I cracked the code. This is not a joke, bait, or troll. I cracked the code how to defeat the Jews. It’s over for them.
I know how we defeat the Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
Listening, tell us.
>This is not a joke, bait, or troll
is a joke, bait, or troll
The key to everything is the Word.
Or the thought, or communication, or whatever you want to call it. The illusion is that the world understands each other well. This is the Jewish lie. Or better, the Roman lie. They invented the concept of making all races submit to one power. Now this concept was not invented by Jews at all, jehovah is not the God of Romans but of Jews. Somehow the Jews got into a position where no race was ever before. Like anti-Rome. They rule from the inside. Not the outside, they rule mentally, not physically. Key as I said is the word. Every race or people, has its culture. people share common knowledge about life based on ancestry and religion. This Knowledge is different with every race. I am arab and have special knowledge about my race. You will not understand my word like an Arab would. Likewise I will not understand what you speak as good as an American of your race and religion, far from it. You see the Jews found out about this somehow, maybe they don’t even know it themselves, but they are ruling the world right now even though it sounds like a theory, it’s not. This is a time that is physically extremely globalized. But the point is not to share music or movies or whatever. but emotions and words. Those make a race a people a culture. And religion is the tip of this pyramid without it the pyramid is incomplete.
Please I beg you read what I wrote because it must spread ASAP.
This sounds completely strange but that is because I was raised in Arabia and have a hard time expressing myself in English.
Thank you for responding (sorry I assumed it was a troll). I mean no disrespect.
“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.” ― Terence McKenna
But I think the people around the world will react to this in some way and stop globalization.
That is exactly what the satanic Jews do. You are on the side of Satan.
This thread will fade away like the waves of the ocean but whoever reads this, have a nice day
Hugh O my indium hullo I if ct
I promise I am on the side of good, and I sincerely wish for peace and prosperity for you and me both.
But we must learn to use words better to make a better world, don't we?
The Word is twisted by social engineers to create a false world of perception that isn't based in reality. The cognitive dissonance that results is destroying society. The solution is men of character from all nations who are unafraid to speak the truth.
I completely agree with you. Even if you learn to speak another language fluently, your words can be lost in translation because of the culture you come from.
Race certainly has a lot to do with it just because people tend to consolidate themselves around it, but I think it has intrinsically more to do with your cultural environment.
Are you Shia or Sunni?
I hope you're right.
When I read your opinions, the Tower of Babel comes to mind. I think this myth is very important in this era of globalization. It is perhaps folly to think that all the cultures of the world can be expected communicate freely AND be perfectly understood. There is always going to be something missing, and misunderstanding arises. At best, it should be appreciated that understanding between most cultures will always be imperfect.
is you saying memes are the way to defeat the jews?
That code was cracked a long time ago, kike.
I only hope that any who follow McKenna's ideas, like I have in the past, apply this principle to themselves individually to find their own way of seeing (and perhaps to see what is being done by powerful forces to "make of it whatever [one wishes]"), and do not apply it to others through force of changing the meanings of their words-- which is what (((they))) do.
Reminds me of this thread.
this is accurate. that's also why they keep saying "you have no culture". once they break the barrier of culture and nationalism, it's over.
I've been saying this for years and you faggot never listened before, but he's right
Correct so far Ahmed.
>I've been saying this for years and you faggot never listened before
we already know you memeflagging fuck
read the linked thread in its entirety, it's one of the more interesting threads in recent years
This is actually important. Words are stereotypes representing how stereotypes. Good for you Arabanon! Very, very important.
Understand how the Jew undermines culture by making their constructions universal through media. Understand how the Jew controls what you can conceive of by controlling the meanings ascribed to words, and by substituting the literal for the figurative.
peace be upon you brother. one day the synagogue of satan will fall.