Rhodesian and the Bush War

Sup Forums what happened here?

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Traitors in the British government. Communist niggers in Africa.

They were abandoned by the brits and soviets armed the gorrilas?

>teaniggers denounced their former citizens and refused to recognize rhodesia as a state
>US does the same
>UN threatening intervention if whitey don't bow down to the darkies
>USSR arming commie rebels which surrounded rhodesia
>this lasted for about a decade before the white devil realized there wasn't a winning scenario

>They were abandoned by the brits
Yes, completely cucked by the 'no independence before majority rule' policy, which would ultimately result in rancid conditions post colonisation.
>soviets armed the gorrilas
Yes. Even with the prospect of communism spreading, the west still didn't come to the aid of Rhodesia.

Why did the US and UK turn their backs on them especially when the soviets are supporting the opposition?
What happened to the whites?

And it happened the same in South Africa?
Why did the whites in South Africa let go of aparthaid while they clearly saw where it led?

I'm not sure, really. I'd imagine it's because the US just went through the civil rights phase and didn't want to be caught dead aiding the apartheid govt. The idea of the local darkies being utterly incapable of providing for themselves just didn't compute with the populace at large.

Damn, couldn’t they just stand neutral?

Probably not. The USSR was heavily invested into the various rebel groups attacking Rhodesia. If the US committed, they'd have to commit hard. Belgium was the only nation who actually aided Rhodesia, by supplying them with FALs which were modified so as to not attract international attention to the fact that someone gave a shit about Rhodesia

Not too educated on S.A., probably capitulated due to international pressure much like Rhodesia. I know they were a nuclear power and got rid of them due to the prospect of blacks getting their hands of them after the end of apartheid.

Slightly incorrect, the Rhodesian FALs were bought by South Africa and modified to R-1s that were then given to Rhodesia because Belgium couldn't sell the arms to them directly due to extensive sanctions placed on Rhodesia by the UN.

Since WW2 white guilt has always been more important ideology for white people than combating communism.

>Belgium was the only nation who actually aided Rhodesia
I'm sure Israel, Portugal and South Africa supported Rhodesia. Israel was close with South Africa and probably wanted a similar relation with Rhodesia, Portugal was in a similar struggle with their war with Angola so there was natural cooperation, and South Africa was also naturally close with Rhodesia due to their similarities.

South Africa also backed Rhodesia extensively, since they were essentially in the same boat together. Where Rhodesia went, SA was likely to follow so they supplied them with helicopters (the G-cars and K-cars of Fire Force fame) and pilots for them, as well as weaponry and a large amount of civilian volunteers. South Africa was an extremely important ally of Rhodesia as they were the only way they could circumvent international sanctions.

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I would actually advocate giving them nuclear weapons, probably would blew themselves up

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Yes, fortunately it all changes when this whole shitshow ends, probably the shame will end then?

Did Rhodesians put up much resistance?

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Any annon can recommend some books?

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The Rhodesians fought like devils. They won every military engagement, often outnumbered 10 to 1. They did this through "fire force", a military tactic relying on small groups of light infantry (typically 1 commander, 2 riflemen one of these a medic and 1 machine gunner) and helicopters. Helis would drop off the infantry who would position themselves at the best avenues of escape. The other helis would then drive the enemy in that direction, and then a second helicopter would come in the opposite direction, scattering the enemy and letting the rhodesian light infantry pick them off in the forests as they fled.

In addition to this, they had a special regiment known as the "Selous Scouts", who would preform anti-guerilla activities in other hostile countries like Mocambique and Zambia. They were supposed to blend in with the general population and root out enemy elements before they could surface - essentially a cross between green berets and a death squad.

It's important to note that the Bush War was being won on a military front - it was lost on the political and diplomatic fronts however. The Rhodies were brilliant warriors.

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Helicopter Warfare in Rhodesia: 1962-1980

In addition I recommend Three Sips of Gin, A Handful of Hard Men, and the Paul Moorcraft Military History book on Rhodesia (Chimurenga!)

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How the fuck did they lose the war then?

What genre you like user?

They had some fucking great music as well


So they eventually ran out of bullets and political support?
What happened to them after the war?

Most went to other Commonwealth Nation like Britain, Austrailia and Canada, Others went to the U.S
Some stayed in Zimbabwe but were persecuted by Mugabe and his goons and White farmers had their land taken from them.

I had a friend who had a rhodesian girlfriend, but they broke up and I didn’t really got the chance to talk to her, all I remember is that she hated Mungabe with a passion, guess I know why

ran out of ammo as the south Africans in the late 70's only gave them enough to hold the line and not strike the terrorist base camps in other countries, they also ran out of petrol as the terrorists blew up the Salisbury storage tanks and after Mozambique fell to the commies the rhodies could only get their petrol from South Africa. so when the international powers told the south Africans they will go easy on them for apartheid because the west needed the cape their condition was for the South Africans to cut the supplies to the rhodies to force them to the table.

I don't even live in Rhodesia and I fucking hate the guy
Mugabe was the leader of a thriving farmland and he managed to starve the country, his evil know no bounds.

