Students trash Walmart during school walkout

South side of Chicago. Pic related is the demographics of the school. Why must nigs always nig?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-16 at 4.56.35 PM.png (462x292, 30K)

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They are nigging globally. The simians in South Africa are killing farmers and destroying the farms. And destroying the farms. They just have to destroy.

>0.1% white

Attached: laluzextinguido.png (640x550, 210K)

>0.1% white

lmao, how fucked is that one white person?

>OP's graphic
>Color of peens who slew poon during spring break



Attached: Poor Little White Guy-cover.jpg (380x540, 108K)


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It's the teacher

So nogs from Simian Academy trashed a store. Glad I survived the CPS hellhole. In the video, they have one face of someone there. Also, why the fuck did they think it was a good idea in Chicago in the first place. I wish I paid attention to the when of the walkout, I would have started a /cpd/ thread for my fellow roberts to enjoy the show. I'm half expecting tonight to have a few happenings, so I'll start one then.


Attached: le56blackhole.jpg (630x468, 192K)

>a janitor stole $180 from bookbag left behind

God bless that man.

>APO gives me US flag even with proxy off, can't post with it on

Aww I wanted a foreign one.

>Simian High School


Attached: 1520236000285.png (760x651, 549K)

Gotta love their naivete when it comes to race. They trusted niggers not to make this movement look bad.


Holy shit the footage of the school/students really makes you think... I haven't seen so many blacks in one area, in a white country. Looks like africa desu.

Imagine being that .1% white kid. Must feel horrible.

top kek. Great find op

It's America so he's only 44% white.

Probably better than you think. Most likely one of the few remaining Irish or Italian families who couldn't escape.

56 actuaally

>Simeon Career Academy
They misspelled Simian.

>The students are from Simeon Career Academy in the city's South Side.
>Simeon Career Academy
>simeon =/= simian
Coincidence? I think not.