UK cops: little girls consented to sex abuse

>Police officers investigating the Telford grooming gang scandal, possibly the largest in UK history, were sent an internal memo telling them “in most cases the sex is consensual”.

>The initial police probe, Operation Chalice, identified at least 100 potential victims in Telford targeted between 2007 and 2009. However, fewer than ten men were jailed despite the police admitting as many as 200 groomers may be involved.

>West Mercia Police sent the memo the year after Chalice was closed, to officers investigating on-going child sexual exploitation in the force area, The Mirror reports. Officers also considered some of the young victims as prostitutes.

>Commenting on the revelations, UKIP London Assembly Member David Kurten, blasted: “Telford Police memo on children consenting to abuse is despicable. The UK age of consent is 16.

>“Gangs and their child abusing ‘customers’ that groom, rape and pimp out girls under 16 are rapists. If the police do not know this they are not fit for purpose.”

>An 18-month probe by journalists, published last weekend, found that 1,000 girls could have been targeted over 40 years by as many as 70 groomers. They were allegedly drugged, raped, and trafficked, and five deaths have been linked to the abuse.

>Some of the victims were just 11 years old, and one is known to have given birth at just 14. Speaking to The Mirror, specialist child abuse lawyer Dino Nocivelli, said: “This is victim blaming at its worst. The authorities just don’t seem to get it. Children cannot agree to sex.

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It's so sad what happens to UK.

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Part and parcel.

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>“in most cases the sex is consensual”
the brit police are part of P.I.E, pedophile information exchange, so it would take a lot of people organizing to change anything. considering how many stories like this are coming out but not even a disturbance loud enough to get the attention people, are people that cold and indifferent?
What happened to humanity?

The only coverage this story will get is the anti-police angle.

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Putin better evacuate the salvageable whites and clean this shit up with a 5 ton microwave.

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They deserve it though. Don't worry you'll found other toilers to clean.

I hope so, no one pays a living wage in Poland, and stealing cars is more and more difficult.

What does one of these net you at the local chop shop, Igor?

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I wish. Muh emissions, muh CO2 climate change...
You can have old cheap car, but EU makes sure it will cost you the same as new car (fees and taxes). So that your only option is debt-slavery -- taking loan for newer car. Either way you're fucked, you can only choose how.

These threads make me depressed

Let it fill you with righteous fury instead

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Pedophiles started taking over British Government in the 60s, with the help of the (((CIA))) of course.

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And they call us goblins.

Bizzies are pedo apologists.

what's a bizzie?

Policeman. Into everyones business. It's a scouse thing.

ah gotcha. thanks.

Welcome Ameribro.

Who is REALLY behind all these """"grooming"""" scandals that makes the UK police so terrified?

Wow. Just wow. Hehe if guns were easily accessible in UK, there'd be a huge uprising and I think we all know who's gonna win.

a member of the house of lords invited tommy robinson to speak there,ive seen it picking up traction more and more powerfull people are speaking up

the police are in on it, i remember seeing ana rticle that a couple chiefs supported it. I hate pakis but theyre just the footsoldiers for the police and politicians in it so thats why they dont charge them

Lets hope so. We have to stop attacks on our children one way or another.

The lords is literally 90% blair/cameron cronies now you dolt.

>the absolute state of the uk

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What the fuck. I hope Putin nukes the UK.

The UK has had some real issues with their power structure for a long, long time. It metastasized in the 1970s.

Why does the UK even exist anymore? Just wall off the island and unleash a mass-murdering virus already.

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There is no justice in this world.

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had it coming

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Fake news. Notice the huge anti brit shilling lately? Russians are working over time I see.

Stay in denial Achmed.

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Literal fake news.

Good thing Putin's gonna nuke the whole place anyways.

Yeh, some dick head knocked a telephone box over, big wow.

Notice how rich and peaceful that city looks. Something only slavs and amerimutts can only dream of.

