South side of Chicago. Pic related is the demographics of the school. Why must nigs always nig?
South side of Chicago. Pic related is the demographics of the school. Why must nigs always nig?
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They are nigging globally. The simians in South Africa are killing farmers and destroying the farms. And destroying the farms. They just have to destroy.
>0.1% white
>0.1% white
lmao, how fucked is that one white person?
>OP's graphic
>Color of peens who slew poon during spring break
It's the teacher
So nogs from Simian Academy trashed a store. Glad I survived the CPS hellhole. In the video, they have one face of someone there. Also, why the fuck did they think it was a good idea in Chicago in the first place. I wish I paid attention to the when of the walkout, I would have started a /cpd/ thread for my fellow roberts to enjoy the show. I'm half expecting tonight to have a few happenings, so I'll start one then.
>a janitor stole $180 from bookbag left behind
God bless that man.
>APO gives me US flag even with proxy off, can't post with it on
Aww I wanted a foreign one.
>Simian High School
Gotta love their naivete when it comes to race. They trusted niggers not to make this movement look bad.
Holy shit the footage of the school/students really makes you think... I haven't seen so many blacks in one area, in a white country. Looks like africa desu.
Imagine being that .1% white kid. Must feel horrible.
top kek. Great find op
It's America so he's only 44% white.
Probably better than you think. Most likely one of the few remaining Irish or Italian families who couldn't escape.
56 actuaally
>Simeon Career Academy
They misspelled Simian.
>The students are from Simeon Career Academy in the city's South Side.
>Simeon Career Academy
>simeon =/= simian
Coincidence? I think not.