Russians btfo

Butthurt russian communist arrested after attacking latvians legionnaires day march in Riga.
(Today (16th march) is Latvian legionnaires day, where ex Latvian ss soldiers are given respect for their service.)


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Other urls found in this thread:

Russia hate thread. Daily reminder that Putin is a paedophile and he erased video evidence of him fucking a boy upon becoming leader of the intelligence service

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Hot. Not as hot as this chick

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threadly reminder that we dindu nuffin and it's all beady little anglo raging girl who keeps creating these hate threads in hopes of attracting ivan volodimir volodimirovich because she wants to rape him with her butt.

this is not a chick

That was a random bitch I posted to attract (You)'s. I love tomboys
He's a very pretty girl.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Muhammad.

Rossiya dlya vsekh, Otkryt svoei sertsu dlya arabaskaya migranty ))
Ukraina tozhe nuzhna Migranty.

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based analysis

britbongs are the biggest cucks in the universe and the main reason why the world is such shitty liberal dystopia today, since all britbongs suck jewish cock

When will we admit the perfidy of the Russian menace?

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How do you rape someone with your butt

Ivan, explain

as a russian, i agree with op. the guy from the video should be sent to a gas chamber.

Friendly reminder that Russia is a WN state.

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that was you. you want me to slap your ass, groping your tits, kiss your lips and fuck your pussy

Ю фaггoт хaхaхaхa

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I am a male, my good chap. I'm going to rape you for what you did to us, Ivan, and then you're going to choke on my cock

this OP girl will explain you everything after I finish with her.

hey i have a nice idea, let's turn this thread from a russian hate thread into a britbong hate thread

Attached: sucks_jewish_cock.jpg (1200x630, 181K)

I'm only carrying this thread on from a Finnish poster. Don't hate the messenger mate.

Slavshits need death

you want to choke on my cock? you want your face covered with my cum? that can be done.

Reported to the anti-homo Russian authorities. Prepare for a beatdown

nothing personal as well, it is just a very needed attack on you stupid, cucked people

Russianbot detected.

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yeah, right, jew-lover

fuckin prepared!!!

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What's wrong with Jews? They're a productive people

haha, what are actually doing on pol, may I ask?

You're such a faggot Ivan. Cocksucker!

I'm preparing to gas Putin.

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naughty boy!

are you seriously this brainwashed???

This is a political thread, Luigi. I know you want to be raped and choked with my dick but we're here to talk about politics, not about how much you want to pleasure me

yeah, insult me. this excites me more!

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Yes. I'm an MI6 agent who gets paid to shill

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Slav actually comes from slave. You're a slave faggot who needs to know his place

this explains it all then. Archive thread.

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Fake british lacky joobot detected.
"Just shut up and go away"...


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I-I'm sorry master! I'll shut up now, i promise!

Germany didn't do shit for Latvia when Soviet Union rebuilt their economy and supported them for over 70 years. Why are Latvians so retarded?

United cuckdom now badly wants to join buthurt belt?

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t. favela

you want to be fucked by your slave, don't you?

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There, that's a good bitch

Is that a girl or a trap?

Britcucks are churkas. And every normal russian must make them sit on the bottle

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No, the purpose of a slave is to get fucked and to know his place

Watch out! He pulled this one out again

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that is OP

>the absolute state of Russian memes.

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Paedo Putin is not long for this world. Maybe some Polonium tea courtesy of us will lift his spirits

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OP has an erect dick so I'd beg to differ

>to get fucked
with your ass

I'd sit on your face

>OP has an erect dick
in her mouth or pussy? or maybe in her butt????

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Putin is already dead, there are hundreds of his clones. You kill one - there will be 5 more Putins

This thread is too gay for me


Who's cloning the Putin's

t. subhuman slave mongoloids

and judeo-negro mutts*

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an interesting proposal.

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Aren't you afraid to be hit by a car or get poisoned for your reckless speech? Didn't you receive enough signs in order to understand what force you're dealing with.

No more innocents will die at the hands of this tiny tyrant

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Plenty of Jews in Vilnius.

You do know that I am not the girl right?

The message was clear, Theresa May knows it perfectly. Real victims wouldn't be poisoned by some soviet shit of course. They may find them suffocated for example.

Manlets, when will they learn?

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you are the girl

no surprise that r*ssians are so short, they mixed with tatars for centuries, after all
nah dog, BASED germans killed all of our jews

That isn't me. Why are you saying that's me

Whiter than you, jewish balt

because it's very pleasant thought.

don't make me laugh russian subhuman, 2/3 of russians here look either asiatic or like a shitskin armenian

I imagine it must be but I'm a male ya homo

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unfortunately I need to leave this molestation-harassment-abuse-rape-thread. good night.

I'm going to rape you in your dreams.

rape me with your ass naughty girl

Will do sir

>germans killed jews

How fucking new are you?

Theresa May reacts to Putin at the UN:

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the holocaust DID happen, like it or not. shame the germans didn't finish the job tough.


Nice deflection coming from a country that uses all its power to make sure that millions of white underage daughters of their peasants are raped by brown people and jews.
You honestly believe that someone's gonna buy this? Your time's up little Semite.

He's a paedohpile. That's why Litvinenko died after exposing h

Yeah sure

That's literally what happened.

Nothing you reply matters to me, subhuman. Deep down you know when you look at your skin and the subhuman culture that spawned you that I'm right to discard your opinions.

Oh fuck off. Go gag on my dick you faggot. I'm white.

7% of your population is Jews

You have over 100 fucking synagogues

What holocoast?

Did you say something you filthy beast? Bye, bye

Typical Putinbot reaction when confronted with facts

Go back to your filthy mommy who shit you out in some sewer.

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