White males are cancer

>weakest race, even weaker than chinks
>most cucked
>least intelligent, only niggers have lower IQ.
>racemix more than niggers
>degenerate, whitr males watch the most amount of jewish porn
>the only race of males that doesnt protect their own interests
>highest amounts of autism and downsyndrome
>second most fat, only niggers are fatter.
It isnt white women, it isnt jews, it isnt shit skins.
Its you.
You are what ruined the west. Get that through your empty heads.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're doing the "Hispanics are white" meme, aren't you?

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>split the atom
>walked on the moon
>gave the world electricity and pretty much everything derived from it
You don't need to have the highest stats to be the best at the game

If you're a white female who hates white men, and claims to be a nationalist because youre intimidated by Asians and Latinas, just go be a feminist on Reddit.

I've seen scores of you """nationalist""" thots turn around 180 second you see some interracial porn and start shitting on white men, and there's scores of you yet to come, you're not gonna hold me back whore.

Sage by the way.

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clark* clark* clark*

>highest amounts of autism

Like its a bad thing

Thank you, White girl. Like I give a fuck what you have to say. Been fucking asian women for 10 years now.

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Literally built the west

You will never breed and you will die alone. You are cancer, destroyed the west.

stay mad ahmed

good thread
seriously what insecure nigger comes on here every day posting this shit?

Oh thanks, now i can inhale smoke clouds and stroll the cement and pavement streets full of freaks to get to my 9-5 job and work for 8 hours a day and pay taxes to a system i despise.

As opposed to before white men, when we roamed freely and ran in the grass and sunshine and had no problems.

Are you saying the shit you made is a good thing?

>split the atom
Awesome, now we have weapons of mass destruction which will create wastelands and destroy the whole world. Thanks based white guy.
>walked on the moon
No you didnt.
>gave the world electricity
Yes, and since then, quality of life has plummeted to an all time record breaking low.

dang man we wuz in the jungle chuckin spears at cows and eating delicious burgers n fuckin all the white gurls n shit then da white man brought his wipipo projectile spears n shit den we had to get jobs knowmsayin? shiiiiiiiiet man dey dndt e'en ha chil suport them days nigguh

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Good argument.
Why do i suddenly smell chicken nuggets and autism?

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Nice try (((OP)))

Excellent argument. OP BTFO

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Well I mean we are responsible for letting women vote so yeah, I'll take that.

>mfw asian women are bigger whores than white women
>mfw asian women are all diehard leftists

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>Oh thanks, now i can inhale smoke clouds and stroll the cement and pavement streets full of freaks to get to my 9-5 job and work for 8 hours a day and pay taxes to a system i despise.
>As opposed to before white men, when we roamed freely and ran in the grass and sunshine and had no problems.
Fuck me cue the soundtrack for the Lion King already faggot.

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Hey Chief Talks-To-Listerine, if whites didn’t come here you’d still be living in teepees and scalping members of other tribes like the savage prairie nigger you are.

Im a white girl you totally illiterate fucking low IQ stupid fucking dumb shit virgin retard god damned worthless nigger loser fuck

No, it's definitely the Jews. Whatever problems that would naturally arise in a homogeneous European country would easily get addressed and solved. Problem solving is what European men do better than anyone.

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All other culturew and races would kill the kikes.
But not whites.

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Excellent thread

White men love interracial porn of black men and white women.
They fap to it and promote it heavily. More heavily than any jew does.
White men are the problem and are responsible for all pedophilia and rape. Every sand nigger that rapes a white woman is the fault of white males, because you love it when nonwhites rape white women.
You jerk to it too.

Yet you think youre not a problem

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This one must be after plastic surgery. Make up alone can't do that.

I'm gonna abort white daughters since I saw your other thread. White sons with my tall Norman genes only. Then they can have daughters if they choose, maybe they'll be women who don't hate their own families but I'm only gonna deal with one of you longterm.

Other than that I'm gonna do my very best to suppress white females and lift women of color up over you so you know how it is.

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Mwanwhile the average white girl...

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>>least intelligent, only niggers have lower IQ.

Pick one u low IQ nigger.

Good thing youll never breed.
Btw you cant get an abortion you ridiculous virgin clown loser. Can you get pregnant? I already laughed your ass off stage with your effeminate pissy panties bullshit.
Are you going to cry?

You have borderline nigger IQ.
Kikes and chinks have higher IQ than you.

>Awesome, now we have weapons of mass destruction which will create wastelands and destroy the whole world. Thanks based white guy.
Radiation isn't solely used for weapons. Power generation, radioisotope imaging, smoke detectors, GPS, and archaeology/paleontology to name a few.
>Yes, and since then, quality of life has plummeted to an all time record breaking low.
You are a fucking retard, enjoy not having motors you caveman.

The west has turned into a matriarchy and now more patriarchal societies are taking over. You cucked yourselves.

Bad news user, I already have a son and want more.

I'm fine with breeding white women for white sons while sexing Asians and big booty latinas for physical connection.

Nice larp no one buys kid. Are you 12?
>good luck living without pollution!
I wont need to drive anywhere. I wont have a job or cares or worries, there wont be pavement and concrete everywhere.
Just sun, grass, and natural whole food.
Thanks! Living without the white male would be a blast. You really have to go.

