What happened?
London in the 70s
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Muzzies, baby!
That picture is from 1953.
Now post current day
Sand niggers
A Union Jack flag.. What do you think the chances of finding one of those are today in London (Which isn't on a Government building or some shitty attraction)?
It’s still the same, went last year and was amazed at how beautiful the city of London (core of London) is. You mostly see Europeans, helps that it is an extremely posh area full of wealth and prosperity, even the shitskins and niggers are well dressed, well behaved. The atmosphere is chill and relaxed. 9/10 would go again.
And for all nostalgiafags, Trafalgar Square (in OPs pic) is still as aesthetic.
Are you actually looking for an answer or an excuse to shit post?
It happens to every nation that is too lazy to do the jobs nobody else wants to do.
In a perfect society, as ever man is matched with a women, as also as a job that is assigned to every kid at elementary school age.
Your country tried to save these suicidal anglos and they turned the knife on you !
All the most self-hating whites I have every met were all anglo. The white race can do without them.
Guess it's a good thing that all the different groups self segregate..
Don't be so defensive Bongbro, I'm not an Amertard. I know that even in a 100 years London will probably be whiter than the average Mutt city. Just trying to get to the bottom of how cities change radically in a few decades.
Hmmm...I was in Trafalgar square a few years ago. I'm american and don't have any european sensibilities/history or whatever you want to call them and I thought it was terrible. There were shitskin beggars and preachers getting into arguments with anyone who walked by. Fucking annoying. Stayed in the UK for several months in fact and wasn't all that impressed. I traveled around the Mainland a lot though too and it was better, but still underwhelming. Eastern Europe was cool, and even parts of germany, but other than that I have no desire to return
You probably went to the center. The outskirts and everywhere apart from the center is an absolute shithole to say the least. It's full of niggers who were the same weird jacket (some fashion trend) and they hang about in packs in apartment blocks practicing grime. Then you have the sandniggers who you will see hanging about in the streets and local shops. Can barley spot a white person and when you do theyre just the fucking same - a bunch of chavs and junkies.
Damn, Hans! Didn’t look close enough, did ya?
Architecture, that's what. Look at how distinctive architecture was in the U.K. before, and around the world, it gave identity to a place regardless of who the people were.
Architecture is not really that inspiring these days or culturally distinctive in my view. A lot of global urban centers look the same, there's really just nothing exciting or different about places like London anymore, its just the same drab materialistic shallow herds of people and buildings , maybe they have a different accent or language
man, ill miss dial someones telly.
wow, i didnt know london had white people :) so cool
oh shit the original nigger
thanks for the video
what we have here is patient zero.
communism, traitors, idiots and niggers.
Sometimes all at once.
Sometimes in parliament.
>what happened
Probably started with that Jew stealing fountain coins.
inthe decline of west i always get the saddest about britain, went from the best country in the world to some shitskins infested shithole
Post Modernism
WW2 happened. What you're looking at there is the remnants of a dead country. It had already been doomed for 3 decades by the mid 70s. It just wasn't so on the surface yet. And It would be another twenty years until Tony Blair came into power and irreversibly changed the demographics with mass immigration.
bovril went out of fashion. the kids all went marmite
>Lauren Southern gets banned from UK, invited into EU parliament
>Pettibone and Selner get jailed for wrongthink, their voices get amplified
>Another muslim rape gang uncovered, rape rates similar to Congo
>Lord Pearson in parliament says we sharia law and wrongthink real
>BBC openly discriminates against white native population
It is time to seize the day lads
Lower and working classes are redpilled
Middle classes outside of Londonistan are redpilled somewhat, especially up north
We need to drop redpills everywhere, carpet bomb internet with low dose, none offensive redpills
Under press articles, twitter facebook etc of police forces, home office, MPs, BBC, press etc
Say how British state is actively working against white majority
How any dissent is squashed
How people who want to protect their families and communities are jailed for hate speech or wrongthink
How police covers up crimes of non whites
How police detains anyone who points at the problem
How other issues like heroine abuse are left to rot
race war now
gas the kikes
its da joos
be offensive
be threatening
get banned
Anything offensive will be purged
Cold hard facts are best redpills
If we can make this into longer lasting operation it will perpetuate itself pulling overton window our way long term
Time has come for another battle of Britain and we are masters of memetic warfare
Take this pasta and drop it in all shill threads, that immediately stops them
Shills are afraid of good ideas
France is mine.
