Whitepill of the year, maybe even the decade incoming

Whitepill of the year, maybe even the decade incoming.

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Biggly Wiggly if true.

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even neater if you take recent data from the last couple years into account, showing the differences between white conservative vs shitlib/shitskin birthrates has widened even more.

You guys have had a rough week. Thought you could use some cheering up.

Birthrates won’t matter if they keep bringing millions into america and europe

Yes, but that is orders of magnitude easier to solve than mass deportations, which might not even be necessary with these numbers.

Closing the borders is literally all that is needed. This is entirely, 100% doable.

Doesn't matter with how many shitskins they import, along with the (((public education))) and (((social media))) all children are exposed to from birth
A good sign, but it's not enough

It's not 100% a solution, but it shows the force of movement we have.

The only things they have are immigration and the education system. Two things that are also oh-so-coincidentally under massive attack and under increasing disdain by the native white non-shitlib population.

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5-digit palindrome confirms. Thoth is here

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thanks, brother

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Another positive? Huge portion of mexicans and shitskins are liberal. That whole anti-natalism pro-death thing will bite liberals in the ass. Of course, the jews wouldn't actually think about the long-term consequences of their bullshit, or have any foresight whatsoever.

>Shitskins come to America/Europe in droves
>White people become closed off and move to all white communities
>White people end up starting their own universities, etc.
>Shitskins go to Fuck Whitey U
>get indoctrinated by the pozzed tv and school system
>don't have kids! bad for the environment and you don't get to fuck in da club!
>within 2 generations, we get mixed mutt shitskin soyboys who are just as anti-natalist as liberal whites
>liberal reproduction rates drop off hard because anti-natalists don't want to reproduce

For example, think of the florida anti-gun creatura. She's the daughter of a spic and whatever. But is she going to reproduce or want kids? No, of course not. And if she has a mistake baby, she's going to be a single mother, which results in a genetic dead end. And even if the jews decide to turn off the poz faucet, it still takes at least 2 generations to overcome the conditioning. That would put us at 2060 or so, well after the proposed 2050 number that libs love to throw around (Does it need to be stated that the number was just there for demoralization purposes?) as the end of the white race.


Well then the guys need to get wavy and make e ought money to raise a family on one person income and the girl needs to be smart or made smart to avoid liberal shit and provide part of homeschooling.

This solves a lot of the issue. Self segregation/right to associate and then voluntarily cut out unwanted influences.

USA has homeschooling legal, not like over in say, Germany where it is a crime.

savy. God do I hate autocorrect. Can barely wait for my first paycheck to fix my eight year old computer.

>homeschooling is illegal in Germany
>no free speech
>no right to bear arms
how did a mighty nation fall so fast?

This pretty much guarantees civil war
Next generation of Whites are going to be racially conscious
I'm actually happy whenever I see some pink haired leftist fruitcake or woman, knowing they will never breed

I envy Americans. You still have freedom and guns while we Europeans are defeneless. Don't ever let the goverment take it from you

God bless USA

>be white
>marry white woman with F cups who wants blue eyed babies
> have one son with another little one on the way
> aiming for 4

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Godspeed, my friend

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This is the one image that idiot actually has a copyright for; since its only a portion it's probably protected under fair use laws but be careful.

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Peak prosperity will claim all that you issue forth.

good post too

good shit

Yes. Break down the political data for Gen Z and even millennials by race. You'll like what you see.

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Makes sense, but does it matter? Even dead people vote Democrat.

Pic related.

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I don't know about the commercial reference. The Super Bowl Mtn Dew commercial with Morgan Freeman gave me a gut-laugh as you say it.

Whitepills need sources

We should not fall for falsepills

Former Yugo's also have guns. Its why the Serbs have a progressive leadership that acts as business democrats or conservative lite.

Romania on the other hand has probably the most draconian anti gun laws in europe...
A sad state of affairs on the gun front. Our a cestorus would be ashamed.



Jesus flying fuck!

We removed their balls, and it was a mistake.

Occupation is one hell of a drug

also checked

I'm smiling. Thanks OP

t. Republican 31 year old with three kids who is overwhelmed but we're fuckin tryin out here

>liberals have a very little birthrate!

That's not a whitepill, that's a blackpill; these far-left shitlibs reproduce by indoctrinating YOUR children.

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>part of the 7%
I don't know how to feel about this.

That's why they're so intent on flooding the country with illiterate turd worlders. I come from a family of eight kids and now have thirty-two nephews and nieces. Only one of them is a leftist.

work with elementary school kids and it'll straight give you hope for the future

A whitepill of this caliber warrants a bump

Thanks user.

