Mccabe is and has been in an Arizona blacksite for some time now. Notice hes not made any public apprarences latley
Mccabe is and has been in an Arizona blacksite for some time now. Notice hes not made any public apprarences latley
Them digits
I knew Schiff was Satan!
Verified. McCabe is being waterboarded by the new CIA Chief. So far he has produced naked pictures of Hillary fucking a goat and Huma being fucked by a boa constrictor. More to follow.
Is he fired yet? I know McMaster did
didn't mccabe show up at DOJ hq yesterday?
>CIA doing something good
Obvious LARP
doj has till end of Saturday actually. look it up you dumb faggot.
wrong thread lol im a dumb faggot apparently
Hell McCabe will be dead by then. Hillary will suicide him.
Q predicted this
too high profile.
>Huma being fucked by a boa constrictor.
i'm gonna need this evidence, for investigative purposes
cia black site?
nigga, he's in chicago(s black site).
Here's the actual situation guys. The Deep State and the Jews are trying to blame EVERYTHING on McCabe that's why MSM along with shills like Jason Goodman and George Webb are making McCabe out to be a giant boogeyman. He actually recused himself before the election in November 2016. What we're watching now is a show and soon enough we're gonna find out that Comey and McCabe were threatened and compromised and Comey along with Trump orchestrated his firing so that Mueller could be appointed. Trump interviewed Mueller the day before Comey was fired. Comey even said during his hearing in front of the congressional committee that he leaked the memos specifically so a special council could be appointed. Why do you think that Comey's book release is coinciding with the release of the IG report?
McCabe is a scapegoat the Jews want to put all blame on, but it's not gonna work. It's time to drain the swamp.
Schiff is a pedo
that would be a great timeline.
Make Our Timeline Great Again
nigga, sessions is in charge. McCabe knows he has nothing to sweat, please...
literally the dumbest post i ever have read. Go back to posting your black and white "judgment" picture and some more copypasta about Mueller being /ourguy/
How come Mueller is investigating a convicted PEDOPHILE connected with the clintons?