TDS 268 is out!

Promise goy, this willl be the last gibs!

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Bump for gibsmedat

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daily shoah unironically gives a better summary of world events than cable news.


>other thread got 404'd



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pls gib

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ayo we be needin more fo dem programs

do they actually talk about world events again?
i liked the show when they covered the election
didnt like the show when they thought they were leaders of a revolution

gief plox

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patiently waiting.

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Very true. I can't even watch news on talmudvision anymore. The narrative is just to odious.

I gag on it.

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i have about 4 months to live. a link to this episode would mean a lot to me.

bump my fellow goys

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>i have about 4 months to live. a link to this episode would mean a lot to me.

The UK is bad but fuck man, it isn't THAT bad yet.

cough it up paycucks

He didn't pay his tv license.

pay up paypigs

ah, death penalty, gotcha.

Praise death and pass the ammunition


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imagine being this big of a faggot

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I feel like they aren’t capable of good banter any more because most of them and the daily stomer are under such financial and legal pressure really sucks they were funny goys for a while

Paycucks, we can do it the easy way or the hard way...

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listen to tds episode 2

andrew anglin and weev still have it but they are two of the biggest brained niggers in the world

pls gib... even tho tds has gone downhill

anglin sucks and weev is jewish. your movement is a joke and will fail badly.

thank (((You))) for your input.

any time. bump.

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what movement?
they are just hilarious people

> they are hilarious people
i agree. i enjoy laughing at them.

Weev is just too god damn out there for me.

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jayoh really needs to stfu abou niggers tho


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>totally not a federal agent

Whatever, I think Jayoh is hilarious. He brings much needed levity to the death panel.

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You ever seen a fed missing that many teeth?

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weev is easily the best thing going once you are able to set aside that a lot of his shit is intentionally provacative

pls give

even e-pharmacies who ship meds without prescription take bank wires and crypto currency, i wouldve already gotten a 1 year membership months ago if they werent limited to credit cards only

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the problem for the national bolsheviks is they spend all their time talking about healthcare and none of it talking about killing niggers and leftists

cant get behind that senpai

Just started it mike sounds lot less stressed he sounds dead these days. Do they just go over the regular talking points the whole show

imagine being so edgey that being called a nazi and hated by everyobe isnt an edgey enough identity and you accept the label without protrlest but also start calling yourself a commie too.


Please gib catbox link

historically hitler absorbed the communist party into his nationalist party to create natsoc

>historically hitler absorbed the communist party into his nationalist party to create natsoc

This is the most pants on head retarded thing I've read in weeks. Is this bait?

fuck you niggers. if I have to pay so should you, or wait a day for the youtube drop like I did before

The real problem is the "bolshevik" part not the natsoc part.

National Bolshevism was a meme ideology from 1990s, Dugin and other far-right Russians promoted it as a way of tacitly admitting that Nazi aesthetics were fucking cool while not wanting to appear as anti-Russian traitors

to be an "American Bolshevist" is fucking retarded because the bolsheviks were jewish terrorists


>wait a day for the youtube drop like I did

fuck that. we want the original file.

I'm saving all the strike and mike mp3s, personally.

he did though. he absorbed various communist factions in open rebelion. many of them previously had been roving rape gangs. he made them irregulars and sent them to the baltics

i dont even know what this means i havent been listening much lately

t h i s

He just has a low verbal IQ. What he meant to say was the Nazis absorbed a lot of the street level guys who were tending towards the commies, not the party itself.

Yeah I'm not gonna pay anymore if all they are doing is wanking off about IRL meetings and 'community building'. Miss me wit dat gay shit nigga, I'm not getting involved with activism I have a normal functioning family and friend network, just talk about politics and current events and entertain me while I lift. Seriously fucking annoying.

Come on paysluts. Give it up.

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It pisses me off that the ADL has banned people from uploading TRS content to youtube, I hate listening through their shitty site.

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Commies did join the party though. They were called 'beefsteaks' because they're brown on the outside but pink on the inside.

are you that guy that thinks Israel is just the problem and not all the Jews?

The movement is dead bois. TRS is running on fumes. The astroturf nazis going down and getting the boot woke a lot of people up. There is no movement. Spencer convinces nobody. Enoch preaches to an echo-chamber. Everyone who shills for public activism is just trying to get a jail sentence for a few more guys.

Give me a site to drop the mp3 and I'll do it hurry up though

Ok, sure, whatever

still want to listen to the podcast

mixtape mo

Shut the fuck up faggot, you talk like a fuckin' bitch.

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>there is no hope, goy! There's no point in advocating your owns group's interests. Any group that tries to do is just CIA!

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i think its that moarpheus guy he always posts obsessively in these

wow ok I won't then in that case

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She's so fucking cute I want to marry her

I was gonna be nice but I guess my efforts aren't appreciated

just post it dude, did you really expect everybody to respect you on Sup Forums?

thank you meme flag for the audio and important messages

the link is in the screenshot anyway

Nice. Nabbed it.

For the technologically impaired: You can download it by typing the url into your browser btw.


forgot to say thank you user

thans fren

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>linking to a virus masquerading as mp3

Thank you

Thank you borther.

Agreed. Hopefully things will trend away from that now that the TWP shit (as sad and pathetic as it is) acts as the final straw to get people to realize that this street activism shit is a meme.
Rallies were used in the 19th and 20th centuries because they had no internet. We have the internet now. The internet is the new public square. Nobody fucking goes to IRL shit

I also just like having funny redpill podcasts for my work commutes and when I lift. I don't want debriefings on some fucking rally where 50 people went and shouted some slogans.

have the boys managed to make any more incredible masterpieces like this one
their effort is way down isnt it

thank you. Save ur Confederate money brother because the South will rise again.

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thank you sir here's your (You)

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If you can't afford $10 bucks for several hours of entertainment a month you're a nigger

Just cancel your bug man tv subscription to BET

Thanks paycuck.

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>1 post by this id

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not gonna pay money just so sven can remodel his house and enoch can be perpetually drunk

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>Just cancel your bug man tv subscription to BET

thank you based American Southron

The best will be the Aenema Tool parody. Sven needs to get back in gear and make more songs though. I've been waiting like two fucking years for a full rendition of the Africa parody.

why do we allow this nigger trash here? trs is a joke

Nigs gonna nig

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good fucking christ

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I'm more concerned with subbing and then having my info leaked from some lawsuit or website exploit.

no ur just a lazy faggot. theyve specifically said on the show probably a half dozen times you can buy a Prepaid Visa card and use that. Disposable and make up any info