Drumpf must be respected

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Best post of the day

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Red wave

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I respect it

Make /Pol Great Again

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>post yfw the libruls were right

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Continue the process

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You need the crying towel

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w-what's that? I can't hear you

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Tfw you vote dem

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Oh man.... you must be really upset knowing that Drumpf is going to be around for another 7 years

Oh man I can’t wait until the next election, Drumpfs gonna make the dem his girlfriend

You must be a leaf

When he actually does something, I'll think about it.

Is he gonna give drug dealers the death penalty?
The absolute madman, i hope he gives it to drug users too to end degeneracy.

I don’t know why you talk about Drumpf like that when you know he’ll deport you for it

i respect him. hes in the whitehouse, clinton is not.

good enough for me

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You’re my boy, user!


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I Raspect him, Günter.....

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Oh hai Gunter

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When we’re all full of Nerve Agent and political correctness, there will be a place reserved in the escape capsule for you user