You nigger see this shit?
>guy wearing Luftwaffe shirt in Portland restaurant
>leftie explodes
>accuses Jewish owner of business of harboring Nazis for not yelling at a guy
You nigger see this shit?
>guy wearing Luftwaffe shirt in Portland restaurant
>leftie explodes
>accuses Jewish owner of business of harboring Nazis for not yelling at a guy
Other urls found in this thread:
Would like to take a lot of meth and go to portland and beat everyone.
>the guy's face
Absolutely ubermensch!
Guy looks like he eats Luftwaffels.
>fat whore gets angry about a simple shirt, does nothing, and cries on facebook acting all tough
I don’t think the band Luftwaffe is actually NatSoc, just martial folk music.
You have to understand the culture to realize the guy was probably just trolling or trying to be interesting. Common bumper stickers in the surrounding area say, "Keep X City Normal" for a reason to counter their stupid "Keep Portland Weird" nonsense.
>his shirt is actually sold in germany, further indicating it isn't anything to do with nazis at all
>this fat whore just wanted to virtue signal about muh nazis on kikebook, calling jews nazi-sympathizers for not calling him a nazi
He looks photoshopped in. Something weird about that picture
I live in Portland, there are a lot of pickups with NOT A LIBERAL bumper stickers. I don't have any stickers on my bike, but I have a Gadsden flag motorcycle cover.
Yeah, the guy probably wanted a reaction, but do these people understand that this is as benign as wearing an Air Force shirt?
Shitty cellphone camera, but I see what you mean. It's the angle of the shadows on his extra side chin compared to the high value wallpaper in the background.
What are you supposed to do?
It worked lol Makes me want to get a shirt that would set off libs but not actually mean anything.
average """white""" american
When you talk about Portland, how do you know if you mean Portland in Maine or Oregon?
Does every brazenly open neo-nazi have to be fat and/or covered in nigger-tier tattoos, half of you messes deserve to be gassed along with the Jews. FUCK!
because Portland in Maine is irrelevant
You just --- know user. You just do.
Hey, I have anime tattoos you faggot.
>reasoning with an libtard
You really gotta represent for your race properly, he looks like a butter golem
the store was also playing this over the radio
Even gayer
stop shilling your shitty website.
Thanks but when we need sub-human slavshits and Euro beaners opinions on what constitutes white, we'll ask for it.
buddy looks like a cardboard cutout
>anything in German is now Nazi
I would deadass go full leftist and make her feel bad by being white. That's how you can spot these women, attention-seeking whores.
>Others targeted Snoke’s apparently contradictory attitude toward Nazi attire: “You have a picture with Lemmy [Kilmister of Motorhead] on your Facebook and he legit wore ACTUAL Nazi attire from real Nazis and you seem to like him, so wow, yeah… Dumb.”
yeah wtf you cant like motorhead but then pretend nazi clothes are bad
You don't even have to bring your own. Oregon is a meth Mecca.
Ive seen some shitty shops in my day, but holy shit thats bad
Liberals don't know that the German Air Forces is called the Luftwaffe and have been since 56.
This place is so diverse it's like a joke. "So a Jewish chef, her Mexican husband and their Arab investor walk into a bar, see, and they announce they're opening a Russian restaurant..."
I guess the lesson is it's never enough. The left can never be satisfied, never be satiated, never decide they don't have any enemies and they can all go home.
me on the right
Its not nazi clothing, it means air force and its a shirt for a german band.
you're missing the point she was the one calling it nazi clothes yet likes motorhead on facebook
He's a fat fuck. How is he an Übermensch?
Those pelmeni look pretty neat though. And the interior, nice drinking glasses too.
Apparently actually a decent Russian-like place.
>I guess the lesson is it's never enough
Correct, cats with laser pointers. Never satisfied.
>its a shirt for a german band
Updated. (Poorly.)
All the air forces are called Luftwaffe because airforce = Luftwaffe.
