jesus , this is what was going through this guys head. I dont get it ,if highschool was what made you depressed but its over ,wouldnt that help you get better. Dont get me wrong after highschool i became very depressed aswell but , i found out i could get into any circle of friends because it was like starting over again , no one knew who you were or your past. You can be you. this guy was 18 , shit atleast wait till youre 21 to kill yourself , if you cant do anything by the time youre 21 than youre fucking up.From experience , depression comes from giving a fuck way too much, giving a fuck of what others think instead of what you want to do. Depression is a bitch but killing yourself is not the answer , your mind can hold you back from alot , including happiness . The thoughts of lacking friends or fun should become actions , go and find friends and find fun. If youre thinking of killing yourself don't , you will only be getting defeated by yourself not the world. Be what you want to be and dont let anything hold you back not even your own mind.
Jesus , this is what was going through this guys head. I dont get it...
Other urls found in this thread:
What a worthless faggot
>depressed highschool emo kids are politics now
Why did you think this was the appropriate board for this?
>live in USA
>complain about hard life
Fucking spic should have stayed in his country. You first worlders don't know shit.
Is that the kid that shot himself on live stream?
>18 years old
>"others seem to be speeding along with their life"
>"can't let go of the past"
talk about lack of perspective. Sad!, unironically.
Highschool isn't the problem. Removing it doesn't fix the mental disorder. A tranny's dick isn't the problem. That's why most kill themselves post-op. It's a mental disorder. The make something the root cause and focus (highschool/penis) as a coping mechanism. When it's finally gone and there is no relief, they lose all hope. It's sad. Our approach as a society should be to treat them as the mentally ill people they are and help them get better (if possible). We reinforce their delusion because we want there to be an easy answer. Treating the mentally ill is hard. Mentioning highschool bullies in an oscar speech is easy. Producing an anti-bullying ad campaign is easy.
The people virtue-signalling the hardest are, ironically, doing the least to help.
You are emo
Living in USA is hell
It's true tho. I'm 18 and believe me. I can already tell my life is heading in a terrible direction while everyone else is getting 120K jobs on wallstreet soon.
Except it literally is highschool that is the problem.
Then start with simple, low hanging and managable 1 degree course corrections. Over the years you will have created a new path for yourself.
At first I was confused. Then I read:
That was some top tier projecting, kid.
Dear Sup Forums...
he sounds like me. He is me. We're him. I don't know if this makes me want to push on or curl up. there's a rifle in my closet as a contingency but I'm not gonna lie the thought creeps up.
I want to live but i don't see for what. people disappoint me, and it keeps fucking happening, where did the human spirit go. WHERE DID IT FUCKING GO HOW DID WE LET THIS HAPPEN
I'm not emo im really right-wing. But i see like i'm getting terrible grades in school while everyone else (not literally) is getting top notch GPAs and getting ivy league acceptances. and im just like "uhhhhh is welfare available?"
Is the guy to the right of Trump commiting suicide?
Whats it from
this isn't an advice board but whatever. clearly a 120k job on wallstreet is not what you want in life, or you'd be on track. I remember the feeling at 18 of not knowing what to do with my life, that's normal and to be expected unless you have pressure to go in a certain direction (like from family). You just gotta try stuff until something sticks and if you're lucky you'll find it quickly, but you're just a kid dude. Most people just stumble through life and end up nowhere near where they expected to be when they were 18.
Fuck they weren't nice to read at all, he shouldnt have done what he did but still rest in peace kid and hopefully your with god
>I can already tell my life is heading in a terrible direction while everyone else is getting 120K jobs on wallstreet soon.
Nigger you don't know shit, out of 100 people your age, maybe 1 goes on to make 120k a year. I'm 30 years old and just now going to be graduating with my associates degree. Don't assume everyone has their shit together right out of the gate. Most of the people that I though t were going to be extremely successful still live at home and work shit jobs. You are young and quite frankly super retarded due to your age. You won't know shit about life until you get into your late 20's.
poor guy, he should have smoked some weed and relaxed
Except that's all i've ever wanted was a 120K job on wallstreet. Ever since i was 12 and before then i wanted to work for the CIA. I figured this out since i was 12. Everyone knows what they want to do by at LEAST age 14 but problem is no opportunity now a days.
