Master Race

When did you accept the fact that Mediterraneans are actually the master race?

Italian anthropologist Giuseppe Sergi claimed that the Mediterranean race was "the greatest race in the world". He defined it as "the finest brunet race which has appeared in Europe…derived neither from the black nor white peoples, but constitut[ing] an autonomous stock in the human family.".[2]:24–27 Sergi claimed that the Mediterranean Race probably historically spoke a Hamitic language related to the language of the prehistoric Egyptians, Iberians, and Libyans.[2]:24–27 Sergi noted that the Roman Empire led to the spread of Mediterranean civilization across Europe and thus contemporary European civilization was bound by ancestry to the Mediterranean race.[2]:24–27

Sergi claimed the Nordics had made no substantial contribution to pre-modern civilization, noting that "in the epoch of Tacitus the Germans ... remained barbarians as in prehistoric times".[2]:24–27 He claimed that the Romans were unable to Romanize the Germans because the Germans were averse to the Romans' civilizing influence.[2]:24–27 He rejected Germanic scholars' claims that Germans were the saviors of a decadent post-Roman Italy.[2]:24–27 Instead Sergi claimed that the Germans were responsible for bringing forward the Dark Ages in the Medieval period and that the Germans of the Medieval period were known for "delinquency, vagabondage, and ferocity".[2]:24–27

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he's right

>When did you accept
I've never thought otherwise, Meds are glorious

>Antonio Corradini

C. G. Seligman supported Mediterraneanist claims, stating "it must, I think, be recognized that the Mediterranean race has actually more achievement to its credit than any other, since it is responsible for by far the greater part of Mediterranean civilization, certainly before 1000 B.C. (and probably much later), and so shaped not only the Aegean cultures, but those of Western as well as the greater part of Eastern Mediterranean lands, while the culture of their near relatives, the Hamitic pre-dynastic Egyptians, formed the basis of that of Egypt."[5]

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Slav/med master race

Nordcucks are white niggers

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How's that D&C working out for ya?

I'm a dago myself.

Enough with these fucking D&C threads. I stand with my Nordic brothers against the jews.

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As do I. They're just below us, even Hitler acknowledged this fact.

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These theories were developed in opposition to Nordicism, the claim that the Nordic race was of pure Aryan stock and naturally superior to other Europeans. Sergi ridiculed Nordicists who claimed that the leaders of ancient Greek and Roman civilization were Germanic in origin and argued that the Germanic invasions at the end of the Roman empire had produced "delinquency, vagabondage and ferocity". Sergi believed that the Aryans were originally "Eurasiatic" barbarians who migrated from the Hindu Kush into Europe. He argued that the Italians had originally spoken a Hamitic language before the Aryan (Indo-European) Italic language spread across the country. Some Aryan influence was detectable in Northern Italy, but, racially speaking, southern Italians were unaffected by Aryan migrants.[3]

Sergi expanded on these theories in later publications. Despite his denigration of Aryans and emphasis on Mediterranean racial identity, he denied that he was motivated by national pride, asserting that his works had the "goal of establishing the veracity of the facts without racial prejudice, without diminishing the value of one human type in order to exalt another one."[3]

His last book, The Britons (1936) sought to trace the rise of the British Empire to the Mediterranean component of the British population.[3]

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divide and conquer more shlomo

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rejected existing racial typologies that identified Mediterranean peoples as "dark whites" because they implied a Nordicist conception of Mediterranean peoples descending from whites who had become racially mixed with non-whites which he claimed was false. His concept of the Mediterranean race, identified Mediterranean peoples as being an autonomous brown race and he claimed that the Nordic race was descended from the Mediterranean race whose skin had depigmented to a pale complexion after it moved north. This concept became important to the modelling of racial difference in the early twentieth century.

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Us Meds gain nor lose anything from your fellowship

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Why would you worship civilization like that? Even sandniggers had ''impressive'' civilization, with 95% of people enslaved and living shit lives so that a few kangs could tax them and create monuments for their personal enjoyment.

I am content in knowing that my ancestors lived a life of true liberty, not having to build monuments for anyone or force themselves to soul-crushing agricultural work. Agriculture in pre-industrial days was hard and boring work, only done because population density grew too high to sustain hunter-gathering, the natural way of human life.

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Is this how you Nords cope?

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And at the end of the day, it seems like only Meds have a massive inferiority complex. Makes ya think?

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>the mental gymnastics you have play when arguing with a Med to explain your failure of a civilization.
Don't you have a bull to be prepping ?

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Lmao you weak cucks are getting memed out of this earth. Your history now only belongs in childish comic books.

>settled by Lombards

>settle by Franks

>settle by Goths

Face it, there is no "mediterranean" culture out of mongrelizing with phoenicians and semites. 5'0 greek fishermen are not the real "ubermensch", the sooner you realize it, the sooner you will stop sporting this bullshit. All the great things in Europe from the past centuries came from the North - if the "superior mediterranean gene" was a thing, assuming it's even real, then why didn't it manifest itself during the last centuries, when you had the conditions to, but resorted to live in near-shitholes?

Sage for d&c.

>even Hitler acknowledged this fact.

LOL no. There is a passage on Mein Kampf specifically debunking such bullshit, I think it's volume I, chapter XI, but I won't bother quoting it here in such a weak bait thread. Nordic europeans are of good stock - they were the "ideal" even in greek times, for a reason. There is not even such thing as a "southern european culture", just different admixtures...

It's all Disney IP now

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>that post
Cute meme flag. Thank god there won't be any nords in 40 years from now.

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Medoids being our rapebabies lasts forever, though.

Nords are "good stock", just not superior.

As does the eternal superior Nord, schlomo. But I get that terrifies you, genetics...

Was it always your master plan to pass on your "superior culture" to Tyrone nordcuck?

>mutt saying this

Pottery. Greece and Italy are full of Tyrones, too...

>THE mediterranean race
mmh, I would at best talk of mediterranean raceS, Occitans, Moroccans and Lebanese don't have that much in common aside from being caucasoids

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We send them all to Germany and Scandinavia. Your women take them in with open thighs kek

"We"? Oh right, you're an yid, the ultimate amerimutt.

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correction: northern meds are master race, I mean northern italians, and northern spainards. Thats about it. If you look like Luigi Di Maio you're a subhuman