Attached: 93_GORILLION_MRW.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Obama BTFO

Attached: 20160808AndersonGDPChartAvg.jpg (1371x1090, 506K)

Your the same leaf faggot from the other thread.

Attached: Canada.jpg (1360x768, 134K)

Quintisentially pathetic

And he wasted an economic stimullus in nothing with the tax thing

Obama had 5.2% growth. Trump can't even hit 2% lmao

Attached: 5.2%.png (1164x601, 65K)

>can you believe those retards thought it would help them?

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Gains $37 Billion from Tax Cuts

Attached: buffett.jpg (225x225, 6K)

first time on today

Obama Leaf BTFO

Attached: obama_national_debt_increase.jpg (1200x800, 93K)


Attached: canada housing bubble.jpg (960x672, 110K)

Leaf BTFO again

Attached: 1499910014940.jpg (660x318, 32K)

lol u shills can't even address the topic at hand

that's how fucking butthurt btfo you are

Attached: unemployment rate according to trump supporters.jpg (1024x855, 158K)

T. estrogenic canadian nu-male tries to get people on Sup Forums angry, but in reality he's sitting there with depths of anger so deep he doesn't even know what to do with himself.
Why not just kill yourself?

>what is the 2008 crisis and a normal recovery

because dumbf is the jester of distraction -- we're all too busy hanging on his next sperg or scandal, to care about how he's careening the already irredeemable muttland into third world destitution

Attached: deutronomy_23-1_dumbf.jpg (666x666, 139K)


Attached: aj splerg out.gif (308x312, 3.15M)

T. testosterone levels on par with a pre-pubescent girl

I admire your tenacity, obamaleaf.

I want to lick Dodger's feet.

Lol why argue with a retard who thinks a one time 5.2% increase is a milestone , the compounded effects of 8 years of low growth make it completely irrelevant

> The derivative of my growth stayed flat and thus growth stagnated
> b-but one quarter I did really well!! Drumpf BTFO! One time +5% of a stunted rate is totally the same as record growth! It all makes up for ceding productivity to Asia!

Obama was such a great president that his party lost the house, the senate, a Supreme Court nomination, majority of governorships, their core constituency of the 20th century, and the presidency

Doesn’t mean drumpf is good at all of course.

Obama had a yearly average growth of 1.5%. are you trying to compare Obama's total growth to Trump's average?

thx bro

Attached: collage.png (1500x748, 488K)

1.8 x 4 quarters = 7.2% growth for the year.
Are you functionally retarded, OP?

Attached: qman.jpg (800x610, 69K)

His 2nd term average was 2.5%. Peter Schiff says this all the time. There was a massive fucking crater in 2009 left because of Bush. None of u retards were alive during this time but it was the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression.

I thought Trump promised 5,6,7,8% GDP growth? Why is he breaking all his promises?

i can't even

Attached: mfw right wing retard argues.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Clinton fucked both bush and Obama. Clinton and Lindsey graham are primarily responsible for the housing crisis

u people are extra retarded today

Attached: bush-creating-housing-crisis3.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Obama also doubled the national debt

u mean Reagan

Attached: reagan tripled debt.jpg (600x446, 181K)

Who gives a fuck about one quarter? Obama's 8 year average is only 1.5%.

Q predicted this.

>Great Republican Depression.
Wait, wait, wait, I thought you people claim the Republicans back then were the Democrats now? So are you saying the Democrats that started the KKK are the Democrats now?

holy shit you're fucking retarded

Obama leaf just go kill yourself. Thank you.

Obama more than doubled it actually, and it started at a much higher point; hence his debt was, in total, larger than the debt incurred under every other president before him combined.

"Trump won't reach above 3% GDP" - Obama

Obama's is much higher than that even when adjusting for inflation.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

>larger than the debt incurred under every other president before him combined.

you're talking about reagan not obama

t. king nigger bootlicker

Well you can't have it both ways. Either the Democrat party of today is the KKK party, or it's the great depression party (FDR indisputably made the great depression far worse than it needed to be, and led this country down a path of self-destructive social spending, but that's beside the point). =) ;)

Nope, I'm talking about Obama. Facts. =)

How fast is your shithole country's GDP growing under captain dufus homo muzzie

Tripling a dollar equals 3 dollars. Doubling a million is two million.