My cousin is 26 and makes 120K a year already. My other cousins make at least over 60K. Other people in my classes at school all getting accptances to MIT, Stanford, or Berkeley and will get to join the establishment
He sounds like you because he was from this site, but you should see him as someone who tripped up in front of you, don't fall for the same trap
Then do what your cousins did. They already know how to get to successful positions in life, take advice from them and apply yourself.
I can't become what they are doing. They work for big banks and how did they get those? They went to Ivy League universities which i can never go to.
What is with the useless fucking censoring??
The best decision I made was living as a neet from 18-20 on autism bux it gave me time to decide what I wanted to do and get my life together, most people don't have their shit together at 18.
why does anyone care about this faggot? this shit has nothing do with politics or news, its not even fun
I know. Living's great, but shit's bad and I want to fix things. Too big to chew on my own, but some folks don't even want to. It's disappointing, probably how they made it so far though.
I already know what i wanted to do and have since i was young. Everyone knows what they want to do by this age.
Sounds like his durka mom was gonna kick him out
That's not true and unless they got full ride scholarships, they are probably fucking buried in debt. Why do you feel you need to make a lot of money to be successful or have a good life? Those banking jobs suck the soul from you, they may be making a lot of money but a lot of people in that sector are suicidal. Find a profession that you can tolerate and pursue it. I wish I could go back to when I was 18 again, your are just now "legally" an adult, your life is truly just starting and completely yours. You have half a decade to fuck around and still get your life on track early. Trust me on this.
I know at least 20 people who despise their university courses after thinking they knew what to do and are miserable post degree while I waited and became sure that it was the right thing for me avoiding making a massive mistake by not doing the course I was planning on.
That's great, except life isn't just about money. You can be perfectly happy with the bare minimum if you stop obsessing over other ppl.
I assume this is mr keltech?
>That's not true and unless they got full ride scholarships, they are probably fucking buried in debt
Who cares? They can pay it off with good jobs and then they later get to join the establishment
>Why do you feel you need to make a lot of money to be successful or have a good life?
Because everyone at school calls me a loser and stupid and ugly. But if i had a lot of money then my status could make up for my autism and subhumanity and I could make friends and people would like me
>Those banking jobs suck the soul from you, they may be making a lot of money but a lot of people in that sector are suicidal. Find a profession that you can tolerate and pursue it. I wish I could go back to when I was 18 again, your are just now "legally" an adult, your life is truly just starting and completely yours. You have half a decade to fuck around and still get your life on track early. Trust me on this.
Well it's not really money I pursue it's more status and power but money is a way to get it. Also i want to be able to one day join the establishment like my dad did because having at least somewhat power over other peoples lives makes you feel more important.
Who the FUCK is this
>stop obsessing over other ppl
And do what? Continue to spend every waking moment in my room playing call of duty or browsing Sup Forums like i have been? Life is about meeting other people and socializing otherwise it gets so boring.
Chillz bro... first off, you don't want that wall street job. I have a few friends of mine who did it, and I can only recommend it if you are happy being stepped on by the man (your boss), worked like a slave, have your soul crushed, all for some money you won't ever have time to spend. Don't do it. You were made with a purpose, and this world isn't as two dimensional as school leads you to believe. One of the greatest things you'll learn after forging your own path is that you don't have to follow any mold. Most of the "successful" people didn't. I know some dumb folks that make millions, and I know some geniuses that are essentially NEETs. Don't get bogged down by what you've experienced to date. Life is much much more than employment/money, and seeing through that charade is necessary if you want to become your own man (or woman).
>Who cares? They can pay it off with good jobs and then they later get to join the establishment
This made me audibly laugh. You have so much to learn about life user. You're going to be fine and when you get older you will look back on this and cringe.
Did he ever say why he wore the mask?
Trust me, unless you're rich you'll never ever be happy. My dad told me and my uncle. You can never enjoy a good life without wealth because you end up
>spending money instead of saving
>you can never have friends or anyone because no one wants to hang out with you
>never know what to do with your time
>no aspiration
Pure bordem
How will i be fine if my high-school grades suck and i can't get into a good program?
idk why but mods deleted my shuaiby thread and universal b& me and it wasnt even edgy, just talking about him respectfully. oh well, thank God for dynamic IPs right? (go head and do it again hotpocket man, i'll just come back)
anyway though yeah, reading his convos in that /r9k/ thread causes heavy feels. he was definitely one of us
I didn't say that. Socialize comparing yourself with others based on your incomes.
