Éire/pol/ - The Nation Survived Another Week! Edition

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Headlines | Ceannlínte:
>Liam O'Flynn dies

>Trump tells Leo he hopes to visit Ireland soon

>Taoiseach invited to visit home of Mike Pence

>New agencies lined up to keep vital Ireland 2040 projects on target and land prices in check

>Zappone wants Sinn Féin to back plan for 12-week abortion law

>Russian ambassador to Ireland launches scathing attack on UK government

>Mark Hamill 'guest of honour' at Dublin's St Patrick's parade

>Mary Lou and Arlene not invited to the White House but Gerry and Paisley Jr are

>Orange snow-ice warning for Sunday along the east coast

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Never again will this be heard lads it still hurts

Murder, riot, rape and dismembered children

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>Taoiseach invited to visit home of Mike Pence

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posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

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>as a memb..ur of Limer..icks wurking...class

the discord lads...

discord gg/gmpMwD

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>the cgi flag

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Friendly reminder Irish women love Halal COCK.

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say no to pan europeanism and white nationalism, it has nothing to do with ireland

"The truth is old , and it has been handed down to us by our fathers. It is not a new thing, devised to meet the exigencies of a situation. "
"Irish nationality is an ancient spiritual tradition, one of the oldest and most august traditions in the world."
"A nation's fundamental idea of freedom is not affected by the accidents of time and circumstance. It does not vary with the centuries, or with the comings and goings of men or of empires. The substance of truth does not change, nor does the substance of freedom. Yesterday's definition of both the one and the other is today's definition and will be tomorrow's."
"They have conceived of nationality as a material thing, whereas it is a spiritual thing."

- P H Pearse

(read the coming revolution)

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I still want him to be the newsreader for RTÉ
been a while lad

How are ya watching the match for paddy's day lads?

Nice British actor you got there

Going to the pub after the parade down in Loch Garman.

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Don't forget to dislike


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it's still a fucking shame the video was alright for the first bit

Very good post. Anyone who falls for the white nationalism meme needs to be locked in a room with only the Coming Revolution to read.


Thats a nice illustration
pic related

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dia dhiabh a bhuachaillií

What's the craic lad?

Any updates on Lisdoonvarna are they still going ahead with the plantation?

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*blocks your path*

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all quiet thank god

was down in jesusing galway today
holy fuck it look likes addis abbaba

Dia's Múire dhuit.

Not that I have heard but the town has been sold down the river I doubt the govt will backdown now

I stay as far away from Galway as I can these days

In hospital right now and there's about 10 nurses on staff. Only four are Irish; one Canadian, one spic, one chink, three niggers. What happened to this countr? For most of my life I was the most diverse person around but now their everywhere

youtu.be/1Iy0Sxwbs7k we need more men like him

Disgrace. That White fella who owns the hotel should be shamed.

fucken hell
it used to be a nice multi-culti town
a few germans french and spanish

now its all fucken fake refugees and africans
shocking state of affairs

He should be hanged from the highest balcony of his own hotel and left there forever more


>says we should put our race first
>on national tv
>with his name and face clear for all to see
based as fuck

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agreed. King Thomond hotel taken over by a hundred nogs what would Boru say. I can't get over the fact 197 said no to 15 yes and they're still doing it. As bad as Cromwell these lot.

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it's because it's a college town, Dublin suffers this because it is both that and the capital and Cork to a lesser extent than both of them

Was this in Lisdoonvarna? I doubt very much that there was only one person with something negative to say about the whole thing, and of course they probably went out of their way to pick someone who wasn't from the town to put on the news.
Also does anyone else think it highly suspicious that the one town they choose for this, happens to be the one town famous for its matchmaking festival?

no Ballaghaderreen a while back

Well, it's the same difference really. Plantations are what they are, except this time they're starting from the west.

Out of curiosity anyone from Galway on here? I know we have all sorts from all corners but I don't think there has been anyone at all from Galway yet that we know of

i couldn't have said it better myself

Aye, hopefully what happened in Lisdoonvarna will get much more attention because those in power want to slam the foot down on the accelerator for the replacement

>own hotel
>make money from tourism
>agree to accept 100 rapefugees into small area that could ruin tourist industry


get hanged

unfortunately you miss the part where he gets bankrolled as long as he has the foreigners in his care by the govt he is in bed with already he won't need tourists anymore

Yes, Marcus White should be

Bit short sighted. His hotels will be worth fuck all if no ones visiting anymore. And no one visits rapefugee shitholes look at paris now.

I don't think he cares about it anymore, even after they are gone he will probably keep getting brown envelopes I have no doubt in my mind he is sorting himself out for life no matter how much it damages his business or his employees

There is no truth but the old truth
There is no way but the old way

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Is Ireland anything like those James Joyce novels or have I been had?

It's not the blacks you got to watch out for, the Arabs and Pakis are the ones Irishwomen fall for in droves. I know a paki who is fucking two Irishwomen and has a kid with one.

Whatcha all slugging tomorrow on paddies lads?

No, romantic Ireland's dead and gone, it's with O'Leary in the grave

"People" from Connaught have yet to discover electricity, nevermind the internet.

