You CAN NOT defend this. The turnover rate is insane and incompetence at the highest level.
Trump decides to remove McMaster
This post was literally made by a bot
I guess we roll to see who becomes the new national security advisor?
I'm not. But even if I was that wouldn't make my statement any less true.
>You CAN NOT defend this.
yes I can. 8D CHESS BABY!
You don't get it, do you? This isn't about being efficient, or intelligent, or sane. This isn't even about being evil, or cruel, or about shilling for another government. This is solely, unquestionably, 100% about pissing liberals off.
It doesn't matter if Trump strips naked and takes a shit on his desk in the oval office, it doesn't matter if he contradicts himself three or four times in a single sentence, and it certainly doesn't matter that he can't spell, use grammar, understand sarcasm, empathize, think critically, improvise, act cautiously, behave cordially, or show the slightest bit of decency. If you are a liberal, and you are pissed, he has won, and that is all that matters and all that will ever matter.
Trump is surrounding himself with an echo chamber
He's picking sycophant yes-men to have complete control
Defend what? Most of Sup Forums has wanted McMaster gone since day one.
Nah, high turnover is to remove moles and increase efficiency. Increasing efficiency is something leftists wouldn’t understand, and you’re just pissed that the moles are being tossed out as well.
I see it more as a multi-car pileup on a busy highway
The cars just keep coming and keep on crashing, and the whole ordeal just gets worse and worse, and with each new approaching car, I go "oh, no, no, not again..."
American politics have been an absolute dumpster fire this past year
Does this accomplish something? You'd think once you guys won control of the nation, you might want to actually get some stuff done. BUt what do I know.
> He is firing incompetent people instead of leaving the same shit heads in place like every other shit president
> Suck more dick op
>You CAN NOT defend this.
He's removing leftist subversives and globalist faggots.
You're a stupid person that thinks they're smart.
I thought Trump loved military guys like McMaster.
dont think ive ever seen a shillier post in my entire life
>firing people who aren't do their job is incompetent
Are you retarded?
>Running a company well doesn't include high turnover rates once people are paid to do a job they are good at and have the opportunity to move on to other projects
Leftists just don't get it, do they?
>You're a stupid person that thinks they're smart.
Is that so? This isn't about BTFOing libtards, then?
t. the beaner spic
I just want to see the mental gymnastics on having people fired every day. Something's up. Not to mention Jr. getting a divorce.
Explain to everyone here what exactly is broken in gov't since Trump took over?
God forbid Trump keeps his cabinet fresh with people best suited for the job at the moment. Lets just have people sit around for 4 years instead.
He brought in these memes to placate the deep state, now that the deep state is being tortured and killed by Alliance guys left and right he us just removing them all because he doesn't have to pretend anymore.
This is one possible take. The other is it's all just drama and a meme.
Why doesn't Donald Trump just give the job to his youngest, Barron Trump?
His kiddo's been playing violent games according to his poppy. That means he knows how to defend the nation against everyone.
>we roll
Already got decided, Bolton gets the position
Sessions is also getting fired, replaced by Pruitt who will then fire Mueller
A gay pride poster making no sense.
What else is new
Next you'll tell me you always hated Bannon
Stay mad shillary fag
Let's just face it, he's gone senile and still thinks he's in the apprentice.
The apprentice was very successful for a long time
It's really a pity what happened to Bannon. At first, he was the shadow emperor of the US. Then, he got kicked out, and now he has to whore himself out for money in Europe.
He hires only the best people.
>from FOX News
>a well-run company has high turnover rates
Are you a fucking retard?
Why couldn't that faggot hire competent people in the FIRST place?? Why does he have to hire incompetent stooges, only to fire them months later? This will be his THIRD national security advisor, after his first one was arrested and his second one was fired.
Gee, what did Obama do in 2009 when he got into office? Oh, exactly the same thing. Like they all do. Teams take time to build.
Perhaps McMaster was the democrat mole all along.
He didn't tho
Isn't McMustard a globalist faggot anyway?
Drain the swamp xD
>a well-run company has high turnover rates
>Are you a fucking retard?
As he/she said, Democrats don't get it. Your Starbucks experience doesn't give you one iota of knowledge on how a successful LARGE company operates.
I've never liked McMaster. I hope he goes.
Because humans aren't machines with statistical displays or predictive behaviour AI? It's not like playing SimOffice m8. Everyone remembers the "Dream Team" they had for a few years in buisness, where everyone synergized and you all worked together as one. You look back on those configurations with nostalgia when folks move on, retire etc and forever try to recreate the lightning in a bottle that made it all click together. I imagine in politics the situation is even more fraught given the way in which the team leaders are selected.
wtf Drumpf is firing people? I'm definitely voting for open borders and fuck white people party next time?
Yes, but the guy replacing him is magnitudes worse
>back to the "he keeps firing people so hes shitty!" line
that is SO january 2017, OP. If he kept someone on and they fucked up you'd have even more shitposting material
The people in Trump's cabinet are not affirmative action hires. They are expected to perform, and when they fail, they need to go as soon as possible. There's no reason for Trump to carry around dead weight.
Trump is smart. Firing dead weight is healthy.
Sup Forums literally predicted this yesterday wow
why did you elect such an incompetent clown as your president?
why not cruz?