I've met plenty of interesting and intelligent people that are dirt poor.
Except I'm low IQ and i have autism so i can't really socialize any other way.
And how is money gonna solve that issue ?
>I've met plenty of interesting and intelligent people that are dirt poor.
story checks out
Enough so that people will stop viewing me as a subhuman autistic freak who deserves to rot with cancer and start viewing me as a sort of weird but successful cool guy.
It sounds cringy but I know because my cousin is very socially awkward but because he's so successful for his age people respect him. He was bullied a lot when he was younger like me. I want to be like him because I can tell when someone looks at me they think "what an autistic subhuman freak" and i don't want them to.
Just think of it this way. By killing himself he took off his Sup Forums man mask and became a defacto namefag. Suicide is a mortal sin and Reddit is hell. So he'll live on forever in Reddit.
Aim to be rich and you'll end up miserable.
I've been in this game for a while, and I don't know a single person who strives to be rich and is happy. I know dozens of people who are genuinely happy, and none of them derive value from how they are perceived, and all of them cherish things that transcend money. You are looking in the wrong place man.... and getting your panties in a twist because you can't have it... pro tip: you are looking in the wrong place.
>I can tell when someone looks at me they think "what an autistic subhuman freak" and i don't want them to
That's literally normie replant. You don't wanna be around such people anyway trust me.
You wanna surround yourself with people that see past your looks and economic background - those you can trust with mostly anything.
A grand majority of stock market success is awareness and knowledge, you can be a neet and do that
You got your panties in a twist and this ic cope
go troll somewhere else
I want to fit in with normies actually. And if someone looks past my looks and economic background what is left of me? A subhuman.
You need a brokers lisence and to work for a firm to trade stocks for other people, which is where the real money comes in.
Do you think Elon Musk gives a crap about normies? Have you heard him talk? He's just doing what he wants...
I wish you the best. I just hope you realize your depression is because of your perspective, and to not give up hope. .. i used to be there. Life can be and is beautiful, you're just looking in the wrong place. Hang in there and keep seeking, but don't be like all the normies that think you are going to find it in money and success. Good luck bro. Don't an hero, life can be worth it.
Thanks for the advice.
Except they want you NOT to kill yuorself. That's why if they think someone is suicidal they lock them up.
this probably isn't him
Anyway sad user life is long, I’ve been where you are not even 5 years ago. You can do whatever you want and if it’s stock you want, just read and try it out
which is absolute fucking bullshit. but that idea combined with modern social media means that once you leave high school you are just drowned in colorful sickening instagram and snap chat photos of all your stupid high school class mates running around the world fucking and drinking and looking hot doing it.
its enough to drive a man insane
fine, if you're really coming from a place of sincerity, here you go.
Don't you need a good degree to get into that?
That’s a bullshit mentality. I had no motivation when I was 18. My father died right after I graduated high school. I went to college for 1 year before dropping out and doing nothing for a couple years. When I was 20 I decided that I’d go to culinary school because I liked food and had no motivation to do anything in life. While working in the industry for 5 years, I gained an insane work ethic. I also gained a hatred for the people I worked with. I worked in 4 different restaurants and in every single one, I was surrounded by depressed assholes, drug addicts, smokers, single mothers, and in general just negative people. I saw my friend making $250k as a mobile app developer after he taught himself how to code. I used my hatred for the hospitality industry to find motivation to learn about object oriented programming, algorithms, data structures, etc. 3 years later I got a startup to take a chance on me and I’m making $130k in a state where the max for an iOS developer is not very high.
My point is, nobody expects you to have this shit figured out. I seriously had absolutely no motivation whatsoever at 18. Just do something, anything, until you find a path that you feel speaks to you. What you cannot do, is sit around doing nothing, playing video games, jerking off, etc. seriously, get a job that you hate. Nothing is more motivating than working a back-breaking job with people who you know aren’t as capable as you. I’ve always been technically-inclined. I was super into network security growing up in the 90’s and learned some basic programming in high school but I didn’t take the initiative to really take on the hard subjects until I realized that I could do better. Unfortunately it took me years of shitty work and wasted time to find this motivation.