>That's not a whitepill, that's a blackpill; these far-left shitlibs reproduce by indoctrinating YOUR children.

You are too stupid to understand OP's point. You aren't white

>political ideology passed down genetically
>in the Internet Age


I've witnessed this phenomenon in my own family. I'm one of eight children and have thirty-two nieces and nephew. Only one of my sisters and one of my nieces are leftists. That's why leftists are so intent on flooding the country with easy to control illiterate peasants. They can't compete with us when it comes to making babies.

The only Romanians I know have a son who is convince he is a girl. Shame. They’re nice people.

Here's another one: the race-conscious right wing will continue to grow. The worse things get, the faster it grows. Change is inevitable. (((Their))) only chance is to start a world war and pretty much kill everyone on the planet, including themselves. If they do, then they'll be living in the stone age.

We will win, so long as we never falter or lose hope.

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>sending your kid to public school
>not giving a kid clear understanding of what is what
>implying that kids trust to teachers more than to their parents and instincts
Just don't harshly push right views on kids, dudes, you should introduce them slowly, so they would come to right conclusions themselves. As in, guide them, give them food for thought, not barrage them with "Alabama Nigger" through every morning and vids of nignogs being nignogs.

The "gene-environment" correlation on political attitudes is negative (a nonsensical result, which means the true value is zero), as found by Hatemi et al's massive extended twin study.

Environment like school doesn't make one more liberal or conservative.


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It’s not really genetic. Parents tend to teach you their world views and thus give you that lens to see out from

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what source is needed for:
redpilled huwhites should breed more redpilled huwhites?
that's the recipe no matter what

Huge if big
And now we wait (and reproduce)

Do they not apply the smacking to get his head screwed on back straight?

Or the time favoured having to stand kneeling on corn seeds facing the wall with hands up.

>Just don't harshly push right views on kids, dudes, you should introduce them slowly, so they would come to right conclusions themselves. As in, guide them, give them food for thought, not barrage them with "Alabama Nigger" through every morning and vids of nignogs being nignogs.

This, the kids of hardcore right-wingers often turn into the worst types of SJW when they rebel.

>It’s not really genetic. Parents tend to teach you their world views and thus give you that lens to see out from

This is fucking wrong. Leftist thinking.
Heritability of IQ is around 80%, if not higher.
Leftists will say "hur dur it's because they're poor"
No, the kid is dumb and poor because his parents are fucking dumb. The end

Stop accepting the enemy's fallacious logic. Personality, IQ, and political leaning is all genetic. Biopolitics. "The apple does not fall far from the tree" is an old saying here in the USA and folk wisdom about the heritability of E V E R Y T H I N G

I never understood this whole idea from the west that colonialism was bad.

To me whenever I liked at the history books thought that the western Europeans are in a depression from loosing their empires, forced by the US/USSR fight after not having the force and will to hold it.

But then again I am weird.

Hope you unfuck yourself in the west, because we don't have such a issue to grow the right and old style communists on the left...

Good Luck bud

You are living the dream

That is a old saying around here too.

Well its more like the splinter does not fall far from the trunk translated word for word but same shit.

The mother was a whore who had divorced multiple guys the daughter will be most likely a whore who will divorce multiple guys.
The father used excessively to best the mother around, the son will most likely do so as well.

That is why it is advised to meet the parents if you get serious. To see the most likely version of your potential future spouse.

Good luck sterilizing minorities we give bonus gibs for more offspring.

They can't even manage replacement level with all the gibs

Imagine what will happen if/when the gibs stop coming.

Combine the gibs with sterilisation
Claim to solve overpopulation- Offer money for every one of them that gets permanently fixed
You can even bill it as "Don't need abortions anymore!" for them

its important to teach your children the liberal philosophies, and they why they are illogical, at a young age. that way when they are (((taught))) in school they can recognize the idiocy and immediately disregard it.

holy fucking shit it all makes sense

Also I came from a worker-class left-wing family, I can relate to this.

This is the most comforting thing I have read in a while.

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>That is why it is advised to meet the parents if you get serious. To see the most likely version of your potential future spouse.

Very true. Advice I wish had been told to me. I could have saved a lot of time I wasted on shitty women

It should be "Our work visas are limited for each continent, to celebrate diversity we want to give everyone around the world the opportunity to work .", and then you just say "25% Asians, 25% European, 30% African or Middle East, 20% Australia/Oceania". It seems fair for retarded people, 30% is greater than 25% so they are like "sheeeitt we have privilege" but in reality you are adding both africans and muslims, as if they werw 15%/15% while europeans are 25% and asians 25% too.