Trump is quadrupling it with the latest tax bill, of course you shills will have nothing to say about that..

lol u 12 year old nerd virgin neckbeards are so retarded

it amazes me how u still don't understand what happened in the 1960s

the Democrats passed civil rights legislation and white southern conservatives got pissed off, Nixon did the Southern Strategy in 1968 and white southern conservatives started voting Republican instead of Democratic

u see retard?

>"well @realdonaldtrump.... At least I will go down as a president of the united states"
>*drops phone*

Obama will literally never recover from this, biggest BTFOing in modern history.

Canada's economy blows away forecasts with 4.5% growth — its strongest start to year since 2002

Canada’s unemployment rate falls to lowest rate in over 40 years: StatCan

no shit

>the Democrats passed civil rights legislation and white southern conservatives got pissed off, Nixon did the Southern Strategy in 1968 and white southern conservatives started voting Republican instead of Democratic
Oh, okay, so the Republicans of the '30s that you blame the great depression for were actually the democrats of today. Okay.

>uses the same file for every post.

Attached: really_makes_you_think.png (1694x2284, 940K)

Why do Conservatives/Nationals love immigration so much?

Australia records its highest ever immigration rate – with the population tipped to reach 25 million in months

no i dont

Attached: 93_GORILLION_MRW3.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

no they werent Coolidge/Hoover Republicans were actually very similar to today

they were all about tax cuts for the rich and Wall Street deregulation

u realize your entire fucking ideology is a total and complete joke when all u can do is dindu it

This sad faggot has been spending 24 hours a day on a website he hates now for a couple of years, making the same exact thread and ignoring the same arguments that are brought up with every single one.
He stopped posting for almost half a year if I'm not mistaken but I guess he's unemployed again.

>so democrats of the '30s became republicans
>republicans of the '30s remained republicans
>somehow democrat party continues to exist
Impressive. Wonder how they managed that when all of their voters and the majority of their politicians abandoned them. Hmmm....

r u retarded? holy shit you're full blown fucking retarded

you think i've been making this same thread for years? the 1.8% gdp growth from the Atlanta Fed just came out TODAY

seriously what is wrong with u people i swear you're full blown retarded

you're approaching Inception levels of mental retardation

you realize there is way more to politics than your precious SJW issues

FDR was the greatest Democrat and greatest president of all time

parties don't "flip" the way u 12 year old neckbeard retards think because u have limited brain capacity

i told u white southern conservatives flipped from Democratic to Republican. u retards have a really hard time with this one it actually cracks me up

Can u stop using the picture of this laughing kike bitch? Thanks heeb.

Tell us what that nigger's cum tasted like since you've clearly gulped down gallons of it.

Attached: ObamaLegacyIn9Charts.png (2853x1506, 265K)

>post the same arguments and images in every thread you make
>say as much
>You think this means I'm saying literally every single thread has been about this topic
Granted you've personally owned up to being lonely and genuinely autistic several times now so I should've been more exact with my language.

why do u retards think posting charts of Bush crashing the economy in 2008 hurts Obama?

Attached: THANKS OBAMA!.jpg (1017x457, 111K)

Obama never got 3% growth in any quarter in his entire term of office.
Niggers are all failures.

Attached: ObamaPortraitBanana.jpg (864x1188, 254K)

the 1.8% gdp growth atlanta fed figure just came out today

u have to be full blown fucking mentally retarded to think ive been posting this for years

i post a wide range of threads about a wide range of topics

what is wrong with u seriously? how can u people be this fucking retarded

Obama was the first prez to never reach 3% annual gdp growth.

And 90% of his tenure was post-recession, when you expect those numbers to jump.

Hahahahaha what an embarrassing piece of shit.

why do you retard nigger queermos use this faggy flag and gif
it has been years and you still glow

So you admit the shit growth you started the thread talking about is actually Obama's fault?

yes he did. lol r u retarded?

Obama had 5% growth even

I should ask how was that brief period of employment btw? Bet your parents (who you've owned up to living with several times before) were glad to get you out of the house regularly for a while. How comes you were fired?