I barely passed my mech eng course and I am doing finance now not thanks to my grades; from what I learned you can learn a shit ton online if you’re interested ... a good degree helps however it only broadens horizons, that doesn’t mean you are limited. You can put your mind towards anything and today there’s the means to learn and achieve it. Programming is nice if you like it, there’s money there too
this honestly looks like he was just a pussy. if you can't find meaning for yourself you're better off dead rather than waiting for something to make your life worth it.
I don't even want to learn anything. I just want to get the degree to start making bank. And I feel im too old to start programming. Also i am getting bad grades in highschool so how will i get into finance?
>jesus , this is what was going through this guys head
Stop getting bad grades in highschool
by manning up and doing the shit you need to do to get the things you want.
shit ain't gonna come to you on a silver platter unless you were born into money; start by making a plan to get that money. If you're still in highschool and think it's too late to start programming, know that there are literal 60-year olds just getting into it for the sake of making money.
If you're in shit physical condition start walking around the block once a day and work your way up in intensity.
Nutrition shit? Buy a fifty pound bag each of rice and beans, some beef and chicken stock and veggies you like.
Not enough money to buy clean food? Start a garden
Want some great advice on money? Check out /biz/ or plebbit's personal finance subreddit!
Fuck man, you're so young with so much potential it hurts me to see you so down. Just put in a modicum of hard work and you can make it in this country. The fact you're feeling as you do means you know something is up. USE THAT FEELING GOD DAMN YOUR APATHY
Highschool is easy, if you have trouble working at home then study elsewhere, that’s what saved me, somewhere No distractions. Plus your mindset is all wrong; money will come. I know a guy who was making just a decent living and became a billionaire from good investments aged 48-55. You think it matters to him? Take time and don’t rush. BE PATIENT. Learn to Network even if you hate being social
I was a solid C student in high school, never graduated from college, and taught myself enough about mobile app development through Lynda .com and KhanAcademy to make a bullshit calculator app and get it in the App Store. Then I was able to get a startup to take a chance on me because of that. Now I make $130k. Quit whining and quit acting like you have no prospects. It’s hard work obviously. Nobody will give you 6 figures without some hard ass work. That being said, it’s work you can ABSOLUTELY do if you don’t have a sub-90 IQ. I have ADHD, and have been medicated for it since I was 14. I can’t focus on much for more than 10min at a time and I was still able to find a fucking way to learn. It’s hard, but you can do it if you actually want it. It sounds more like you want someone to just hand you a check instead. If that’s the case, you need to find a work ethic before you can achieve anything. Work in restaurants or construction and you’ll damn well find one. It’s also a great way to stay in shape and meet new people while you’re trying to figure out what you really want in life.
Think of it this way. You know you have this major fight coming up in a year or so. You feel like you have no idea how to train and no idea how to fight, but you know that you’re going to have to fight soon enough. So by working in a field that earns you a work ethic, you’re getting your body in shape to train for this fight. Then once you have basic conditioning, and your body is fit enough to handle the training, you begin doing just that. Then before you know it, you’re fighting against the best.
The hardest part, and I sincerely mean this, is finding motivation and taking the first step.
I feel a little bad for laughing at that
Well said senpai, no despair.
>depression comes from giving a fuck way too much
m8 legitimate depression is endogenous in nature and is more like a brain disease than a subjective state of mind. That said if you decide to kill yourself on a livestream you are most likely just a faggot, and I for one am tired of mental illness being a catchall term every time some faggot does something gay.
That's impossible
/biz/ got me to lose all my money but I will take the other advice you gave me.
Highschool is nearly impossible actually. You have four classes each asking complex assignments. Like i have to research this history thing while also studying chemistry.
Thanks this was quite inspiring actually. Shows that it's possible for anyone.
Godspeed user, sorry about your money but at least you're still young ^_^
It wasn't too much. Put it all in Eth before the crash so lost it. By all my money i was exageratting i meant all i was hopign to gain.
Literally just go to /biz/ and start up a $1000 crypto portfolio... Or trade stocks on Robinhood if you're really that into it.
Start lifting then cuck
Stop comparing yourself to people materialistically or you'll always feel like you're on the outs.