When will Japan realize that they need immigrants in order to raise their declining birth rates and economy? It is the only way we can save Japan.
When will Japan realize that they need immigrants in order to raise their declining birth rates and economy...
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Friendly reminder that Japan has 127 million fucking ethnic Japanese in Japan alone. They are nowhere near at risk as a lot of European countries.
Fuck Japan. The atomic bombings didn't happen but they should happen again!
>The country will be transformed unless the Japanese government transforms the country
I think they'll be fine with the population drop.
>population falls
>wages skyrocket and housing costs plummet
>families are now comparatively stable and wealthy and can afford to have multiple children without it being a massive burden
Importing immigrants to try and smooth out a population curve when you have a populace that has zero problems dealing with societal hardship and no issue embracing automation is going full retard.
When will niggers understand that economy adapts to our needs and not the other way around?
Fucking globalists jews are trying their best to make us believe we have to adapt to the economy.
Population goes down? Great, do something to make it go up or plan in advance a strategy to make your country successfull with less people.
Fucking jews.
Holy fuck only 88 million people on that tiny as fuck island? How will they survive?
Or just let the population stabilize naturally. Economies don't need to be in a constant state of explosive growth.
>the atomic bombings didn't happen, but they should happen again
>Economies don't need to be in a constant state of explosive growth.
They do when you have entitlements structured as ponzi-schemes that decrepit old boomers refuse to have taken from their shriveled, dying hands. Of course there is a final solution to the Boomer Question, if it comes to that.
>Holy fuck only 88 million people on that tiny as fuck island
Oh yeah all at the low low price of their culture and identity.
Japan is one of the most overpopulated nations on this planet. Also saving Japan by destroying everything making Japan Japan in the first place (protip it is their people). God the day will come I will bath in your kind’s blood.
One good round of seppuku by their old folks will set everything right, without the need to import foreigners.
>tfw i see Sup Forums unite for the greater good
We'll get thorugh this lads, we will.
No. There are ways to save Japan other than attempting a demographic extinction. Fuck off.
Oh no, that means they'll only have 133% of the population of the UK then! What will they do to survive?
Oh no the economy needs to downsize. Whatever will we do? It's not like it's a bad thing to let a population naturally go down to equilibrium.
Only niggers and kikes think that a declining population is a bad thing because they don't know how to set real values to their properties but up. If the value of a currency increases, then the spending power increases and prices drop on everything.
You have to be a butt hurt globalist to not see that.
Oh no, the boomers will die. Whatever will the japs do?
This is bullshit, though. To maintain stable population growth, you need each couple to have three children: One to replace the mother, one to replace the father, and one surplus. Japan has the lowest birth rate in the world, the third lowest if you count the two French dependencies (Saint Pierre and Miquelon and Monaco). Singapore is also in a similar situation and they concluded there is no other option but to implement a comprehensive immigration and foreign worker program to increase its labor force.
Japan is the only country which sells more adult diapers than baby diapers, you don't have to have a doctorate in economics or the social sciences to tell you that some changes have to made or Japan is fucked.
>Small, overpopulated country needs a population increase, and by low-IQ immigrants
japan is overpopulated
Japan is a small island country. Even 50 millions is enough for them.
Stay away, mutt.
They'll be fine, kike.
quality of life will RISE. environmental strain will DECREASE. nature will reclaimed damaged industrial landscapes. remember, all of the cultural attainments that made Japan Japan were produced by a tiny fraction of the contemporary population. Japan will be more beautiful and less crowded, and the individual Japanese will be valued more
>you need each couple to have three children
In western countries stable population is 2.1 children for every couple retard and it goes down as life expectancy goes up which it constantly is.
And this is a bad thing because?
>the recent population boom won't last
fuck you, this is so stupidly blatant.
>30 years stagnation
>muh birth rates
Get rid of this fucking degenerate anime bullshit and the birthrates go up again.
Look his flag and you will understand
Hello kike
you're so fucking stupid, die.
That isn't true, but even if it were, Japan still has the lowest birth rate on the planet, they're working on an inverted demographic triangle.
I'm not saying they need immigrants, they need to have more children, but the government can't force young people to become married and raise families.
>Facts are stupid
>population going down
>bad thing
Fuck people who want Japan to have a more open immigration policy. If you are of worth, you can marry a naitive.
How else are you supposed to keep the fuck ups out?
>How else are you supposed to keep the fuck ups out?
>all you need to get into Japan is a bachelor's degree
They decided on population control some time in the 1980s.
Too many people and not enough farmland to feed everyone without importing food or fishing for food. Food is expensive in Japan.
They don't want more people, they want less overall.
Introducing unproductive blacks would destroy the country. The least they need is blacks who collect gibs and strain the food supply.
88m is a lot. Homeostasis is a thing. Japan isn't very big.
put 2 and 2 together.
You don't need population growth. Automation is reducing requirement for more workforce. Economy can grow without population increasing.
So fuckoff kike. There is oven you have dodged, go fix the dodging part.
They don't need more people. Just automate lmao
Yes it is, you fucking dumbass.
You are not as smart as you seem to think.
Unless they changed the law, no the only way to become a Japanese citizen other than thru marige.
I know that there was talks about letting in people who make above x amount a year but I haven't been following the subject.
Ironically the leftists who push the jewish agenda also believe in overpopulation (I do also DESU) still argue to replace declining populations with an endless flow of immigrants.
>Human over population is putting too much strain on the ecosystems and destroying the earth
>Advanced societies are naturally decreasing in population
>T.brainlet leftist wants to undo this by flooding the gap with the over breeding niggers
Liberalism, not even once.
Lower population, lower real estate prices and higher wages
Suddenly people can afford families, population rises
And the cycle goes on
Constant growth is nothing to strive for, it depletes the planet of resourses as well.
