw retard gang have made him HAVE to be that guy or he's a failure. Like yeah, we all wish he was but you don't have to bring your fantasies to the table as if he promised to be that guy.
Daily reminder 90% of Q followers unironically believe jews are gods chosen people
brumph is finished for sure this time, this is it for him