Lolbertarians and Sup Forums BTFO

>create typewriter
>make a logical arrangement of letter by frequency of their appearance in the alphabet
>typewriters so shitty that good typists jam the typewriter
>enter QWERTY
>does the job - slows down the typists
>meanwhile typewriters get better and now can have more efficient layout
>introduce the idea of going back to the old layout
>industry:oh nah, it's going to cost too much money for typists to relearn the proper way
>year 2018
>still typing on one of the biggest human failures - QWERTY layout

When will you realize that free market is extremely far away from being perfect and in its purest form is just as retarded as its opposite - communism? It would've made sense to intervene and enforce a standard just how there are rules and regulations for using programming languages, traffic lights, radio bands and many other things.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>It would've made sense to intervene and enforce
Govt would have gotten it right.

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all the layouts that exist are superior to QWERTY.
Dvorak, Colemak, Workman etc etc > QWERTY in efficiency.
>but with my QWERTY layout I can type out typewriter by just having hands on the upper row. You can't do this with other layouts ahaha, look at me so superior.
fucking newfag spotted

opinion denied

get teh fuck off my board you communist shill

This has nothing to do with anything.

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>communist shill
>thinking that fascism is close to communism
>meme flag
Oh wow, you are so brave, I just pissed myself in the pants

No one is stopping you from using those layouts. Knock yourself out.


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>still typing on one of the biggest human failures - QWERTY layout
>biggest human failures

Wanna know how I know you're a manchild living in your parents basement right now? You actually think this is a big deal.

>no one is stopping you from using silver coins or gold coins in banks, even though in legal tender they are $1
KYS faggot

How are other styles better? Are the buttons closer together? Also couldn't one of your favorite socialist countries just switch and prove everyone wrong? Seems like the US has used royal measurements for years with no real impediment yet that is less efficient

>you're a manchild
Look ma' I'm projecting
>can't get a simple thing such as a keyboard layout right
>Expect humans to be intelligent and tackle much more challenging problems successfully
You truly are dumb.

Meanwhile fucking deficient USSR
>first satellite
>first man in space
>first animals in space
>first female in space
>first unmanned mission to the moon
many other titles first
>B-bu-b-but, you are commie faggot
>fuck off my board, reeeee
KYS not an argument. also
>communism =/= fascism
Rape yourself and then kys

>Free market failed, shieeeet nigga, what do?
Maybe if i ignore it, it will go away.jpg

QWERTY doesn't seem like a failure... it's such a big part of western culture as well. I don't want the guv to control our culture.

First sattelite is literally the only important thing you posted. Putting random things on rockets amd shooting them into space isn't relevant. Also you have so much projection and angst dripping off your posts it is sad.

You've already lost, just move on

Holy shit how can you possibly get triggered at a common keyboard layout? If it works, it works.

>putting random things on rockets isn't relevant
Oh yeah, sure, only that each thing that is sent requires tons of research just to make sure that it is successful.
Also, Germans and Russians were the first ones to come up with rockets unlike the royalfags with their stupid ass feets, inches, pounds (that are called lbs for short - wtf?????). Miles and a month/day/year instead of year/month/date or date/month/year. Fucking burgers can't into logic. They will virtue signal just to be different, that's why you have "America is exceptional"
Yeah, in warmongering, and being the biggest bitch to Israel. Damn, i wish i was so exceptional.
>don't want the guv to control our culture
Do you really think average human being can build a culture? Do you think that without IQ 140+ people on the top you can have a society? It will be impossible.
>QWERTY doesn't seem like a failure
>letter A on a pinky
>the entire home row is consononants, except for letter A which makes the coordination between right and left hands much more difficult and forces your hand to stretch for a longer distance for the proper letters.
>least used letters on the home row
How is this not a failure? It's pure garbage.
>If it works, it works.
>Holy shit how can you possibly get triggered at a Keynesian economics/FED policy/Israel foreign relations/US foreign relations/US debt cycle? If it works, it works
Pic related is for you

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If people really wanted the old layout (demand), there would be other people making typewriters with old layout (supply).
Free market always wins.
Fuck you OP hehe.

Please explain to us and demonstrate your opinion with facts: in what quantifiable measure are other keyboard layouts superior to QWERTY?

Re arrange the keycaps.

Learn how to use autohotkey

You can then use any keyboard layout out want

I didn't say the average human being could develop and build a culture, culture is achieved collectively through people. Not and evil Jewish machine known as the government. You're a really anal cunt if your inability to type is fueling your hatred for capitalism.

