how is such bravery even possible?
How is such bravery even possible?
The Jews
Protip: That is satire
Sage! Stop this jewish cancer
Women are trying to destroy men
Women are retarded.
patriarchy = destroyed
Women hate thread?
Pff. I named my daughter "Cock" years ago. It wasn't considered brave.
This little boy is going to have a GREAT childhood.
But you can't name your son Adolf Hitler?
Nazi dad from NJ. Had his kids taken away because state didn't like his names.
Kid is going to be fucking bullied.
Kid is literally a pussy
>Sup Forums is dumb enough to fall for this
Ban all the underage kids and retards who fall for shit like this
Probably fake, but in any event, women should have nothing to do with naming children, especially boys.
Ban you for not knowing we know it's fake, and don't care. Hello, newfag. Now go back.
who cares if it is fake, it is funny
Thats a future school shooter for sure.
>booking a flight to europe now to rape a bunch of future baby mommas who will lust after my strong, forceful dick
Honestly though, raping white women is legal in NW Europe now, apparently, so why not?
I give him till the age of 17 till he either an heroes or kills his degenerate mother. Or God forbid, goes full Columbine.
From a womens magazine
>dat jewface
>kikes are literally splitting their own dicks
reductress is a satire site.
>call 911
>reveal your location by screaming
>(((Studies))) have shown that these methods are as effective as pulling out a gun
jesus christ it's like you WANT to get raped
>I wuz only pretending
Lol I think you're the only one
Kids gonna be a pussy
>these far left protests all occur in places like portland, philly, nyc, san francisco etc.
>white population in these places is upwards of 50% or greater jewish
Most of these fucking estrogenic faggot so-called "white" males are kikes. That's why they're almost all in kike stronghold cities.
>how is such bravery even possible?
We know faggot you are like the third person to point this out.
>call 911
that sure helped those school children or that poor women in her house getting raped by a screaming man calling her a bitch after he broke in
>yell out / scream
oh hai! i'm over here! please rape me! and what if they the perp is also screaming calling you a bitch and a fat whore?
>I love you vagina, but you can't be doing this, come on!
I bet her son will be very respected person in the school. lel.
>1 post by this ID
>no source
Any nicknames?
it turned into a feminist redpill thread m8
>the weak should fear the strong
Why is the woman on the left only repeating "mentally ill women" on her piece of cardboard?
I hope he survives his cunt sjw brainwashed mother
>would be well Jewed in a classroom
did they do that on purpose?
i guarantee that kid is being raised in a fatherless household
totaly false pic, same with that whore who sang "mix it up" . dont make up things to poltards to feel better, these whores never pay because they are not coalburners, they are just virtue signaling while living in their rich communities with theirs rich white bfs. girl who got stabbed was albanian or something.
guaranteed they've never spent any meaningful time around muslims
I would tell my teachers to call me "Cunt" for short.
No they talked with Moe (short for Mohammad) who is totally a real muslim.
You can do all of those things with a goo too.
>(((Wasser))) with 0 studies cited
I, too, remember when yelling did anything to stop violent crime
>screaming makes me harder
you'll scream. oh you'll scream
Who says the Onion isn't funny anymore now they were bought out by Hillary's campaign?
>please, God, be satire
How long until this kid offs himself?
Whenever I see stuff like this, my first thought is always "thank god no one innocent was hurt".
Can't wait to name my daughter Cock
Name her "Boipussy"
>tfw my gf just had the whole "woman are discriminated and get payed less" thingy with me.
What the fuck guys ? She is not even liberal, she hated Hillary Clinton and doesn't even like to be around niggers.
Now out of nowhere she goes on a rant how woman are payed less in the work places, discriminated against, how men are bringing them down etc...
She was saying "Why isn't there a single world leader or person in high position that is female? Because men do not wan't females to be powerful and give the positions to other men".
When i mentioned Merkel, Thatcher, May she said something like "yeah thats like only 2%"...
What the fuck happened Sup Forums ?
How do ideal with it, please help.
>again, God, be satire
Fuck this planet srsly why does anyone want to stop WW3 at this point fuck it all we need a reset
Oh? Didn't know that, do you have the original?
That 'mix it up' pic was long before pol though. It did the rounds on Sup Forums I think in 2008 iirc
Also why is an article about rape illustrated with a sexy lady showing off her legs and her knickers? What the fuck, Elle Magazine?
>this season's new colour match is Deep Shame and Bruise Blue
He'll make a fine school shooter in 15 years
Whoever wrote that is in danger of burning in Hell.
Ask a feminist this question. Shuts them up every time.
"How does a 90 pound women stop a 200 pound man from raping her? Rape whistle? Lol no. A gun"
I hope based Abdul and Muhammad beat the shit out of that kid every single day until he becomes the next Adolf.
Well, her Kid will hate her for it... As he will get bullied
rees-mogg is a time traveller?
and i guarantee you that never happened.
spoiler alert: he won't. this shit raises my blood pressure
>Rape a girl
>She comes back to rape you later
Double dipping.
Poor kid
>really fucking attractive woman
I want her.
Please tell me she was killed.
and the next school shooter is born.
he's gonna kill her in her sleep.
Fucking got him good lmao
beat sense into your women, my fellow americans
well, the only vagina this kid will ever see is on his birth certificate
its not
Wait, you guys have Internet?
No. We just bang rocks until we establish a good enough connection to the internet
is his mom trying to turn him into paul feig?
Does anyone have the link to this article?