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>As opposed to before white men, when we roamed freely and ran in the grass and sunshine and had no problems.
It seems the listerine and meth has gone to your head and made you short circuit. What’s rez life like?

Still no argument was found this day.
We all know the white male is an illiterate joke, but this is pitiful.
Im waiting for the BTFO

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Look, I found a pic of your tribe

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Go fuck a zipperhead you insecure beta cuck.
Oh wait, youre a permavirgin

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>mfw white women are the most modest, most traditional, most far right, most racist group on the planet
>mfw white males are the opposite

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Lookin for rare shitteds if convenient

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>white males ruined the west
I completely agree
white males had it all and gave up everything

>muh malaria, parasites, infection, and low crop yield.
Mother fucker, like you can tan leather, spin yarn, preserve food/cure meats, or build house without cutting down a fucking tree. You are naive to assume reduce iron without charcoal or coke. Just fucking die of exposure because you think you can have 6 billion niggers can live actually exist without fertilizers dug from the earth and pulled from the air.


back to /r/asianmasculinity

Chinks suck you weak faggot. I am not a chink.
But you are.

the reason women can vote
>white male
the reason niggers are free
>white males
the reason you'll be forced to give up your guns
>white males
The reason jews control everything
>white males
The reason women are degrates
>white males
The reason america is flood by illegal spics
>white males

white males could have stopped all this

>you cant live naturally!
So how did native americans do it for millenia before you came along dumb fuck?
You dont need to cut down trees to survive you complete fucking idiot. You dont need coal mines..

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i have no hope for white males doing anything but wage slaving for a jews, and trying to please their princess white wife all day long so that she doesn't take half his stuff

Beta Nigger detected. Beep Beep.

MGTOW till I die!

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White males couldnt please their wives if your life depended on it.

give me a break

>white males are cancer
>everyone wants to live in countries that white males built

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Step outside.
>destroys the world
>makes life everywhere shit
>makes own home slightly less shit, and its full of beautiful white women that white males give freely to rapefugees
Yes truly, a testament to your success

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You're telling me Slavs like Poles and Serbs are weak? Fucking moron

Look at the disgusting niggesses compared to the average white women. All white girls are better than all non-white girls.

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>>everyone wants to live in countries that white males built other than white males
220k+ white males living in the philippines
really makes you think

>destroys the world

Stopped reading there.

Theres just as many in tokyo and china too.

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>Native american didn't have canoes, long houses, campfires or weapons.
You couldn't even do what a Native Americans did because you are a brainlet that can't weave clothing, make soap by mixing fat with leeched woodash, boil salt out of water, or brain tan buck skin. A native american would look at you like a retard.

It was a white woman who punished me for making a hunting spear when I was a kid. From that day on I said white women will get nothing from me even if I burn alive.

>220k+ pedophile kikes living in the philippines

ftfy m8 ;^)

An infant can do all those things. Maybe you cant because youre a beta male.
>heh... you cant put bark and boiled watee together, yer soool stoopid, how can yooz survive widoud destroying dee environment :DDDDDD
none of these things are bad for the environment you braindead white soyboy cuck loser nerd virgin.
You make canoes from dead trees...... theyre already dead.
Culling deer populations is necessary for the environment because otherwise they eat too much grass and kill the forests and fields and make all the other animals leave.
Also i literally can weave clothing you complete fucktard. Anyone can, its so easy.

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Thanks Share Blue for posting one of my Ex's. She is a 5 compared to the latest girl friends. You know white is always top choice, so nice try but not close.

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Also you dont have to weave anything.... you can literally wear nothing at all. Many tribes did.
Clothing is an unnecessary construct white males created because youre autists.

Destroying the West was a team effort, but your certainly not wrong that white males contributed to it greatly.

White males were truly privileged for a long time, and they got fat and lazy. They stood on the shoulders of their fathers, with each subsequent generation accomplishing less and striving less fervently.

220k is for americans only
if you added EU/AU white males that number would be more like 400k-500k white males living in the philippines
majority of them are ex military
kikes don't go into the military

Why aren't you raising white children?
Fuck off you hypocrite

I will abort all whitr male children i have.
But not my daughters.

lol how are you going to get pregnant?

What ar3 sperm banks?

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Whatever you say, Schlomo.

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Well best of luck.

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This is probably a LARP, but I am a white girl who genuinely hates white men, even though I'm technically dating one. Oh well.


lol I remember you bitch from the thread where I told you I just came from a mountain hike.

How do you technically date a white male.

>Whatever you say, Schlomo.
About four million people of Philippine ancestry live in the United States, one of its largest minorities, and about 220,000 Americans, many of them military veterans, live in the Philippines. An additional 650,000 visit each year, according to U.S. State Department figures.


So you are going to spend money for artificial insemination and then spend money on an abortion if it is a male?

Have fun fuckwit

According to a Pew Research Centre study last year, the Philippines is the most pro-U.S. country in the world.

You are probably a LARP but I hate most humans so there is that

>this is considered attractive in muttland

I do too. Everyone does. I am a white nationalist and i hate them.
Break up with him and get a sperm donation instead. Thats what i am doing

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We're in a relationship, but I'm seriously considering leaving him for someone else.

She's so hot I could die I hope she's a serial killer