>didn't happen
>links WaPo from yesterday
I’m a manager irl. When one of my employees doesn’t do what I want, I fire him (lol no I don’t have any cunty women on my staff). Wow trump is literally a businessman such surprise.
Try looking again m8. The difference was Obama had the full support of the corporate mass media and everything he did was declared an act of perfection. Compare the changes of staff side by side, and the timeline of the shuffling. It's identical.
He's getting his wartime cabinet ready. Israel's war with Iran is getting fast tracked. How many of you trumptards are going to inlist?
>Trump is "smart". Firing anybody that disagrees with you is "healthy".
Yes, people do get fired for incompetence.
It's refreshing to see Trump applying this to our Government officials and their incompetence over since the 1960's has reached levels never seen before.
First I've heard about a replacement.
According to the American Republicans and the Democrats, it's because 13 Russians tricked all the dumb and poor Americans into voting for Trump.
>hire people to help you drain the swamp
>discover the people you hired are the swamp
Trump is draining the swamp.
Expect many more casualties.
>I hire the best people
>there are even big, manly hands added to the picture
Op is a faggot and a failure at life
Wow companies never hire people they have to fire.
The only people who think like you are government employees that never get fired or see people be fired because they can't be.
I wish my fucking job fired all the incompetents at the rate Trump is doing
Kelly is next.
This is how he runs his businesses.
He gets people to compete with each other, then he cuts out the weak ones.
He uses people.
That’s how you get shit done.
Keeping an incompetent nigger around just because they are a loyal friend is NOT good business.
Grow the fuck up!
I-is this the end of America?
Worried cuz if they go down, we go down, so, not looking forward to that...
Shut the fuck up, you disgusting faggot traitor.
Drain that swamp.
Stop lying. It's over. Do you think you can screech mainstream talking points all day on this forum, when this is supposed to be a nazi forum? That just proves that all the screeching is fake, right? Of course it does, you Artificial Imbecility. Get out now.
This has been a headline for the past two days, still nothing.
I fully support the turnover rate. He started out with neocons and Jews in so many positions. He had to learn the hard way how few of them he can trust. He needs to purge many more. Nimrata Haley should be next. She never should've been given any position.
Man, Trump looks better bald. Someone should tweet him that pic.
Shut the fuck up you disgusting mongoloid faggot traitor.
It's Bolton, he's been in and out of the White House constantly over the last few months and this is one of the positions he said he'd do
That's a very good thing, considering he wants what's best for the country and most in government absolutely do not.
I don't know if you're "being ironic", but what does it matter? You will start to blurt the truth out due to your own global confusion. The swamp is draining. The desperation proves it. You can't act desperate and not expect people to notice that you're desperate.
Mcmaster hates kikes no wonder the jew botlicker is firing him
I think the end of America is unavoidable. These novel experiments usually only last about 200 years. Honestly the whole world's been stuck in a rut ever since WW1
No one knew who he was. He was portrayed as pro-white by the Jew media, with no evidence. He's a cuck for Jews and Israel. So he was never really our guy.
Fuck off with your retarded drivel, faggot.
>Why couldn't that faggot hire competent people in the FIRST place?
He's not a career politician and has been putting his trust in traitors to make recommendations for staff. He's going through trial and error to find people that are loyal and actually care about the country.
It's been long enough now he can get rid of her without it looking like opportunism to get her out off office.
When trump announced McMaster as a potential NSA chief people were pissed. Me included, people on the right knew he was a deep state jack ass who's morphed from a military general to a political puppet. The left was screaming about trump militarizing the White House and making the whole government run by generals. Now he's on his way out, and fag leftist are bemoaning Trump.
>OMG his administration is so dysfunctional the countries not working
Never mind the fact they don't want it to work, or that democrats have used cloture 79 times in 14 months almost 5X as many times as its been used in the last 4 administrations combined.
You marxist fags are bitching about this is no different then hearing you bitch about the wall
>we don't want the wall its a waste of money it won't work
implying you're intention is for anything to work.
You people are scum, trash, you're everything wrong with our nation. please kill yourselves.
It just means that Washington is full of swamp creatures. But he needed them to show non swamp creatures what needs to be done to run the government.
There are just as many Jews still. Kudlow is the economic adviser now.
Turns out they weren't the best, and time to get the best people in
It is. The problems in this country are obvious. If they oppose his plans to avoid war and fix things in this country, they should be fired. We all wanted him to hire yes-men anyway. That ensures we get the changes we wanted.
Why would Trump ever get rid of Jews? His son-in-law is a Jew.
He did tho. And you being a disgusting fucking idiot doesn't change that.
>an absolute dumpster fire
can you be any more transparent faggot?
Aren't his daughters in law Jews as well? One is getting divorced.
>best for the country
>take people that just say yes to you, even if you know your idea is retarded and will not work is good.
Yes men are how countries become shitholes
How long will the new ones last? Over under is 2 months?
So Trump lied that he hires the best people. It's fine. This is only like the first or second time he's lied.
It's called persuasion you dolt. You either don't have a clue, STILL, how Trump operates or you're a shill. Which is it?
How does that excuse lying? You're telling me it's a good thing that the president lies to us?
More of a counter-statement to the statement you provided.
You say that like he hasn't done anything at all
I was being sarcastic in the first statement. Trump always lies.
>Never mind the fact they don't want it to work,
You didn't want Obama to succeed so why should I care if Trump doesn't?