How is this allowed?

How is this allowed?

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Commiefornia that's how.

They'll be 18 by the time the election rolls around. Teachers are allowed to encourage students to exercise their rights, but aren't allowed to influence students or for/coerce them into choosing something. This means that teachers can't come out in support of a specific candidate or party. Same thing with religion. The most they can do is tell you their own religion if asked.

wow more california voters in our federal republic of united states

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What's the problem? People have the right to vote. Helping people exercise their right isn't wrong. If you're insisting that people in left states should be inhibited from exercising their right to vote you are being unamerican.

I don't see a problem with it as long as they aren't being fed an agenda while registering and are free to vote for whoever they want
But its California so you know they were being fed a dem agenda

> you think that American students are unaware that they have the ability to vote in elections

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Helping someone != informing them of something they already know.

Todays teachers are worse than prostitutes imo. Only interested in pushing their anti west agendas. Hipster bitches who care more about their cats than the kids who they are in charge of for 6 hours a day.

Shoving degeneracy down our kids throats- tranny acceptance, homosex, feminism, muh refugees. I look at my son's schoolwork everyday, and redpill him on the bullshit his teacher feeds him. I conduct a daily Marxist deprogramming, but as a father it's my job to ensure my child grows up to be a man. There's more than enough soyboys out there, God knows how that number will rise when our current crop of primary school kids turn to adults

So a bunch of 16 year olds are registered to vote. How many will actually vote when the time comes around?

Who cares. The only way to get CA back is war anyway.

Depends on the part of California. My government and economics teacher back in highschool was pretty red pilled

The teachers are so stupid that they don't realize that when whites are the minority - the full time pay, part time job with great benefits disappears. Only white males are capable of generating enough wealth to support those government leeches. Once we have the same demographic profile as Africa, everyone, even the teachers, will be at an African living standard.

This. More voters =/= increased population, thus no increase in delegates. Non issue unless you're referring to state and local elections which hello, Cali is 1/3 white.

Half maybe. Other half will be too busy being degenerates.


>The teachers are so stupid
You've summed it up perfectly mate. Society will improve when we get more male teachers. Which I think will be never. We are seeing the result of males leaving that profession now. Children who are turning into man babies and degenerates because they've only been taught by women. And the worst type of women, they have nothing to offer our boys. That's like asking 300lbs truck drivers to teach 4 year old girls deportment and high society manners.

That's promising to see but when it comes to California that has to be the exception surely???

Why are people upset about this? Just do it in your own schools too.

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Shouldn't be the job of teachers - especially in a state such as CA where if you think Trump shouldn't be killed right now some Mexican gang will come and cut your head off.

Exactly. Teachers were there to teach the basics, arithmetic, language, science, sports.
But they've crossed the line and are now surrogate parents who instill the worst indoctrination possible into our kids. Children are meant to come out of school knowing how to read, write and do math. But they're leaving schools questioning their sex, sexuality, openly opposing authority and the government. That alone tells me schools need a massive shake up.

at least voting requires agency. how is this legal in this shitty fucking state?

>If you're insisting that people in left states should be inhibited from exercising their right to vote you are being unamerican.
I'm fine with that. At this point, "American" or "democratic" isn't a compliment.

Voting needs to be re restricted to white, property owning males.

oh fuck guys, california might vote blue next election

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Why wouldn't it be allowed you retard


Pissing in a ocean of piss.

im not even from your country and i understand how the electoral college works. how can teachers be this retarded?

if this was in Alabama you retards would talk about how "based xD" she is.


oh wow. Drumpf is screwed!

They are now registered to vote. This is a good thing.


Who fucking cares?

t. Graduated HS in 2004
If only you knew how bad things really are

The teacher should ask the students how they feel that an illegal alien holding an appointed political office in California.

California literally allows anything

This is a good idea, we need to do this in all the heartland

Raise voting age to 30.
File lawsuit after lawsuit to overturn birthright citizenship.

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I'd equally be up in arms about that. The values those teachers instill would be different ("abortion is wrong", "God hates fags", "evolution doesn't real", etc), but it is not their job to get kids politically involved

>An already blue state

Lol ok

its actually the law that the registers have to do it in an unbiased manner. somehow I dont think this was

>16 year olds will be 18 in 2018

really makes ya think

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I think he means the presidential election.


how many are illegals

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Who cares, California is now Beanerland. Split Cali in two and isolate Los Angeles and surroundig areas. Also, most women in government jobs are feminist, parasitic cunts.

All of the students in her class in Calimexico are totally legit citizens that she signed up too.

Start looking into who is left to teach your children in the schools all day and do something about this huge problem.

>I'm fine with that. At this point, "American" or "democratic" isn't a compliment.


>Raise voting age to 30.
>File lawsuit after lawsuit to overturn birthright citizenship.


>Start looking into who is left to teach your children in the schools all day and do something about this huge problem.
Vouchers/choice is what needs to happen, it would not allow/reward this ass hattery which is why the left does not want them.

my math teacher told me to register and gave out voter registration forms my sophomore year of high school [16]
i filled it out and gave it back and it was never filed

>people who can't do their homework are politically relevant
we never should have lowered the voting age to 18

right now it should be raised to 26

>>people who can't do their homework are politically relevant
>we never should have lowered the voting age to 18
>right now it should be raised to 26

This....Democracy is mob rule