>US couldn't support Rhodesia because it would look bad to the blacks and Communist sympathizers at home
blacks truly are a plague

When will the day of the rope come?

And they did, signed some bullshit agreement and the rest is history right?
Hopefully we will go back and put them all to the rope

Never. The black "story" is so ingrained in The Narrative at this point that there isn't much that can be done. Basically, the US is fundamentally evil because of slavery, native Americans, Mexican-American war, failure to accept more Jews in WW2 etc. so the only way we can redeem ourselves and live up to Our Values and be Who We Are is to achieve black "equality' by force. The state of the blacks is the main concern of white progressives

Didn't help that Carter, the peanut farming pussy was in power when the country was in dire straits

race riots were a real concern at that time desu, Communist students and government employees (the Communist students always went on to become government employees or academics) were agitating the blacks heavily back then.

indeed also it turned out Ken Flower head of the Rhodesian CIO their intelligence agency was an MI6 asset who leaked the Rhodesian army plans all the time so they could never get mugabe, nkomo or sithole.

Still people will eventually get tired of being called out on something they didn’t do, I believe this will manifest in absolute jewish, black, latino etc hatred.

Shit, that’s a real proper backstab on your people for the sake of some piece of shit progressive parasites on your country. This makes my blood boil like crazy

Nope. Collective guilt has been drilled into us. Then we invent things like the privilege narrative (what's wrong with privilege in the first place? why is it our duty to accommodate blacks/mexicans/muslims etc.? oh wait it's because we have to Live Up To Our Values, of course. it's always quasi religious).

i know mate, its fucking nuts but a lot of rhodies were born in the UK so UDI split their loyalties and a lot of our people remembered Rhodesia helping us in the world wars so a lot of our blokes went to Rhodesia to join their army and airforce so not all Brits were traitorous bastards just the ones who were is positions of power

>teaniggers would rather sail across the world and lose a few ships + many lads just to take back a floating puddle of mud than they would defend their own citizenry in their own nation
the absolute state of the crown

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Christianity was ingrained in Europe for 1500 years but then it was cast aside and lost its power.
This white guilt is completely inferior compared to that, it will not last

Plus aren’t we seeing a big increase in opposition? Who knows what we will do next

The Anglo backstab anyone for enough money or the opportunity to virtue signal.

I was speaking of the crown, ordinary brits are great people

i have no bloody idea on what the queen was thinking as she was nice to Ian Smith during the commonwealth conference before UDI even when Wilson kept trying to fuck around with Ian and tried to get him kicked out the queen made sure Rhodesia was at the meeting. so i think because of our shity system her hands were tied and she by law was used as a puppet by our government

Damn, really makes the blood boil

>The Anglo
A nation of merchants

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Ian Smiths book is called the great betrayal for a reason seriously get it the great betrayal/bitter harvest fucking great book it will make you angry it will reduce you to tears. as Ian was not a top tier political operate he was a simple farmer and fighter pilot who just wanted to preserve the country that he grew up in and the book is a very sad story youtube.com/watch?v=SrVIWiHBKgE

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nice Big Bang theory reference

I Hope we can take it back someday, I really do.

Absolutely off the wall Kill/Death ratios that the West doesn’t want you to know about

It was still all for nothing. Still we know what will happen in a race war

fuck america and ussr

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tldr explanation:
>rhodies: "we want independence"
>uk: "ok but niggers govern"
>rhodies: "fuck you, we independence now"
>(((UN))) fucks rhodesia over big time
>chink and ussr backed commies try to get into power for decades
>based ian smith btfos them every single time, even when massively outnumbered
>eventually he realizes the kikes are too strong and hold him by the balls, so he agrees to (((compromise)))
>fair election
>smith wins
>results get thrown out, election held again, mugabe forced people at gunpoint to vote for him

in the end, the (((UN))) fucking rhodesia over was never about niggers self-governing and whatnot, it was about resources. look up the amount of precious minerals they got down there.

taking it is one thing is holding it that's going to be the problem as a lot of whites in Rhodesia only lived there for a few years at a time before moving somewhere else so if someone was to take Rhodesia you would need a white population that was not going to flee when the sanctions and terrorism go too much. also a corridor to beira in Mozambique would be needed Rhodesia was dependent on other powers because they had trouble getting bits in themselves. so with man power and logistics secure then there is the damn problem with all the neighbors and the local blacks who are trying to sort shit out for themselves now that Mugabe is out of power. it would be less costly and better for international PR reasons to work with the new government to make the country favorable again for white settlement. effectively to move towards a better version of zimbabwe-rhodesia solution


Fucking kek the most hated nation on Sup Forums actually were the good guys

At the end of the day I guess no one cares about niggers, even the people parading that they do.

Obviously if we go back it would be a full blown invasion, whites aren’t colonising anything anymore

Israel is nice, foreign kikes are the worst

I haven't been keeping up, is Zimbabwe still pretty much where it was despite Mugabe's removal? Is there going to be an election with a fair chance of another party taking power?

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Citizenry who fought for them during the second world war, no less. Unlike the Falklands puddle nigger.s

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