Admit it you all fantasized about owning a traditional shilleagh and smashing the face into disgusting riff raff foreigners like Brendan Gleeson in gangs of new york.

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When a black person speaks out against (((political correctness))) and (((mass immigration))) it seems to resonate more with white normie goyim, but when a white goy speaks out about it they'll brand him a racist and completely dismiss what he says. That's the impression that I get.

I mean, he's right, but he sounds like a wanker and looks like a retarded cunt

>Promote Celtic Nationalism in schools
>Promote Gaelic purity
>Promote building a huge army, all boys mandatory army for 2 years.
>Force all children to speak Gaeilge only.
>Expel all foreigners.

Nobody will take that goy seriously.

Anyone under 85 IQ shouldn't be allowed to join or own firearms

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Do any of you actually have girlfriends? tfw
10/10 blonde girl in my work place liked me and I was too stupid to notice because I didn't have any confidence so I shrugged away all the signs, she still says hi at least. Then again her grandmother is pure English so maybe I saved my genes.

Of course. That giant deserved better than to become a notch in his own stick.

>Promote building a huge army, all boys mandatory army for 2 years.
>Huge army
We have a population of 4.5m and every country near us could steam-roll us with their peace time army you daft cunt.

I mean, his message needs to spread, but how do you shut him up?

Sorry lad, you have a nice message but you look like Smeagol's offspring and sound like you have an intermediate dose of downs?

tfw you reject a 10/10 because her grandmother is English.

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Anyone here do MMA lads?

>No, romantic Ireland's dead and gone, it's with O'Leary in the grave
But why?

He could be controlled opposition.
"Send the retarded lad out there to spread anti-refugee propaganda. That should do the trick in turning goys away from evil raycisss nazis."

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Irish and English genes are more or less the same lad. Some unique genetic markers but as far as the end product goes we're virtually identical.
Unless you're talking "New English"

Let's face it, most Irishmen of significance have had English, Welsh or Scottish ancestry, at least throughout history.

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How rude, you Canadian wannabe. Also we used to have an army of 55000, we should strive to become a greater power than we are, a power to be feared. An army of at least 100,000 strong Gaelic Irishmen. You daft cuck. It's wimps with no vision like you that are destroying Ireland. Kill yourself like that le creature in America. I'll even buy the shotgun for you.

No but I bare knuckle box in an underground boxing club, done some basic shit but left with intentions of improving my stamina but never got around to it, all my mates are fighters though so do be at fights the odd time

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>Also we used to have an army of 55000
Didn't you do basic history for JC? That was pre-civil war levels, and the demobilization after the end of the civil war was a disaster and ended in mutiny.

I like the idea of a conscripted army, but half the cunts in the country shouldn't be handed a hurl, much less a steyr

> Buy a shotgun
Fuck off poorfag, I have more rifles over than you have shoes.

>An army of at least 100,000 strong
What exactly are we going to do with an army of that size?

Yeah, that's primarily due to the fact that you had to be Protestant to receive proper schooling and attain high status for most of our history.

Why would you join an underground boxing club when you can join an MMA gym and learn to streetfight

Accidental memeflag


its ok im glad you ironed out that one early in its life course

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France's army is 200,000 so if we could manage 100,000 that's pretty big

Have a country with a higher percentage of the men being fit, organised and not only willing but actually able to protect themselves their families their communities and their country

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Dave Cullen interviews Justin Barrett

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I suppose you're correct.
Still, you can't just disregard the contributions of people like Patrick Pearse (English), James Joyce, Arthur Griffith (Welsh), etc, to Ireland.

>Social housin'.....FUUUGGEEDDAAA ABOUT IT

Post more

i never heard of him but his name is gone worldwide as a traitor

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>the coming revolution

2056 seems actually plausible.

>It was just a prank, bro

Sadly Justin Barrett is untouchable.
He'd be better trying to stimulate a movement rather than self-agrandising.

Nor would I. I'm of distant British ancestry. Ultimately both native Brits and Irish are of mostly Celtic origin. Anglo-Saxon and even Norman genes are a meme, they were a ruling elite that made up less than 1% of the population.

Are you the banking user?

>Are you the banking user?
I am indeed, long time no see CanAnon

Long time indeed. Quicky, what's the CFA worth in the industry? Started Level I, thinking of branching into equity trading. Any insight?

leaf help us
the anifa are planning to stop the taylor swift concert in Dublin in june because she is "aggresively white"

help us leaf

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For all the shit we kick up about how Ireland is today, compared to the rest of the West we're actually doing quite well, honestly, lads. The economy's doing well, we have the fewest Muslims in Western Europe; we're still 85% Irish, and 94% white overall. We still have freedom of speech (one hate speech act enacted in 1989 that's never enforced).

We have a balanced budget; we've had only one minor terrorist attack. We're paying down our national debt, etc.

>the anifa are planning to stop the taylor swift concert in Dublin in june because she is "aggresively white"
No way, i don't believe that.

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The finest soldiers in leafland are en route

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Antifa wouldn't stop a car

It's still a little early yet but they're slowly catching on. Once Irish millionaires and more people start tuning in he will surely be running party events open to the public. That's when the movement stimulation begins.