Is London actually worse than the past?
They always had barbaric criminals jist now many of those criminals are not white (yea i know interracial crime feels.more insulting for some reason).
It could be your position that its not crime rate why its worse but diversity increases anxiety and mistrust
what and get arrested while doing it? at this point i might be fucking extradited. do it with anonymous accounts.
This. Central London is full of tourists with money to spend. Go to the outskirts and ride the bus, it's an experience if you've never been outside the centre before. I worked right by Wembley stadium for several months, and most of the time when I was walking down the street I was the only white guy there.
Rather stay in nigger america?
I do all this shit already use videos from this YT channel to red pill niggers there are soft ones and the uber choke your ass trying to swallow them red pills
I suggest something esoteric agenda or this to start them off
link articles to renegade tribune that are low key not offensive and let them browse the site and get the hard core shit these I wrote
but look they have articles on everything so you can send this to someone
and let them explore the site on their own to fall into the juicy shit
London is a lot more weathy than it's ever been. But it's hardly even English any more.
It's where the global elites lauder their money and rest their heads.
Typical whites have been fleeing in droves.
imo the best way to red pill a normie is this link to a video on a YT channel like Atlantean Gardens that is about history shit and they will start exploring on their own and learn shit like this out of academic curiosity and they will beging to red pill themselves
like I said the Renegade is the best fucking red pill site you will find because you just link to an (((inoffensive))) article and let them red pill themselves trust me this is the best red pill procedure.
Look these are the YT channel you want to use
Truthstream Media
Storm Clouds Gathering
Thulean Productions
Red Ice TV
Impartial Truth
Esoteric Truths
Son of Saturn
Renegade Broadcasting
Ascended Masters
Bodhi Mantra
Robert Sepher
Atlantean Gardens
thats why
to get extradited your government would have to be as cucked as ours
plus that would trigger some real habbenings
Obviously hasn't visited London in at least a decade.
A "European" isn't some Arab/African who got asylum in a European country, before moving to UK for better welfare.
I supposed it was the "chill and relax" atmosphere that results in riots/looting at slightest provocation and the regular acts of terrorism all under the watchful eye of armed police officers on every corner.
It is definitely worse than the past but sure it's always had very sketchy areas, during the golden age of the 1900s it was actually shaping up to be a very clean model metropolis and then WW1 happened. You can go and see some of the proposed city plans still, it would have had skyscrapers and massive park and housing projects with a much more efficient underground.
Honestly we should a thread running 24/7 Red Pill general that tells users what I just wrote here THIS IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE TO RED PILL NORMIES PERIOD
I know right. The 50s/60s America used to be so perfect too. Sa sad to see what 70 years of (((them))) in power has done to our precious world
They were invaded and are being conquered. F
Britain isn't whi-
Canada in the 1950's
You lot were shit at bombing.
niggers, sand-niggers, taco-niggers, rice-niggers are all the same. It doesn't matter where you go. Only Eastern Europe deserves any respect. The West has decided it doesn't want to live.
We need to convince lefties that they need to build a wall around londonistan to keep bigots out
Have been conquered.
I've no hope for us, I mean we fight back by throwing bacon at muslims so the BBC can do an hour long special on "The rise of the far right in Britain" and then we feel we're part of a wider movement fighting back.
That is Globalism exactly. We're killing it, though. Future looking up.
I watched a Red Ice vid once where they showed Sweden knocking their original traditional housing down, in order to modernise.
Still depresses me.
D-don't worry, guise.They only took our capital! Everything is fine.
Modern White people need a sense of self-respect and self-preservation viciously beaten into them. White people need to be killed, tortured, raped, and humiliated over and over and over until THEY FUCKING GET IT. Weakness cannot be tolerated.
You really think that a country whose government goes out of it's way to suppress free speech and bury stories about constant muslim crimes, is going to allow access to stats to create an accurate diversity map?
I know this map is shit, because where I live has two large muslim communities surrounding it, a west indian community less than 2 miles away yet strangely it's all green on this map.
We need to shill for an independent London.
At least the distribution of races is getting so polarised we will have extremely white areas and extremely brown areas.
Crime stats are bullshit and population stats are bullshit.
We're beyond fucked like in the WWII we will be the first to fall PREPARE son
Might've been this one
instead of running away to a distant shore they brought the apeman people of overpopulation to their home town, for what? Why? Why do you need all these foreigners and evolutionary stepping stones?
Take a wild guess.
