Is it worth getting an ancestry dna test Sup Forums...

Is it worth getting an ancestry dna test Sup Forums? I'd like if it's worth since I want to know where I come from and if any of you guys have tried it. Also family tree thread.

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definitely worth getting a dna teat. I’d recommend livingdna where you get the most.

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Too bad for most of post communist countries its impossible to track your family in times before WW2 because of how much shit happened here and commie propaganda abolishing any individualism or ancestry tracking because muh we are all same people of the same nation

Fuck hell, the absolute state of europe. These are the people calling me a mutt.

Go back to Turkey.

back to shed,muhammad


Attached: Real quebecker.png (1275x753, 876K)

I forgot to say something.
Stay away

I'm not turkish u lil cunt I'm kurdish. I hate turks.

Turks are based.

Says street shitting, girl raping, curry eating Pajeet.

Subhuman mutts

Go back to roachland, faggot
Go back to Asia, mongrel

Attached: heritage.png (1600x1000, 968K)

Larp more, roach

>actually part portuguese
>wouldn’t be mixed or living in europe if it were not for the portuguese
>portuguese ends up insulting me

You are not white. Go away of this board.

No, they will lie to you then store your DNA so they can use it to play god.

>thinking Sup Forums is only for whites
only jews and shills aren’t welcome here

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nah texan

Why are you black.

ordered one today. hoping my results come back 56% european

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>Brown hair
>Blue eyes
>Half his family isn't even white
Wtf I have Ukrainian ancestry on my mother's side and French/German on my father's side and I have dark brown/blackish hair and hazel eyes. Where did my üntermensch genes come from?

Why is the father always a mohammadan or black and the mother white? Are you a rape baby OP?


>yfw we've sent back all migrants and get started on 2nd and 3rd generation freeloaders
You have to go back :^)

Attached: BzIcShDIYAE4ELp.jpg (400x306, 23K)

>brother has blue eyes
>mothers sister and her daughter has both blonde hair
>my dad is europan

but i have for some reason ugly brown hair and hazel eyes. i even have a little browner skin (just a little tho, im still white)

Attached: ancestry.png (1600x978, 650K)

it doesn't really matter. apparently I'm mostly russian with some greek. knowing this didn't change my life in any way.

the amount of non-whites on Sup Forums is absolutely grotesque

What is like to be a Russian in Estonia?Do you steal tampons for your girlfriend?

Your father is not your father. Your mother is a hoe. And you are black. Please, seriously consider Blaxit.

You need to go back

if you think your family tree is bad just look at mine, sigh.

Attached: muttt_family.jpg (1600x956, 246K)

Ask your parents dur

That is not entirely true Paweł.

Yeah, I did it, it's pretty cool. Probably won't help much with the family tree though.

have you done one before? which is the least jewy dna test company?

Yeah, I did 23andMe. It's owned by Anne Wojcicki, she's the wife of one of Google's founders, Sergey Brin. They're both Jewish. While this doesn't mean that they will use your DNA to create an army of golems to conquer the goyim, she did get an unfair advantage in regards to the other DNA companies back in the day with free advertising through Google. As such they had a head start in the field and because of it their database of DNA samples is pretty decent, especially in America.

It's also a social platform of sorts in that you can contact other users and if you wish to do so (it's opt-in) it will allow you to find family members through it.

Also offers you access to health reports, they're not all that extensive, but you can download your DNA datafile and upload it to other services anyway if you really want to dig deep.

I just rolled with it because it was cheaper than the other options back when I got into it, learned a few things, but then lost interest. You can see the differences between various companies and their tests here:

you have a pretty unique family tree and your great grandpa seems cool. I'm also part italo-somali on my moms side.

Attached: Italy-Somalia.jpg (400x320, 55K)

Spero tu non sia un somalo autoctono

Yes, it's fascinating. Be sure to get the medical stuff too.

94% Northern European and 3% spaghetti nigger here btw and I'm not a white nationalist and will probably race mix with a qt middle eastern girl.


