what are german's like?
What are german's like?
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Smell like onion and stale beer, have no sense of humor and are actually good engineers.
don't be a bully
They all look like this...
In a nutshell.
germany is 90 percent white though
meanwhile at usa....
Oh look, it's the only *thing* that's actually worse than the Kraut.
Whiter than you pajeet , poo in loo!
german's what?
You're a fucking low IQ Slavshit. Opinion discarded
how original
Actually I have an IQ of 126 thank you very much.
The exchange students from there I meet in the U.S.A. always seem friendly, traditional, and respectful. Perhaps it's not indicative of all of them but, in all reality, they've made great first impressions on me.
Jk , based pajeets are nice , Germans are fun in a autisimo way
Im a turk and germany is heaven if you use your time wisely
Stoic and grumpy. Also more and more people want this to be killed off (roaches are a pest but my fucking god North Africans and Niggers are the real plague).
Germans are very COLD. They have a very COLD demeanor. But nonetheless can be very nice sweet people. Very blunt and to the point, and that can offend people and seem more cold then it is.
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
"my iq is extremely high"
They look like roachs
none of your fucking business
neck yourself
Germans hate everyone, this has kept us down for centuries. One day we figured out that we hate other people even more than other Germans and that is why WW1, WW2 and Merkel's mass-immigration happened.
Was habe ich denn getan, dass du jetzt so reagierst du Hurenbock?
I find Germans to be sensible , I find other nationalities too open and shallow most of the time
objection we have sense of humour fuck your mother fett burger
>your time wisely
What do you mean? Like moving in on sunday making a metric fuckload of noise to annoy hard working germans on their only day off while you welfare niggers literally got nothing else to do 24/7?
Every. Fucking. Time.
Fuck off back to anatolia already. No one wants you here.
Ganz einfach. Du existierst einfach am falschen Ort. If Merkel would have not open the flood gate I could have just ignored you like I always did or be nice to the secular ones of you but know I want you gone like the other “new Germans”.
At 1:41 is WWI
See how you overreact? You turks have this tough guy attitude and this almost biological urge to provoke fights for no fucking reason. You left this sort if mentality here as well.
> This
When I was growing up everyone hated the pakis but after interacting with Sub-Saharan Africans I've gone 14/88. Pakis are tolerable but extremely annoying, but Sub-Saharans just destroy everything, and I always see them on the news or prowling the streets late at night, and wherever they live they put the local businesses out of order because they steal from them so much. I fucking hate them.
Overall, I really like Germans. Your country is beautiful overall, top-tier history of contributions to the world canon, and I appreciate your way of doing things.
However: you guys are also some of the most brainwashed people I've encountered, in terms of how politically demotivated you are. Most Germans I've encountered will make some John Oliver statement about Trump, and then shrug when asked about Merkel. "Shes what we have" or something of the sort is usually the response. Your ability to passively watch in bitter judgment while your neighborhoods are overrun by Turks and Arabs is second only to the English. You will ignore the garbage filled streets in the Turkish neighborhood, and complain about American tourists being 3 minutes late for a cab they called, like its a social faux-pas (which it might be). You guys are demoralized and ashamed, and it breaks my heart to see. You need to shake off the post-war programming and embrace reality again, the world needs you.
turk negers raus, du weisst dass du eine turk bist. gehe wieder zuruck nach turkije then. hurensohn.
lol. Every time I see germans being interviewed and asked something along the lines of "what do you think about Merkel?" they all answer something similar to "fine, whatever she says" lool.
Old people mostly stoic, strict and polite. young ones can be fucking liberal and retarded. Not all of them though some are based as fuck.
>T. Dutchkraut with kraut waifu
Polite, fair, formal, phlegmatic and slightly autistic. Usually kind if you REALLY get to know one but absolutely ruthless in times of war.
Les Allemands ne sont pas comme les Suisse.
oh no it's retarded
I swear to god i have never met a racist german in my entire life, they only exist on the internet
Most are pretty average. Except me, I am an actual genius.
maybe they lie and will come out when time comes
You must live in the West, in the East being racist is rather normal. I work in manufacturing and you won't believe the kind of rhetoric I have overhear in the factory about Arabs, Turks, Blacks etc.