UK girls are sluts desu they probably did.
>Officers also considered some of the young victims as prostitutes.
UK girls do it for free

Your children. Are. Sex Slaves.

Listen up here you little shit. Everyone else here admits that their government and country is complete and utter cancer. But as fast as someone fucking dares bring into light the absolute fucking state of the United Kingdom, assblasted britbongs like you lose their fucking shit.

I'm absolutely fucking furious.
If we had our own 2nd amendment there'd be war in the streets by now

I'd help you.

Ever heard of Luty? Don't blame the law for your own cowardice.

t. 2nd gen paki; you aren't British.

White traitors hang first. I'm so incredibly angerey right now

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The elites are heavily involved in Satanism and pedophilia so this should surprise no one.

>The sex was consensual.
They know that the white public is mentally broken and will tolerate gaslighting and denigration without complaint. Get back to work, slave.

these police are guilty of aiding the sexual trafficking of under-aged girls.

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>But what if they consent?

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Absolute state of britbongistan



lol my state is whiter and larger than your nation, and we can kill shitskins who do much less than this without much trouble

My favorite part is how they admit they know the girls were often drugged and underage but still say they consented.

Meanwhile without batting an eye they also tell us adult women cannot consent if they are even a little bit drunk.

Haha the UK is fucked because of political correctness. They won't even say Muslim rape gangs on the news, ironically protecting the Muslim criminals making the PC crowd accomplices to Muslim rapists.

> Oh irony your humour is so cruel.

We are fucked.

> F.U.C.K.E.D.

Fucked UK. The Muslim rape gangs are laughing at us.

Good goy babies can consent to sexual intercourse. That's why we let toddlers change sexes and chop their pee pees off. To do otherwise would make us bigots.


Nah ignore the brit shills our government is pure evil and probably at the heart of most things wrong with the work. We are the original jew controlled state

Yep, and here's a handy guide for parents on how to reach their kids

Yep, petty same bullshit that happen in belgium.
Few "key people" dying by suffocating int the car or exploding in it but when you tell the police to investigate they just act the same. "You watching too much american movie dude, people dying in a car explosion,literally a pure coincidence."

Good luck to those who fight that rethoric non-sense and kill them all.

quality bantz there

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Arent the pakis just selling hte girls to other pakis and basically providing the paki community with an underage brothel at our expense? what do the police and elite get out of this?

How is wanting to protect British kids 'shilling against UK'? You're sick

>it's the russian bots!!!!
No Bongs. Your country is an islamic shithole. Your people are cucks. You just let 3rd worlders use and abuse your women. You guys are such fucking cucks.

>what do the police and elite get out of this?
They're customers, user. Also happens in the US, remember Epstein's island?

One must conclude that the British police doesn't represent or has any intent to serve the interest of the "white working class".

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It's getting so bad so fast.

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Is statutory just not a thing in Bongland?

White women love black and brown cock though. Otherwise they wouldn't keep supporting immigration.

Probably the best thing to do would be to beat them down in the street and dig their beating hearts out of their chest while still alive Brazilian style, just a little bump to correct their behavior and keep them on the right track.

When I was a kid I seriously never expected Muslim rape gangs to be a problem in england. It's so strange to think how much the world changed so quickly. I wonder what the next 20 years will bring? Bolivian suicide bombers in China? Korean cannibals in Canada?

Spoken like a groomer.

>everything I don't like is shilling
Pull your head out of your ass

no, the problem is just niggers and muslims

From what we've seen British Police are pussies so should have no trouble beating them up

fuck off kid fucker

tbqh we have ascended Wiemar

Wiemar wasn't that bad other than that people literally had to pick shit of the street to heat their homes.

Die cunt

>Before Sochi
>Media: Terrorist attacks very very likely
>Before World Cup
>Media: They poisoned a ex-russian spy which is an attack on Britain!
Is there a pattern here boys?

way to go britain. i bet they'll get a slap on the wrist.
meanwhile you get set to prison for 15 years for posting on this site (allegedly).
god what a fucking joke