Yes there is an American Luftwaffe.
Dont tell anyone....
This pic gave me an erection.
no one talks about Portland Maine unless they are actually in Maine and no one is.
Isn't the modern German airforce literally called the Luftwaffe lol it's the language, fucking airforce... Jesus fuck
Did Jared Fogle get released for good behavior?
This is the complaining pig.
I don't know how to archive because I'm a retard.
The store owner name sounds like a mobster who's too polite and PC.
>"What's my name? WHATS MY NAME?! I'm Bonnie Frumkin Morales!"
Looks about right.
This was the most insanely stupid part. Our society has let people speak hypocritical nonsense with no consequences who, to be brutally honest, should be kept in pig pens and forced to eat dung.
Probably would bang then never talk to her again
How is he a Nazi? The Luftwaffe still exists you dumb nigger.
You my spirit animal
>those fucking meat hocks for arms
why do fat chicks have such thicc biceps. I'm 5'10" 200lbs it's all in my gut. I wish I would have fattie arm gains like these hoes
Are you me?
The shirt is obviously specifically referencing the Luftwaffe during the Third Reich though.
If that were the case, the eagle would be holding a Swastika.
she's short as fuck.
You're sitting on an adrenal body type, though. Lay off the coffee, carbohydrates. Drink some vinegar, and get some exercise.
He's fat Jared from Subway.
She looks almost exactly how I'd imagine, lol. Aside from the colored hair.
that's the joke sven
The luftwaffle still exists though. It isn't a racist thing unless there is a swastika on it.
This, fucking roastie, someone should have punched her when she was a kid. Entitled bitch
>thinking estonians are ethnically or culturally slavs
mutt logic 101 how does it feel to be 25% nergoid mr hernandez
if jared was half shitskin
Not really. The eagle is unique to the Nazi Luftwaffe, the others don't have it.
Absolutely Australian
Le 56%
Would this have happened if it was a chad wearing the same shirt?
you are such faggots
you cant understand sarcasm because you speak you language like faggots who emphasize words like absolutely. svedes, the eternal homoclowns
Good thing I'm not actually a Swede then.
It's Portland. Do you folk forget so fast those ladies who were forced to shutter their business because people were upset they were selling Mex-American food while being of the wrong ethnicity? Goalposts will always be ever shifting. If you live in Portland, I don't know, give these people a bit of business, or fake up a review to counteract the damage done? I don't care. Someone is going to come in thread and say the owner is a jew and that they deserve dying in their own kitchen oven any second now.
i get that the luftwaffe is still a thing in Germany, but do they actually fly warplanes?
Of course not. Deep down the 3/10 roasties are begging for Chad cock but rarely get it. That's why they take it out on incels so much.
I met an Estonian once. College age exchange student selling kids educational books door-to-door for extra money. Guy seemed amazed that I knew where his country was and that I occasionally converse with his countrymen on "forums". You fellas generally have your shit together as far as what's wrong with the world.
Can confirm, plenty of meth here
A token amount, I'm sure. The United States military does most of the flying just like in Japan.
eyy bru, hows dat kumera and paua down there? See you at the marae leter ey.
No wonder you're being invaded.
Most ‘Russians’ in the US are Jews. Just like most ‘Poles’ in the US are Jews. As is anyone with a German last name.
We need to post positive comments on the restaurant's Google Reviews. Like for the 1488 dental place
of course not. their entire ideology is predicated on playing the victim.
It's certainly not because of me. Literally everyone I know here except me and my family, are pro-immigration lefties.
came here to post this
I..I'm in Maine, user.
Duh its like calling your band "army" or airforce"
Fat fuck dreams about flying off the ground looool
What happens there?
Between this brainless whore and the stupid bitch who called the police because somebody was flying the flag of Norway, when can we just accidentally nuke the entire west coast?
Oy vey! That angry woman is being anti-Semitic and causing trouble for the Jewish owners of the restaurant. What a Nazi!