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Not a native speaker so keyboard layouts really don't matter to me all that much, but it highlights a glaring flaw in unchecked capitalism: it always tends towards creating monopolies, which libertarians supposedly oppose.
Capitalism always ends with one player dominating all the other and bam, your market is anything but free.

>If people wanted to buy from small businesses, they would stop buying at amazon and walmart. >Free market always wins hehee.
Only that when all the small businesses die out and nobody is left, now amazon and walmart can charge a fucking arm and a leg for their products because nobody can compete with them simply because they killed the competition and there is nothing you can do and you will have to buy their shit, because you will die otherwise
>but if you lax the regulations then
Ok, so how do they (amazon/walmart) get big in the first place? What did amazon and walmart do? They bribed the congressmen, they lobbied for their expansion, probably lobbied some other figures. Do you see how free market is an extremely fragile system that will not live as soon as rules are bend? It's like theoretical physics - it only works in theory and in simulations. This is my point. My other point is that when you have a huge monopoly no alternatives can break it - the bad habits have been learned and average folk are too dumb to break it. Unless you have a society full of 130+ IQ people who can see well into the future and see the long term consequences, you cannot have free markets run for the average folk without supervision.

read this:

Dvorak is objectively better for English speakers but it'll never replace QWERTY because people are lazy shits and they'd rather stick with something sub-optimal than going through the pain of switching and learning to type again.

Why don't you just buy yourself one of the more efficient ones and use it yourself?

You must have actual autism in order to seriously believe that the government should force companies to make products according to what you believe is better for the consumer. It's my labor, money and time that I am spending to manufacture keyboards and I'll do it however I damn well please. If you want to make your own moreover efficient one to satisfy your astism go ahead.

>current year
>still believing this myth

>educational psychologist and professor of education
>get a useless degree
>unable to get a job
>create a useless keyboard design that is useless for most
>die a useless cunt with a wikipedia page

You realise qwerty was designed so that typewriter hammers wouldn't stick to each other? There is literally nothing stopping anyone from changing their keyword layout. Go back to plebbit you retard.


I mean obviously true free markets are fucked but you have no alternative to offer

That's the problem with this discussion every time, it's easy to point out where shit fails, it's hard to develop a new system that doesnt.

With the threat of ever escalating violence if they don't comply of course. Naturally, because how else does the government function.

refer to >current year
>still reading (((economist)))
and the best goyim award goes to...
and you failed to read my original post, because I mentioned what you wrote, but then again, why do I expect reading proficiency from an abo?
have mixed economy. Think limited government.

>They find that neither design of keyboard has a clear advantage over the other. Ergonomists point out thatQWERTY's bad points (such as unbalanced loads on left and right hand; excess loading on the top row) are outweighed by presumably accidental benefits (notably, that alternating hand sequences make for speedier typing).

This is about how I feel on it

I use programmer Dvorak so I don't get your point

Economist was just writing a report about a tech paper on QWERTY that someone else wrote. That's not an argument

"Have mixed economy, think limited government"
You need way more details than this to have a fungible system

>What did amazon and walmart do? They bribed the congressmen, they lobbied for their expansion, probably lobbied some other figures
>free market
Gooby pls.

>Only that when all the small businesses die out and nobody is left, now amazon and walmart can charge a fucking arm and a leg for their products because nobody can compete with them simply because they killed the competition and there is nothing you can do and you will have to buy their shit, because you will die otherwise
This has never happened in human history, even before antitrust laws came about.

Absolutely crock as it doesn't compare the development of new typists on different keyboards. Also doesn't take into account network effects of computer and typewriter use.

It's an interesting concept, but I don't think any real libertarian can claim free markets solve EVERYTHING.

Libertarianism is more of an overton window thing... just like most of the people who got trump elected were laughing at Hitler memes ironically with the understanding that they were shifting the overall discourse.

TLDR Nothing is perfect.

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Yes it is

>In the 1990s, economists Stan Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis wrote articles in the Journal of Law and Economics[4] and Reason magazine[13] where they rejected Dvorak proponents' claims that the dominance of the QWERTY is due to market failure brought on by QWERTY's early adoption, writing, "[T]he evidence in the standard history of Qwerty versus Dvorak is flawed and incomplete. [..] The most dramatic claims are traceable to Dvorak himself; and the best-documented experiments, as well as recent ergonomic studies, suggest little or no advantage for the Dvorak keyboard.

Like I said, go back. Your feeble intelligence doesn't belong here. saged

You can buy custom keyboards dumbass the free market has not failed.