I have one blue eyed son

I don't know about these stats. For example, I highly doubt hispanics are only having 1.6 kids per couple. And blacks seem to pop out another baby if it gets them an extra welfare check. So those numbers seem a bit off.

Secondly, you'll have to remember that leftists, even if they don't breed as much, sure like to import others into the nation to create a new dependency/welfare/voting class (ie more spics and mudslimes). Even if white liberals don't breed, the new imports certainly do.

Lastly, I also am suspect about the claim that 93% of kids follow in their parents footsteps. Sure, this might be true if all kids were homeschooled. But you forget that most kids go to public school -- which just happens to be a liberal indoctrination factory.

But anyways, yeah so in general, the left doesn't breed, but they sure as hell find ways to get their propaganda out in other ways.

The liberal vs conservative baby gap is growing wider and wider

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Same here user. Wasted 5 years on a girl that ultimately was putting on a front. If I had checked out her family sooner, that could have been avoided.

fuck I've forgotten about spics, but you get the point lol do something like 25% good/25% semi-good/30% both bad and worse/20% who cares or even 15% and then give africans/middle easterns something like 17.5%

Feels good to have five kids in a white shitlib utopia where the average family is an unmarried or gay couple and two furbabies.

Don't forget to homeschool. You have too much riding on the next generation to let them get mentally and physically abused.

Hawkeye in this pose sums up how I feel about this good work user


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Its painful to see but ultimately this plays into our hands. Nothing is angrier than a person awakened to the fact they've been lied to and manipulated with false guilt. Generation Alpha is going to be the one that breaks free of the conditioning faster than any before it

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Atheists have no children and their population is growing slower than any religion

I can't wait for jews, libs, and shitskins to be an endangered species.

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It's not enough if you can't stop the influx of immigrants.

American Jewish Fertility by Religious Current
Religious Sect

Ultra-Orthodox 6.72
Modern Orthodox 3.39
Conservative 1.74
Reform 1.36
Secular 1.29


your son is a faggot and your daughter will fuck niggers

Not happening anytime soon friendo.

>Stats show Israel has highest fertility rate in the West

Europeans and white people around the globe need to start breeding like rabbits!

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Kek. I heard it said once if all Jews were Ultra Orthodox everyone would be anti-Semitic. Looks like we'll get to see.

I do a bit about this in my comedy act. I talk about how I'm pro-Abortion, not pro-Choice because everyone getting aborted would have grown up be a Democrat. Thanks, Planned Parenthood.

do the opposite of what thay say


"The queens of many ant species exude a chemical that inhibits workers from producing eggs, and the queens of some ant species physically attack fertile workers."

This is only intraspecies. Imagine interspecies and/or interrace/subspecies etc tactics and practices.

>muh liberals
>muh commies
Don't we love the mongrellus?

For the fertility rates of those populations, without verification, it means nothing, could even be a purposeful lie to mislead us.

Orthodox Jews in America make up a tiny minority, (most Jews in the West are not religious, they're secular atheists that hate religion), which seem like a good thing until you realize that Orthodox Jews overwhelmingly vote Republican.

>Lastly, I also am suspect about the claim that 93% of kids follow in their parents footsteps.

Well they do. There is a lot data on this. Kids/young adults usually differ greatly from their parents politically but as they age heritability increases (or environmentality decreases) and they overwhelming change their opinions to come much more in line with the beliefs of their parents by the time they reach their 30s. This trend continues to increase with age and then drops off in their late 70s and 80s.

6 point fucking 72??
What the bloody hell?!

So what you're saying is that were winning?

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This is going to be REALLY fucking great in 30 years.
If we get rid of social security and make it so that the elderly have to rely on their children, dusty bitching old liberals are going to starve on the streets.

So are they calling off the Communist invasion?

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this would be nice but they basically beat us with Hispanics already

Mexican wind chimes.

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>dusty bitching old liberals are going to starve on the streets.

That is going to happen one way or another. We are entering another periodic global cooling period. This will cause shitstorms of epic proportions for the next 30 or so years. Major famines are going to severely fuck up the shitskin populations around the world, as well as enlightened urban Hillary voters.

This is getting pretty meta, but r/K is really really real, and K is coming in hard and pissed off.

of course thats why they need a constant supply of illegals

They didn't really. I mean, yeah it's a big population, but they're concentrated in California and 11 million of them are illegal, so once times go by that will decline and hopefully mexico will get their shit together and become a mexican ethnostate and all hispanics will want to go there.

mexico will never be functional, we need to expel them

>We are entering another periodic global cooling period.
never heard this one before