They can't resist us
I've met enough people that will truely show their power level when they are comfortable. Most don't show it out of sheer fear because of repercussions. And too many are real cucks who really think diversity is our greatest strength.
INDIA is literally fucked because of diversity
every fucking state here has completely different cultures
With that said I don't feel comfortable with such company or enviroment. Lower class people with their crass rhetoric, their mannerism and they way they dress and talk, it's all fucked. I will be moving to the West soon.
India is similar to Europe as an entity. All the peoples of Europe (French, Dutch, German) are European but they are different and thus feel comfortable with their own nations where they are autonomous. That is why wars were fought in the past. India needs to break up into a 100 parts.
he will not get it. do not waste your time.
Non-Slav here. He's right. Germany is basically everything wrong with Europe. To hell with them.
Good people, nation needs to get rid of its WW 2 guilt though
I know, right? That joke literally went above everyone's head...
And then they complain that germans have no humour, while the truth is that everyone is too dumb to get it.
Germans are ants. Not the kind of ant like the chinese, but the ones that are creative, efficient and can get the job done. They just need a great leader to get on the right path.
>Grammar joke
>He think it's funny
This is why the Britbongers make fun of us
i noticed it but sorry it was not funny
in like the past 15 years i couldn't ever make a native german friend. Most of the germans i met seem pretty boring or cucky, no humor or banter, just charmless.
All friends i ever made in my life here have background from other countries.
t. slav living in germany for most of my life
Hans most people probably understood, its just not funny.
They're saying that in jest you retard.
Of course a mongrel does not get it.
>they still don't get it
Being charming is for GIBS "humans".
It's a shitty grammar joke. Not funny at all. Just proves how shitty your "humor" is.
They’re all a bit too serious, and act arrogantly.
Okay, i'm going to explain it now.
Poo asks:
>what are german's like?
I reply by correcting his grammar which is the most german think one can do which in turn elevates it above me simply correcting his grammar and makes it in turn funny as fuck.
My fucking god. Was that so hard?
I got it you sperg, you pointed out that Pajeet made a grammatical error and responded as if it were a serious question, thats not particularly funny
Insufferable cunts. Basically pic related.
Eh, I had a german acquaintance. He was very nice dude, loved the shit outta Kemono Friends and was like top notch positive human being. Haven't fucked over anyone on the discord server where I met him.
Though he was a bit suicidal and saw mass culling of people as a good way to solve trouble with resources. (That may be kinda german thing, kek.)
let's pretend your response is the joke, okay?
>extremely high
Bad news for ya, buddy
This is very truits also the reason why we suddenly sperg out once in a while
We are fucking repressed and bitter politically
da fuq
East German here
People are pissed don't come here
none of your business you fucking asshole.
german girls have the cutest feet
Because any race realist understands that you are an individual and it's rather pointless to discuss about this topic. Your notion is just wrong, many do have those believes, but know that it's between the groups and not the one or two nice individual (out of a million) you happen to know.
Very closed to outsiders, they hang around amongst themselves. I don't think they have much fun.
If you do manage to make a German friend, he's probably a second generation slav immigrant.
The girls are a waste of time unless you get them drunk.
feetfags get gassed though
can I get gassed with a german girls smelly feet at least pls?
alrighty then
you wouldn't die
but i want to (´;ω;`)
This will change in the next 10 years because Nigger, Muslim and shitskin new born out number Whites.
Germans are the most bullied group on Sup Forums.
even if, would take a shit ton of time
after canadians
no indians ,are then the turks
then comes swedes
then canadians
then germans
you obviously don't know how smelly girl feet can be
All it takes is one second and you die uwu
Don't be too hard on yourself Fritz, I still hate Canadians the most. But you're on thin ice.
> Says the fucking Swede cuck
Hey Ahmad. Did you and Tyron fuck any blond Swedes today?
No, it's Germans.
PLEASE go fucking kys
>you obviously don't know how smelly girl feet can be
belive me I know
You're just weak :^)
Autistic. Workaholics.
The power of Teutonic genes
>The girls are a waste of time unless you get them drunk.
aren't they always drunk
well my last gf was german and she wore stockings most of the time so her feet were always smell
no, it's indians
No, with Americans, Canadians and Indians, it's just playful banter. With Germans, it's downright hate.
Germans are the most bullied group on Sup Forums.