>started every war against their european brothers
>can't go a generation without being hellbent on destroying fellow whites
>inbred feminine homos and pakis
how do we solve the (((beady eyed))) problem?
The eternal anglo
by removing your meme flag
gas and ovens
you know it's true, so let's get busy
remove your proxy, British traitor
why bother, we kicked them out of europe
now we sit and wait for 30 years, they will kill themselves soon enough
Sage these divisionist threads.
>Oy vey, turn against your European brothers and sisters!!!!!!
>The anglos are worse than jews goy!!! Hate them not us-I mean jews!
they're the same thing. bump
why is this guy such a poofter? how many dicks does he suck per day to still lose at everything he attempts?
Dresden was too soft on the Krauts.
Don't forget that Churchill wanted to end communism in Europe, but he (((lost))) to the man that betrayed his country and sold the empire strengthening British dependancy on the mutts. (((Pure coincidence)))
>Saying shit about britai
OHH the irnony, your country wouldnt be a thing without UK
>t. shlomo ahmed nigel akmed
>russia and UK has a bad time
>Sup Forums turns on UK
Realy makes you think
How is it in russia ivan?
To be fair though I think that can be attributed to the fact that pol always tries to be contrarian and the UK is seen as the good guys in the scenario
Everyone seems to be turning on everyone desu.
When did we go wrong?
m8 Sup Forums mostly bullies sweden and Germany not UK, im preaty sure your paid russhite.
how's the weather in Bongistan, Nigel? the AIDF didn't give you Friday night off?
Even their royal family will be gone in one generation. No need to worry
kys russhit how much does kremlin pay you?
OP is a dirty kike.
Why are you trying to re-purpose the murica-mutt meme? Or is that a murica-mutt who just happens to be wearing a union jack t-shirt and crown?
>>started every war against their european brothers
Romans then saxons / jutes , then normans ...
I'm fairly sure we kicked you out. Eurotrash
ok i keked at that, well done
>t. ahistorical faggot in denial
The education level of American posters is shocking.
I used to think having flags on this board was a good idea but it took about a week before all the rancid civic rivalry here from people with no other achievements in life got tedious, and meme flags are the cancer of cancer. Sup Forums is too full of angry, anonymous, overly brave faggots who need to fling shit for this to work. I've never tried to tear down someone's nationality unless they did it first, but I do acknowledge that Western Europe is beyond cucked.