How do we save local architecture?
How do we save local architecture?
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It's funny, that "globalist" architecture is descendent from Georgian architecture. It doesn't actually look too out of place in Britain.
and don't come up with things like these please...
it wouldn't be called "globalist" if it was just a British phenomenon. unfortunately it isn't
some attempts have been made in my own neighbourhood, but one can clearly see the differences between architects...
Do you have any examples of skyscrapers that you really like? The problem is that what you think is local architecture cant just be scaled up like that. So if you dont want literally every space in europe to be occupied by 3 floor tall buildings, there isnt really any other way than to build upwards.
Traditional architecture is definitely worth saving and I love to see it applied in our time, but a step backwards isnt a step forwards. We have more people living in europe now than we did 200 years ago and architecture reflects that.
Lower the wages, increase skill, find people willing to put down the dosh to pay for expensive materials and lots of extra time to complete a project...
Skyscrapers are expensive and quite inefficient for housing people and I think big city blocks (built in local traditional style of course) are the future for our cities. I like skyscrapers too, but especially the ones built with bricks like this one. Skyscrapers need some kind of aesthetics too.
>inefficient housing
Wanna know how I know you’re retarded?
By actually spending the necessary money to give building real facades rather than just blank steel and glass.
Seriously, its not hard.
World is too connected, a common style is inevitable.
Local styles are usually too expensive and do not meet current-day requirements regarding energy consumption.
the larger the skyscraper is the more it will cost to build it. Certainly in the Netherlands where we have to put piles in the ground because otherwise the building would be sinking in the swamp
this block was built a few years ago in my town and the prices are quite affordable
It's just incredibly expensive.
Ban modern architecture?
Energy consumption is too much of a priority nowadays. So we're stuck with similar looking buildings
ez, kill the globalists
What constitutes affordable in NL? Can you give me a figure in €/m2? Just asking out of curiousity and for comparison. Over here, a flat in such a structure would be about 2500€/m2.
So build a skyscraper on top of that. Build a third one if the second one sinks into the swamp. Build a fourth on top of that if the third burns down, falls over, and then sinks into the swamp.
Start a small town in a very rural area. Try to avoid the degeneracies if the modern day. No plastics, no concrete or cement, and if you think you can manage it, no electricity. Then just wait and watch as the rest of the world collapses around you and your local community while you thrive.
Yes, I see your point. "simpler" local architecture can still be done cheaply, but for example building a Haussmanian building would be way too expensive.
I went to Amsterdam with my architecture school, and honestly I think you guys have been doing a good job respecting the local style and materials.
from 250.000 up to 450.000 euro. The average Dutch middle class house is around 300.000 euro.
Not sure what would make your pic be related to traditional dutch architecture but I agree thats its a very nice building.
Skyscrapers are actually very efficient, especially if the people who live in them also work there. Cuts traffic down by a lot and saves tons of energy that way.
>Skyscrapers need some kind of aesthetics too.
This is what I assume is actually your problem. Many buildings are built without a proper design, and thus end up being ugly. However that isnt just the problem with modern architecture. It just feels that way, because of all the buildings that have been built at some point in history, only the best ones were deemed worthy of not being torn down, so what you see now is the best of the best of architecture, except for contemporary, where you have all sorts of different qualities.
If this is the basis for your opinion, though, thats definitely a fallacy.
Realistically at every point in history no matter how traditional your buildings were, there were always shitloads of ugly buildings, that were just there because someone or something needed a house.
Then there is also the matter of personal taste.
While most other anons itt may find their pics to be aesthetically pleasing, I find them hideous. So the thing is that you wont every make everyone happy even if you do try to put effort and design into your buildings.
That tells me nothing mate...what’s that in €/m2 or how many square metres is such a flat?
in my area it's around 2800 euro/m2, but that doesn't say a lot
That’s surprisingly cheap.
You can add us too
Forbid modern buildings from being anywhere near old towns.
God I love architecture threads
that doesn't solve the problem, that's just relocating the problem.
i love old architecture but i'd rather live in a skyscraper desu
Build buildings obviously
You people need to be just let go, you are SO no Americans.
>stone more expensive than stainless steel and glass
fuck off svenberg
Gotta take a shit! Gotta take a shit! Gotta take a shit!
We keep rebuilding and improving on local architecture. I have no solution on how to get rid of globalist buildings. It’s so ugly and depressing to look at, but that’s a lot of money and space to move. We’ll be stuck with these eye sores for our lifetime at least, but maybe we can start the process to make it better for the next generation.
Bumping for interest. 1123 €/m2 here in the states, flyover country in a nice neighborhood, 10 year old construction.
The globalists will never leave us until they're blown away
You gotta be kidding me...that's incredibly cheap, even in Slovenia.
It's like a retarded african kid, who has only seen pictures of Dutch architecture, made these with his crude crayons.
it's usually not the materials in themselves that are expensive, but all the decorations.
Old building techniques and styles are not adequate for what we need now or in the future.
Not just the cost of materials, mutt, but the time to assemble the giant IKEA kits as well. Steel beams, sheets of glass, and prefab concrete is much more cost efficient and much faster to assemble into a liveable space compared to old, tradtional building methods, where you cut stone by hand or with simple machines which then has to be piled on top of each other.