Whether or not I'm smart is irrelevant, this is what Japanese researchers themselves are saying. You seem to think that just because other developed nations have fewer children as well that everything is just fine for Japan. But when you have to support an increasing number of pensioners with a shrinking labor force, you're fucked.
Just in time for the robot replacement, and massive productivity.
Thankfully, they took no massive wave of immigrants and can afford to share their new productivity and wealth to their nation. Working hours reduced, longevity increased.
Well planned Nippon.
OY VEY How will Japan be able to overprice their housing market
>That isn't true
Yes it is retard.
Go be a dumbass somewhere else.
Can anyone name a single problem currently facing humanity, the west, or your country specifically that will be MADE BETTER by increasing the population?
Now off the top of your head, name five problems that will be made drastically worst with an increase in the population.
One of the rural villages already did a test, their birth rate increased because they give the families good benefits for each children.
The gov isn't fixing it because it isn't that bad yet and they're cheap asses.
weebs in denial.
Oh no, people won't have to live in apartment boxes. The humanity.
>you don't have to have a doctorate in economics or the social sciences to tell you that some changes have to made or Japan is fucked.
Then... make the changes instead of fucking the country? "Solving" the problem with immigration just postpones it, while creating a slew of new problems that also make fixing the original one harder.
You introduce niggers into Japan, they'll turn it into Haiti.
Japan is food poor. It only exists because of high industrialization. They're dependent on imported food, much of it grain. Much of their protein intake comes from wild caught fish.
60% of food is imported. Another good chunk has to be fished out of the sea.
This is why they're going balls deep into robotics. Their population can't afford to grow with so many countries getting technologically advanced, making Japanese manufacturing less dominant than it used to be.
>what is a work visa
Work visa only last for a few years. Sure you can stay after it expires but then you're a criminal. Plus it's pretty difficult to get it renewed after it expires.
The solution is for Japanese people to have more children. The question is how to make that happen.
>This range of behaviors shows that there is not just one universal constant for replacement-level total fertility; instead, the values for
replacement fertility are highly country-specific.
>instead, the values for replacement fertility are highly country-specific.
>highly country-specific.
>population growth
Yes, an overcrowded population recovering from the lost decade and no to very little economic mobility for its youth is having a crisis where children are not being born.
Did you ever think that people aren't having kids in their society is because overpopulation is already straining their ability to provide for themselves adequate financial and living conditions? Once their population drops, resources will distribute better among the population allowing for more resources to have kids.
Japan is a society which invests very heavily into each individual child, and their culture is one of extreme competence and discipline instilled into your work or routine. They are the exact opposite of African societies, which have several children and pray one is good enough/smart enough to survive.
Japan doesn't need immigrants... their problems will solve itself in time.
>Liberal education
>The question is how to make that happen.
Lower the population, wages increase, housing prices drop, people want families, population increase. It isn't rocket science you know. Growth for the sake of growing is incredibly retarded and makes socialists seem sane when then they complain about capitalism.
Kike frustrated by another holdout country. Muh "Japanese holocaust" when?
Did you lose your teaching job in Japan?
kys faggot
>replacement fertility are highly country-specific.
And they're all around 2.1 for fucking first world countries you borderline illiterate retard.
So, if the birth rate rose 1.4 to 2.1 in Japan, that would be enough to avert the demographic crisis they're heading towars?
They are the exact opposite of African societies, which have several children and pray one is good enough/smart enough to survive.
God damn why is this so true
Why the hell do you need more people all the time?
Jews shilling for brown people to invade another country, kys
Jewish propaganda
There aren't many Jews in this country and that upsets them
They want to be able to control people like they are trying to in Canada with their "reach 100 million population goal".
To these fuckweeds, it's all about their current asset positions and lack of understanding of how relative value works. They only want upward momentum and to look good on paper when in reality they are blood sucking parasites.
I want them dead.
You don't need more people all the time, you need enough people all the time. You need to hit a "replacement rate" to keep the labor force strong and the country running.
You do know Japan is the world leader in robotic research.
Shoot yourself
Well, until robots start working and paying taxes, we're going to have to rely and good old fashioned, flesh and blood, Japanese people to keep the country afloat.
yeah god forbid you have a ton of unoccupied farmland
They won't. How about we do that instead?
>country the size of IL
>population 1/3 of the US
Statistics are a legitimate barrier to thinking like these people goddamn
> It's the only way (((we))) can Japan
How the fuck is replacing your population with completely foreign groups a "solution" to population decline? They're better off just declining. At least their culture is preserved and they can always implement ways to increase birth rates. It's almost like opening your borders causes a faster (and irreversible) death by replacement. Try harder shlomo.
Well, nobody said socialist are smart.
Japan will be the best place on Earth once the robots are here.
No, no. They won't be fine with a population drop.
The fuck? They just think everyone is going to up and die and leave an empty island? This beyond retarded and just a ploy to change demographics because a nearly homogeneous nation is doing well on it's own.
I guess that'd be a bad example for the good little goys across the pond huh?
Does anyone else want Japan to be a test subject for no immigration population decline?
Then how did Japan survive when it only had 88 million people in the past?
Yeah get fucked
No fuck off. We want Japan to be Japan, not some "test subject" faggotry.
Oh the horror! The agoraphobia! What nightmares!
thats the single, only-possible solution?
*if* its a problem, that is.
But lets say it is indeed a problem that must be avoided at all costs. There is no other option than massive immigration? Nothing like... government encouragement of having children like tax breaks and free daycare?
If kids are vital, then incentivize it.
>88 million
still more than many countries in europe
The don't need immigration but a lebensraum or tighter breeding programs and subsequently rewards/society