Pic related isn't a war zone in Iraq. It's your average suburb. I don't see any street thugs. I don't see ISIS jihadists. I see little white children in an equally white neighborhood who are being pat-down like they're dealing with TSA. Explain yourselves, Sup Forums: How on Earth can you blame niggers or Muslims for this? I'll wait.
Go Ahead and Try To Blame Niggers and Muslims for Pic Related
Jews are ultimately responsible for this
Maybe whitebois should just stop shooting up schools all the time.
>It's your average suburb
No it's not.
>in all fields
>import niggers
>niggers wreak havok
>need to change society to accomodate nigger behavior
>this affects non-nigger areas
A few ruin it for all
We all have to go through this shit even though its only ever niggers and muslims who do terrorism and hate crimes. Thats how its thier fault, cause sixty years ago when white communities where 100% white, nobody had to live in a police state.
are you refering to jews and democrats
Look at the date user
hell yea bro, i dont even have to take off my shirt and people can still see my gains, havent wasted my time on /fit/ for nothing
Yeee bro, sick gains bro, but hey bro, what about this being in your child’s school?
My thoughts exactly
I wonder why niggers arnt pilling up to be screened. They cant fuck shit up.
im not american lol i dont have to worry about that shit
Touché nigger
Too many white children, can't be america
Propaganda. None of those kids will shoot up the school.
Jewish plot to give white children brain cancer, while the Jewish children all go to private schools or are home-schooled. Obviously.
>They check if the little children have AR15 in their pink backpacks
The absolute state of amurimutts
I live in your average suburb
We're not batshit crazy like Colorado Florida or California
We do not and never will have metal detectors at our schools
Especially elementary schools
What the fugg?
Is going on here?
ISIS is an Israeli project. Why wouldn’t mutts support it?
Americans are niggers. Americans did this. Muslims kickstarted the trend that lead to this. Checkmate faggot.
Mutts and jews. Fixed for you memeflag.
All I know is that the kid with the green tie is fresh to death
The leaf knows.
>mass shooting
>gangbanger does a drive by on other gang members = mass shooting
Globalists just want to make a powder keg out of society and when it blows they will tell us we're too dangerous and take away the guns.
Because minorities keep voting for democrat, and democrats want to ban guns, so democrats do this to frighten idiots into thinking there is a massive problem.
The odds of you getting shot in a mass shooting is lower than getting hit by a meteor.
>shooting a bunch of people at one time isn't a mass shooting when blacks do it because of muh oppression
It's true, we should only count the shooting with human victims.
they need metal detectors because it is a mostly white school in a big city. therefore they must have extra protection from outside visitors