Ooo I’m gonna give it a go I guess you convinced me. Thanks polbro

ayyy that’s pretty cool, my grandpa told me there’s a few of them here and there in Italy and they usually are heavily mix so it’s hard to tell them apart. I also remember seeing this video on YouTube


le 50%

why don't you go to afrin and save your fellow kurds you coward pussy

You're welcome.


turks aren't a rarity here at all, although most of the times they post with the black, red and yellow variant of their flag

Why don't you roaches stop blowing up kids for shits and giggles?

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They used to be, I seem to remember Turkey getting banned sitewide for shitposting?

mia nonna e somalo

yeah I know a few families like that, they are good people and they pretty much are completely italian. The people in that video even manage to use some old words that aren't used anymore, good on them.

What in the fuck???
Are Italians even white?

yeah the mods did a banwave on all turkish ips because kara boga threads got out of hand

You have to go back

i would say so, i look pretty white imo I do look like a med but I have blue eyes even though i'm 1/4th east african

>more like the internet was banned in Turkey

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where to? i look like your everyday guy my brother :D

>Dutch biker gangs
Since when are we known for that kek

To Somalia with other Somalis. Or Sweden

turkish people are pretty cool but the ones on Sup Forums are something else

heres mine

Attached: super cool.png (1600x1067, 367K)

do i look somali to you? also people like jonis bascir are halfies I'm only 1/4th ;/

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Your mother is a race mixing whore

Wtf are u??

are you muslim? also is there a difference between Lebanese and syrian dialects? They sound the same to me unlike the other i.e. Egyptian, Moroccan etc

>t. studied arabic for 3 years

Literally a shitskin fuck off and make a noose

You will probably shill for more immigration since you are not fully Italian. All immigrants do.
It has nothing to do with looks but all with politics

cute desu

they sound very similar, syrian dialects tend to extend their soundings for vowels whereas lebanese dialects tend to use more of a and replacing q when speaking, so instead of saying "qal" they say "aal" and yes im muslim

No and neither are you

Hint: Your mother is a whore.

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my thoughts exactly :)

i'm very anti-immigration lmao why would I shill for it? My family in general is pretty conservative and is somewhat racist. I grew up catholic and I'm not an immigrant I was born here.


I assumed you shilled for immigration because of your grand mother. If you don't you are ok.
Mixed people tend to be super pro immigration

ahh I see that's pretty neat, the Levant has always been an interesting area imo, you're lucky to be from there :)


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thanks! the levant is nice, but too bad its currently a proxy war there, it's still nice and it has its conservative tradition, if you're a fan of wine i suggest heading to lebanon, we have some pretty good wine

my grandmother herself is anti immigration she says it brings a bad image to people who are from africa. Last time I spoke to her about it she literally said "they're not sending their best are they?" xd

when i visited america I met a cute blonde lebanese girl and she told me all about the wine. I'll visit one day for sure.

No wonder southern Europe never got back to it's old glory. To busy being christcucks and individualistic. I don't think I, a pure 100% bavarian phenotype American, need to tell you that multi-racialism is bad.

I hate Canada

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They were white Somalis?

you should grow your hair and start to dress as a girl

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you should! i recommend beirut for tourists since its the most stable area, and very european like, dont head towards the southern parts of lebanon unless you want to deal with artillery fire, marijuana, military checkpoints, refugees, IDF, and hezbollah

all jokes aside what does someone who has 100% bavarian phenotype look like? I've always wondered what a pure breed human looks or group of people who've been isolated for centuries

they're call italo-somalis check out the video he linked

traps are gay sorry

hahaha alright I will thanks for the heads up.

She sounds awesome. I bet her cooking rocks

it's wonderful she knows how to cook a bunch of traditional foods from other cultures as well.

This is what a pure red Nordic looks like. They are so pale that they show up in the flesh

Attached: Red_Nordid.jpg (346x556, 22K)

And this is a pure white nordic

Attached: Whitenordid1.jpg (217x302, 9K)

my god, now i dont feel bad about being a mutt