History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen.
I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions.
Across Europe they're shit. Remember that veteran Swedish cop who lost his job because he publicly shared crime stats without the ethnicities redacted? He didn't get sacked because he had lied, but because sharing truthful stats would lead to islamphobia.
You are being conquered and your response is to throw food. Take a moment to appreciate how pathetic a response that is. The West has had it so fucking good for the past few generations that we can't comprehend actual violence anymore.
It's time to get mean again, for the sake of our future.
erosion of culture starting in the classroom
The UK didn't listen
Who the fuck thought giant glass and metal buildings were a good replacement for what we see in this picture? Walking around my city you still do see a lot of beautiful old buildings that obviously have a lot of love put into them, then directly next to them, growing on them almost like a cancer will be some disgusting modern eyesore.
That's my point. I think the closest anyone came to actually doing anything was National Action, which I suspect was nothing more than a LARP (a right wing "terror group" that didn't commit a single act of terror and instead just sat around in pubs discussing blowing shit up, while counter terror units eaves dropped).
We waste so much time discussing tory v labour v dem in this country when we should be working to getting people who actually care about this country into power. Our fuck-tard government doesn't seem to realise that they're the biggest recruiters for the far right by constantly labeling genuine concerns as racist.
Everyones white and well dressed? No litter and graffiti everywhere?
It maybe more a sense that
the leaders are nothing at all real leaders.
They are putting out and on
an eminence front.
Govt is full of shit.
The only tactic left is
for you to be more cunning, ruthless
and secretive than they are.
Time to go full ninja.
How else can you win?
They are playing partisans already.
They are firing from bushes.
Fudging stats is a partisan move.
They are at war with their own people.
While they pretend they love them.
It's an eminence front.
It maybe not enough to just describe it.
Too late for that, action is all you have left.
It might even cause the war you all dread, but it maybe
the last resort you have.
i burn a fire to stay cool....
Womens lives matter campaign? Openly publish the stats of the real rape culture see if the government defends muslims over women in this nation "patriarchy" they're so keen to change.
>communism, traitors, idiots and niggers
You spelled jews wrong.
But this concern IS about race. It's literally all about race. My point is people must stop running from that fact.
not to be that guy, i hate what is going on particularly with britain, as much as the next pollack but..london has always been a shithole
hell, i can name more than 10 places in the united kingdom where random fuckwits would stab you in broad daylight or kick your teeth in in an alley just cause, and this was in the 70s and 80s
Only now they are not white
This. I don't trust government numbers. In fact I don't even think they even fully know how many people there are here. The hidden figures gotta be huge, all the people born outside of hospitals, parallel societies, etc. Most muds and muzzies don't need the state except for a few proxy members of them registered to reap in all the benefits.
>Zero comic knowledge
You stretch the second bubble so it reads after the girl's speech bubble.
This is two of their best
this song in itself is a redpill
sorry about the double post of shut the door i meant this clip
Soros and Clintons are using you guys like $3 hookers, rise up
Find them in a tourist shop in Camden that is staffed by foreigners.
The left won.
The problem is Sup Forums is mostly borderline retarded shit posters that won't do anything other than shitpost I have been trying to motivate the faggots here for years to actually do something I don't think you are gonna find many here willing to actually do anything
are you fucking retarded?
>ther iz more greeen so dat meens mor pepill
>what are major cities
>what is population density
more people live in the non green areas than the green areas you fucktard sub 80 IQ
Islam is a theology not an ethnicity. Islam is the problem in the UK.
You'll find plenty of Union Jacks flying around, it's a 100% kosher, globalist-friendly flag.
It's the English flag (Saint George's Cross) that's illegal to fly in Britain.
Keep telling yourself that and see what your country turns into. Demographics is destiny.
*their country
Typo fix
nope, 1960.
No proper planning or repatriation program after the war meaning they all stayed... then in the 90's things really took off - ((Barbara Roche)) and Tony Blair opened the floodgates allowing millions of everyone and everything into the country.
Things changed under New Labour...a lot of Jews and Marxists involved. Basically securing their vote for eternity.
Doesn't look like anything to me.
This is the problem is people play in Muslim hands by including them in the same argument about race.
What's concerns you most; an ideology who see it as their right to take over the planet as the rape and murder white people or a race who chimps out because they've got a kid by 20 different fathers and needs the state to look after them because they're too stupid to operate a condom?
Deal with the threat first so you can deal with the problem.