
Where all the cilivisation began

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my ancestor :)

Attached: t. the only state builder in region.jpg (1024x512, 100K)

Protecting Europe since 2000BC

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Yes, it's great, but we do need to cleanse the Burglars.

Attached: narod najprviji.jpg (480x300, 24K)

Did I mention I hate Bulgaria?

Attached: when the turk attacks from the front.jpg (604x604, 69K)

Serbs are Turks


Attached: doglovingserbs.png (1303x885, 1.77M)

Eyy, I was in a street fight with some bulgars 20 days ago in Bulgaria
one of them ended in a hospital
was a good day overall

So who are we making fun of today?

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Doing the Lord's work I see. Good for you. Bulgars I guess. Chek'd

Attached: k-o-k-v.jpg (483x305, 61K)

Ja sam djevojka sa selaaa

Attached: mornarica.jpg (770x1154, 147K)

>Bulgaria having hospitals

Attached: 14327246.jpg (250x241, 7K)

It is decided then, we shall make fun of Bulgarians today

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Attached: serbs.png (338x524, 363K)

why do I always see you in these threads ? And do I hve to repeat myself everytime. Bulgaria has more Gypsies both by number and by percentage than Serbia. You're the Gypsy land faggot

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It was decided that we should make fun of you

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We have as many gyppos as the usa...
Even if we went full nazi mode they couldn't even be used for soap, it'd just make you dirtier...


If you managed to get rid of Turks then I'm pretty sure you'll manage to get rid of gyppos
We just need to wait for the West to stop giving a shit and then we can fire up the ovens

yes, but USA has 100 times the population. Learn maths you stupid cunt

we are descendants of spartacus

>Anything north of the danube

not you

I know. Did you think I was trying to deny we have a problem or something?

>anything in the continent of europe
>not Balkans

get out white boi

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I read somewhere that three or so counties in Bulgaria had a initiative to seceded and intention to join Romania to get away from how bad Bulgaria is run.

Funny, we can't get Moldova but three Bulgarian counties are game. They are from the wrong side of Bulgaria but eh. Clay is clay.


>couldn't even be used for soap, it'd just make you dirtier

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daily reminder why Bulgarians will always be superior

Attached: paoiwj.jpg (800x450, 71K)

> they couldn't even be used for soap, it'd just make you dirtier...

kek'd out loud

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my ancestor

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I'm so sorry you're a dicklet user :(

>this whole thread

Sup Forums get the fuck out



Thread theme for you Sup Forums motherfuckers

Finally I get a chance to use this image

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Kurcobolja , opasno bratac, opasno.

>Turkish rapebabies responsible for civilization.

Attached: 1d8.png (600x600, 335K)

how can something which you do not have boli you :^)

>and fucked off elsewhere

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fuck tataria mate

>civilization didn't exist before turks

Be humble.

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It may have started there, but now it's inhabited by subhumans.

then fuck off Tatar scum

im not from the balkans but im posting here anyway

That's not Central Asia.

The wheat, onions, horses, goats, cows, sheep don't come from there.

Attached: What every Albanian should do.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

Fuck! I thought it was a bluff