CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP:terrible leftist drivel edition

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should post a warning, op, that this thread will lower your iq to nigger levels

holy shit these are bad

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>simulated real story

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The gif is using algorithmic data to simulate the spread of ideas.

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i hope you get banned for this thread

>Whites have no culture
>There is too much white in this culture

Whoopsie lefties

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Why are liberal comics so repulsive from an artistic standpoint?

> Our lives revolve entirely around pop culture!

Do you even have to ask?

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Damn that accursed right-wing nazi media!

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Jesus fucking Christ, what am I witnessing

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>star wars
>marvel movies (in general)
>doctor who
>all originally white male leads
>hijacked by women and nigs

every other movie did not hijack a pre-existing black/woman story to make it "more white"

the western, pirate movies, sci fi, hacker nerds, the comic super heros, the (medeival) fantasy, the crime syndicates.
All made by white men.

thats the difference

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>Putin won with the assistance of the DNC & the US Government

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>create the the most less diverse movie in ages (all one culture black)
>call it diverse
nigga what

>goo-goo ga-ga
the absolute state of leftist wit

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Is there a cartoon about the small-size packers supposedly meant for trans children to wear?

Meanwhile in reality...

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Very funny mods, here's what I actually posted.

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I love it when lefties say Trump is "not my president". If he's not your president that mean's you're not a legal citizen. Bye bye!

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What even are they arguing?
>only share what we share so you know it's real!!

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>wanting less government makes you a fascist

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We don't live in a democracy thou

Because it's disingenuous in that it's politically motivated.

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This one is pretty good, lots of morons on this board argue like the dipshit in the comic

Meant this one

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Statistical modeling of the spread of real vs fake stories in arbitrary graph topologies run on a specific graph instance (so as to represent the flow in an identical graph without edge conditions like time variance and geographic locality).

The problem with the analogy is that it’s comparing the improvement of the making of one product in one company versus improving the actual product across all companies and all models, especially if they are much more needed necessities. The author is the dipshit here.

>sitting in front of a computer
>thumb-pecking messages out on her Obamaphone
Even imaginary niggers are stupid.

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t. literally missed the whole point
burger education isn't a meme after all

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>Trayvon tackles Zimmerman and starts beating his head into the pavement
>Zimmerman pulls out his gun and shoots Trayvon
I know the left has twisted and altered the narrative every conceivable way, but I still can't see what his hoodie has to do with it.

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>liberals are actually this dilusional

Fuckin got me good mate

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Lol, it was an easy enough thing to do.

>Implying Barack didn't have the entire mainstream media conglomerate sans Fox News sucking his dick 24/7 for 8 years

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Impressive. But my future wife is already married, and I'm the bull. What now?

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He's not wrong. Hubert Comancho is actually a really humble and decent dude. I'd vote for him over anyone.

God damn you

I don't get this one. What're the kids supposed to be? Illegals? Gays? What?

>My hubby loves it
You've married a faggot.

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>Democracy is a good thing
Democracy is awful. Republicanism is the only way to go, you can't have mob rule.

Remember goyim, if you kill your enemies they win.

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dreamers probably

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I don't even know what to do with this one

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Good thing I'm a fucking homo

I don't know why, but I really like your image. Mind if I save it?

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Direct democracy = bolshevism

Perfect example of why the left can't meme

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