This is the ideal Eurovision song. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
This is the ideal Eurovision song. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
want doze utters NOW
( . Y . )
love them
NEED a jewess gf
12/12 would pay reperashions again
Jewesses are the white man's greatest weakness. It's how Jews survive despite their awful behavior
since when is Israel in Europe?
I don’t care how many of your family memebers died in the Holocaust. Israel=\= Europe.
ever since the faggot who decided Turkey is in Europe since 1% of its land is.
Truly disgusting.
>song competition. It has been held, primarily, among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956
>European Broadcastin Union
>inlcludes non european states
Fuck off racist!
This is my recommendation for Israel
Nice urban ninja attire.
Or maybe something slower and more passionate:
fucking disgusting + embarrassment the shepig is singing in the goyim language.
might be true, i do have a severe weakness for khazar mammaries
Pretty catchy song! 12points from germany - hope to listen to it on the radio after the esc!
Hebrew is awful on the ears, Schlomo
Is this she Israeli equivalent of 56%?
I thought Israel was pure.
no. it depends on context. here's our 2012 song. listen Richard.
wtf i love israel now
What the flying fuck is this horrifying monstrosity? Burn it with fire, DO NOT HESITATE, BURN THEM ALL.
VS UK 2012:
>tfw the jews are drinking their own kool aid
At least this is genuine culture
it's ok, not great. at least it wasnt some twerking slut.
it's like they're not even trying anymore
At least it's not a twerking old man
>baby as a necklace
Well.. I think I just had about enough of this shit.
They're not white either, but that hasn't stopped them claiming to be.
true. it's our leftists always trying to blend in the Europa scene and get their approval instead of celebrating our own culture.
Hey even if they turn out to be more White than Sandniggers that will just make them even more Jewish since they will be race-traitors.
Proved wrong. This is the best Eurovision song.
How is this politics related, meme flag faggot? Oh and SAGE.