looks comfy
couldent the shooter just run in there with them?
Doubles as a time out chamber, lock includes
I mean if he got all the way there without being detected sure
i'd call dibs on the desk closest to it
unruly kids should be sent on the other end, give them some incentive to stop fucking around.
>Tommy for pulling Susie's hair your our designated bullet sponge.
Jewish kids go first
>cutie girl in front of you pushing her butt against your cock to fit in
takes me back to middle school
Unruly kids should be locked in there alone for timeout.
what if the shooter was disguised as a child and got inside with them?
The absolute state of the USA
>teacher goes in before all the children are inside
How long will they wait for the police to stop running away from the school before they can get out of there?
>when they install a timer so no one feels bad about the choice
It could be so that the teacher is prepared to close the doors as soon as possible
>a literal safe space
Fucking pussies.
>be shooter
>see prefilled oven
>set everything on fire
>continue spree
Sad that this has to be a thing but yeah that's reasonable
i could probably write some good copypasta from this but I don't feel like it right now
You know degenerate female teachers will just use that room to molest their black male students right
>oh definitely, your school needs a bullet proof gazebo to fend off school shooters
>that'll be $1,000,000 plus tip
THIS FUCKING THIS its just a glorified oven
the shooters not gonna shoot you to death but instead burn you to death
Is this real or propaganda from lefties? Looks like a commercial.
What fucking proof? There is a huge budget shortfall, and even the teachers are about to strike statewide (right after they enjoy their 1 wk paid vacation for spring break, of course). There is no fucking way we funded safe rooms, esp. because we never had a school shooting. We still have Jesus in Oklahoma.
Thats fucking brilliant
>be american
>disrupt class
>get shot first
This is market economy incentives 101, fucking genius.
>the one thing we didn't want to happen.
This should make everyone feel good.
or he could gas them
>Teacher gets in before all the students are in
This is the argument against teachers having guns. When push comes to shove, I don't trust a single teacher with my child's safety.
Tbh the NRA should now build gun proof stuff for school that actually work, imagine the butthurt of leftists if they have to buy products from the same group they despise, just because they're experts in firearms
>tfw you get a boner in the Lanza lockout chamber
Nice little cabins
Why not just lock the door of the classroom?
Link to the one in OP
Look at that fucking niglet push the white kid and go in first.
>when the OP posts.
That is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Random shootings are extremely rare and account for very little crime. The atmosphere of fear just contributes to the stress, which leads to acts of school violence like bullying.
The absolute best scene
AHAHAAHAHHA NONONONONONO.... If a school shooter got in they would fucking SLAUGHTER them all, even fucking RANDY STAIRS could shoot somebody and that dude had HORRIBLE aim.
t. shooter
>people arguing this device is a problem
I'm wondering why schools don't already have shelters like this. People leave their fucking children in this place over right hours a day sometimes more than five days a week and only just now are people trying the find ways to ensure their safety?
You can tell that is a government solution. Expensive and stupid. Wouldn’t cheap steel doors do the trick?
The Jews are right about the goyim. They really are cattle.
>turns out its your bestfriend who had to take a piss
Looks like a tornado-thing.
its designed for both
>turns out it was your best friend, the shooter, taking the piss
inb4 the teacher is a pedophile and have set the whole school shooting up just to get some kids
Or just fucking enhance the doors and the walls, and make sure the door is locked when you're teaching.
>bullied kid gets trapped inside the gas chamber for the weekend
>kid dies
No auto lock doors?
Also, have cameras constantly check the coast for intruders and shooters, problem of fear solved?
I will bet money that's a tornado shelter.
>Lanza lockout chamber
Or just give children guns
Articles say its for both
>burger engineering
or big nigga tyrone who got held back 3 years grinding on your cock.
Liberals find the most retarded solutions. Anything but actually defending yourself. They are the reason kids are killed. They're also creating a culture of fear with these active shooter drills. Just fucking hire security and actually evacuate if there's a shooter, stop hiding under your desks and being a victim.
>quote from post
le updoot xD /s
why is this getting downvoted?
Haha holy shit my sides help
I would assume that it started as tornado shelter and all it took was slight re-purposing to make it bulletproof. Probably all it took was additional reinforcement to lock mechanism if they even did anything.
Just toss a grenade in there.
>look NRA, look at what you made us go and do
>we're doing something retarded
>and this is your fault
>you refuse to sit down and have an honest conversation about common sense gun control
>this is because of your assault rifle
>yeah it looks ridiculous and completely impractical
>but that's only because you made us do it
>What if a clown is in the room as the guns go off are you supposed to let the clown in too? I wouldn't.
>Jesus in Oklahoma
They took prayer out of schools. Few decades later the kids are shooting other kids. Imagine my shock.
They're for tornadoes, ya dipshits. One hit an elementary school here a couple years back. There's been a major push to build tougher schools as a response Also it turns out that tornado-proof is bullet-proof. Good utility.
molotov cocktail on the outside and listen to them burn.
Will only make murdering a whole school by fire easier
Growing up in tornado alley I wish we had these. There is little more terrifying to a young child than being told to curl in a ball in a hallway when you can hear sound the ominous wail of the sirens. I don't know much about these but the design looks pretty decent with an angled roof to divert heavy debris from gathering on top. Wonder about the speculations but I am certain whatever a tornado and tons of heavy material falling on top of it couldn't cause harm so couldn't small arms.
You have no zero experience in use of molotovs so please shut the fuck up.
Thats a fucking great idea
It's for tornadoes. Tornadoes are more powerful than bullets and far more likely to be a danger to schoolchildren. Hell in 2013 one hit an elementary school in my county and killed 24 kids. They had inadequate shelters in the school. While they survived the storm in the basement it flooded and they drowned because it was a fucking basement, not a storm shelter designed for the purpose.
The bullet-proofing that shelter provides is a side-benefit.
Why can't we get more immigrants from Norway?
>tucking in their chairs
the shooter only visits the messy classrooms
I can't not think about this.
So God magically can't be in schools because people don't pray in them?
I didn't know humans can stop God from being in a physical location.
He could get put in prison if caught on school grounds.
>Not an argument
lol imagine if someone farted in there when on lock down.
> yfw you hear gunshots while taking a shit in the bathroom
>evidence is not an argument
>put laxatives in the school lunches before beginning your rampage
Wait until there are multiple kids working together, one triggers the hide in a box alarm, then the others get locked in a box with a load of kids who can't escape.
>You're locked in here with me!
With explosives,yes.
Well if I was a local American school shooter I’d manage to install explosives in every cabin then run over the corridor shooting and shouting and then remotely make some tons of tar-tar ala americano.
those are unsafe, a perp could use gasoline and set it on fire.
Why couldn't they just open a window and run outside?
I've wondered about this about all these school shootings. Just open the windows and run like hell!
>hiding from the shooter