Obama had 2.9% in 2015. You retards are just parrots at this point.

Trump is so jealous of Obama's numbers. 5.2% growth dayum trump is at 1.8% and still falling LOL

holy shit you're full blown schizophrenic

you're literally just making shit up in your head now

you are really fuckd up man

>I'm a fucking retard who can't read.
Fuck off, nigger.

Attached: ObamaGdpGrowthFromDoC.png (1000x716, 55K)

Obamaleaf still believes Barack is responsible for fixing the recession. DELUSIONAL. fuck outta my country shitskin

See this is what I mean, you just totally ignored the content of the post.
Is this why you were fired? Because you're quite profound autistic?

2.9% is not 3%.

Again, the ONLY prez in our fucking history.

southern strategy and Obama fixing recession. Two myths obamaleaf believes in

>Bush is responsible for the shitty economic growth under Obonobo,
>Obonobo is not responsible, however, for the slow growth I started this thread talking about.

You are BTFO, nigger.

Serious question, you were gone for nearly half a year if I'm not mistaken, what was your job and why were you fired?

Attached: LeftistObamaleafBtfo.png (701x580, 389K)

holy shit what happened in 2009?

none of u retards were even alive during that time it's so obvious

Attached: conservative-genius.jpg (409x295, 18K)

that's not true either

you people are just retarded trained parrots who spout talking points you've been programmed to repeat and you can't even get it right

>FDR was the greatest Democrat and greatest president of all time
>literally created a social spending crisis and absurd levels of bureaucracy that now suck half of our annual budget into a bureaucratic black hole
Wait, why are you praising him? He was part of the democrat party that became republicans, right? Pre-'60s dems were all republicans, and republicans were always republicans. So basically the modern democrat party is only like 50 years old, according to you. Interesting. At least we can assuredly lay the blame for NAFTA and the '65 immigration subversion act on Dems. Oh, and the bulk of our debt came from Dems. Dems after the '60s, so no excuses =) Teehee.

i love it

conservashits are so fucking ashamed of their own ideology and actions that they have to dindu themselves repeatedly throughout history

He was so good at sucking Brock's dick, he was given a full time position doing that instead of posting, but then Brock learned that he was sucking every other kike's dick in America.

Attached: ObamaLeafLaborParticipation.png (850x664, 168K)

Prove me wrong then, brotha

>>literally created a social spending crisis

Trump goes silent on national debt while racking up $1 trillion in 14 months

Attached: deficit 84%.png (932x752, 825K)

>$1 trillion in 14 months
Eh... Less than Obama.

Attached: ObamaMemeball copy 2.png (638x732, 229K)

you're posting a chart of boomers retiring? you're so fucking mentally handicapped u didn't know when boomers retire they leave the labor force?
seriously why are all u paid shills this retarded?

and why r u still so butthurt about obama? is it just old programming?

Attached: thxobama15millionjobs.png (1024x768, 150K)

Your silence is deafening.
You weren't hired and fired within just a few months as a shelf stacker were you? I can see why you're not forthcoming with the answer.

I’m gonna need you to go ahead and kys.

Attached: F3F0233B-9066-4DBC-891C-3111A30A26AE.jpg (1152x1152, 357K)

>the president controls the economy

This is why democracy is a mistake. People truly do want a king.

Attached: 1469061698700.png (612x736, 709K)

Fuck off, nigger.

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Attached: 93_GORILLION_MRW2.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

all different topics

thx for btfo that other retard

Just admit you were wrong, Obamaleaf nigger.

Attached: ObamaGdpGrowth.jpg (1254x916, 171K)

makes me wonder if more people are evading taxes just because they don't like trump desu


Hold on. I don't understand. Run that by me one more time senpai.

Attached: ObamaGdpGrowthNeverExceeeded3Percent.jpg (780x439, 51K)

Southern strategy is literally a myth.

People claim it started with Nixon but the southern states had republican representation as early as TWO DECADES before Nixon ran. Please tell me again how its not a myth.

somewhere in here this negress kindly tells you why you are wrong, along with telling you the exact years the south saw republican representation. You are believing a lie.

Also cute (and smart) to ignore the FACT that Bush saved the economy, not Obama.