>How do we save local architecture?
It's like anything else in life - you gotta have a big cock or you're just never going to be able to accomplish your goals.
This could be because of my American roots, but I actually quite enjoy the stark boldness of the skyscraper. I think they should all stay in the US, but still.
Should we waste money on making our architecture looking fancy, or spend money on making sure its stable so we don't have to spend millions paying off families and building a new tower after this one collapses
The reason all of those look different is because they were all built by cultures with different architectural standards. The reason everything looks similar nowadays is because architectural standards are now universal. Everyone build in the most efficient way possible.
It's because you don't have historical buildings in burgerland.
Skyscrapers are efficient because they enable higher population densities meaning less travel to work (or more job opportunities in your travel radius).
Fucking this, the new modern architecture is an abomination.
It's different on the coasts, at least twice that amount. The architecture is crap though and the building is stick built
Modern bathrooms are switched out every 10-15 years here.
Fucking Roman bath houses held for 2000 years and still looked legit.
>virgin globalist architecture
>chad futurism
I'm hoping that these reconstruction projects will start a new trend in architecture
Built cheaply, not efficiently. Seriously, the average American stick built house is falling apart just when you finished paying the last mortgage payment to the bankers unless you continue to pour money into the building.
that may be true of some new tract housing construction in exurbia, but a lot of American houses are very well-built and the styles, like Craftsmen, will endure. The problem with architecture in the US is regulation. We give NIMBY's the ability to reject things, which is idiotic.
Is this like...really far away from civilization or something?
Look at this shit's a piece of shit 80 squared metres apartment for roughly same price (~200k € = ~250k $). The furniture is shit, everything is outdated, the bathroom is like 20 years old, etc.
This clothing style too... Modern clothes are also ugly af.
Cloaks seems comfy af, but in modern context I would just look like an autistic vampire wannabe.
Globalists want houses with thin walls and lots of people stacked up on top of each other
True, definitely, but I mean over the span of 50 years we can make it into a thing, fashion changes. Just look at the autistic fashion sense we had in the 80's.
>reconstruction projects
Srsly, wtf was this...
This is my town
Looks like Brugges a bit, Brugges is super nice!
I live in Alkmaar the town where the victory against the Spaniards began!
Pastabro knows the way. I for one, welcome our Italian futurist overlords.
Nicee, I live in the Hague. The three buildings OP posted ruin it a lot though.
>tfw grew up in century old Falu red country house similar to pic related
It was heated with a wood stove even. Pain in the ass to cut, chop, chuck, and carry 20 cubic meters of wood every season, but there is nothing like a proper fire.
The 80s and 90s were fucking miserable, literally no hot girls on TV to crush on when I grew up, because the fashion sense was a huge turnoff for 15-20 years straight.
thank God Cyberpunk style didn't stick
No, neither links were far from civilization. The first one is in the white part of town in a southern city. You're neighbor might work on rockets here. Second link is part of the Washington DC sprawl. If you drop to the $250-300k price range in the DC area you'll get a townhome the same size and condition of that apartment with arab and african neighbors that have their kids running around barefoot.
that's a lie
Demand higher quality architecture that isn't just a frame and windows, and then be prepared to pay out the nose for it because it's insanely expensive when it isn't mass produced. I'm not saying that's bad. I would love to see some architects who gave a shit anymore and companies and cultures still more interested in investing in the future rather than making things as cheap as possible.
Can you provide some examples? I just don't see the majority of American homes being built to last, and many are poorly built.
Dresden user here
i havent been in Den Haag a lot but I remember ''de Hofjes'' and I liked it a lot.
The materials arn't that expensive. The time and effort required to make a building look nice is.
Can you name an example of a nation where the majority of the homes are built to last?
Everywhere where socialism rises the same old communistic buildings arise
yeah because salarys where much lower at the times
but machines cut replace the need for them
It is the opposite of Japan
Because Skyscrapers share land with many people, fixed asset taxes are cheaper
where are those buildings?
This is my home
I haven't done a survey of homes of the world, but I have experienced post war French homes made with lots of concrete (perhaps out of necessity) and masonry. It looked better than my grandparents post war home in the US.
A lot of the bad ideas and decline of Western civilization came out of Weimar. It’s interesting that they still call some of these abominations “modern” when the same style was done in the 1920s. They haven’t had a good, new idea in decades. Just crap piled onto more crap. This video is a pretty good rundown of the history of fashion in Weimar and their thought behind it. There’s a brief moment at 12:35 where she talks about architecture.
Or you could build a skyscraper on the air, and build another one on top of that so the one on the air doesn't sink.
>all architecture was once modern
>retro buildings
fuckin' true blue
There's literally nothing wrong with this
Outback favela?
Its a farmhouse you dopey cunt
Looks like Billy Bob and his sister-wife lives there with their eight kids and fiftynine pigs, while Uncle Ray brews moonshine in the back.
If you're in europe, you build mosques.
These are non-business buildings where architects can have more liberty. Plus, muslims can demand more funds from government to subsidize nicer buildings.