This is a total non-argument.
People are still typing using qwerty because we've done so for decades and it's more trouble than it's worth to move onto a more efficient style.
This if anything is an argument for traditionalism, not an argument against the free market you spastic nigger.

everyone grab your typing sphere

Anyone who wants to use a different layout is free to move they keycaps around and change the settings in their OS. It takes a whole 30 minutes to change. I use DVORAK on my laptop and desktop.
>actually thinking the layout of keyboards deserves government oversight
TFW I make a custom keyword in a non-standard format and sell it to someone so the KTF breaks down my door, shoots my dog, and sends me to jail for making a keyboard that isn't optimized perfectly

Think about the number of times you've used someone else's computer or a shared computer. If we each had our own input methods that wouldn't be possible.

Thus once one layout gained a numerical advantage in would be impossible to lose it.

It is well known that qwerty gained it's numerical due to deliberately being inefficient for typing on early typewriters.

Fastest typist in the world uses Dvorak

wtf I love my QWERTZ now

The free market has allowed me to use Dvorak. Go ahead and check language settings, it's there. Soviet OPstan on the other hand would have one government mandated language which is gender neutral and has 42 pronoun variants.

>Dvorak keyboard
Shows just how little you know. Dvorak was designed prior to any serious development in the field of ergonomics. The superior layout is colemack which would even allow people to transition easily from qwerty.

>when all the small businesses die out and nobody is left, now amazon and walmart can charge a fucking arm and a leg for their products
1. Open a small store
2. Charge a bit less than an arm and a leg.
3. ???
4. Profit.
5. Free market wins again, boi.

QWERTY is unironically the best mobile layout due to the amount of left and rigjt alternations for common words


>what is Toys'r'us closing
>what is fuckton of small businesses closing
>what is malls dying out
Fucking leaf.

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>you can have your own little free market if you buy it.
Do you realize that we are talking about standards right? There are some things that MUST be regulated for some things to exist in the first place. Case in point: road rules, air traffic control, radio band control. These are all strictly regulated not because of the ebil guberment, but because if free market flowed in there, it would be a fucking chaos. So what happened is that some ideas that gain more popularity or are enforced by authority are then followed. Other actions are either prohibited or such a small amount of people do it (even though it makes sense) that nobody cares about it anymore. It's about enforcing a correct and proper way of doing things upon which other stuff is built. So for example, if you didn't have proper regulations and road rules in a big city, it's safe to say that it would cause a ton of accidents, which would ultimately halt the economy of the city, because a lot of time and money would be spent on maintenance, instead of innovation and moving forward. With proper rules and regulations you can enforce a better and speedier commute in the city and therefore let the market grow faster and the economy of the town as a result continues to prosper.

quick run down version: if you have a shitty foundation, no matter how beautiful the house, it will all collapse in a short time period.
>it's more trouble than it's worth to move into a more efficient style
>1 year of pain upon strict enforcement vs infinite amount of bliss and efficiency and as a result higher productivity in the economy because of a proper standard enforcement.
This is why you are a brainlet.
Shitty argument. QWERTY is absolutely dominated and thanks to normies it will be a standard for, basically, forever.
another brainlet. You know, keynesian economics is a thing in your shitty country along with warmongering, no revolution yet. Free market won.

Yet you still prove his point - how many times have you seen COlemake setup anywhere? That's right, I thought so. Same with Dvorak. QWERTY is defacto standard even though it's completely inefficient and inferior to any keyboard layout out there.
>opens up a small store
>charge less than arm and a leg
>become big enough for walmart/amazon to notice
>walmart/amazon moves in
>Checks the price
>lowballs you to the point where both of you are losing
>what is fat person starving vs skinny auswitz survivor
>you die
>Free market wins boi

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This. Also shitty b8 m8.

Eat miles of dicks OP.

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"I don't understand economy."

These are real cases and it's happening as we speak in the USA. And no, I don't understand boomer-tier economy, it leads to shit anyways.

>ad hominem
nice argument faggot. Go read a sticky.

lol commit sudoku you pathetic typelet

This is the single most autistic thread ever posted to this board.

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You can turn on DROVAK settings if you want to, you can even move your keys around if it is that important to you.
No one is stopping you.

>stores with physical locations can't compete with an online business model
>instead of going online, they just close up shop
Wtf I hate the free market now.

>all stores die out and left with oligopoly converting into monopoly
>prices skyrocket like they did with comcast/verizon when all the other internet providers died out

read the sticky retard

I hope this thread last a while so as many people as possible can see how sad and frustrated your poor pathetic life is.

low life faggots with 0 arguments and full of ad hominem attacks.