I always laugh when i see fat beta fedoralords cackling that they're "taking down the sjws" or some shit...

I always laugh when i see fat beta fedoralords cackling that they're "taking down the sjws" or some shit. They don't get it, do they? an unmotivated fa, lazy beta is exactly what (((they))) want you to be so you can't fight back.

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>so you can't fight back.

psychological operations isn't fighting back?

hitler thread

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This. The current war is an information war
>inb4 fat neet coping

that only goes so far.

i don't even like socialism but i'd rather have a board full of nazis than a board full of r9k tier autist hamplanets

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le "i'm offended by this so it must be bait" meme

>that only goes so far.

farther than most are going right now.

>that only goes so far.

let me go ahead and expand upon my meaning:

We ARE fighting right now.... Are you just waiting to fight?

Is this 2015? No one talks about "duh SJWS" anymore. The real problem is the Jews creating them

you'd be surprised how often i see it. always after page 3 though so you may have a point

we are fighting. but when the time comes that (((they))) decide the media, public opinion, etc. isn't enough they will get physical with us. It's good to have a fighting chance for when that happens.

offended, my ass; waste of time more like it.
>let's poke fun instead of discussing real shit and how to fix it.

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>we are fighting. but when the time comes that (((they))) decide the media, public opinion, etc. isn't enough they will get physical with us. It's good to have a fighting chance for when that happens.

Only if they can make sure that the public wouldn't respond negatively if they DO get physical.

It's a delicate line to walk.... they are jockeying for position within the overton window to increase their chances of success... as are we.

It can all be won or lost from here.

A: Why would they USE psychological operations if they didn't need to.

B: Why would they be fighting so hard against us if we are irrelevant in the battle?

they already have a hand firmly rammed up the media's ass, so news outlets will obviously spin any story against us. like those videos that show niggers being arrested/beaten by cops with no context except a title like "this guy dindu nuffin an now the cops r beatin him!"

we are becoming irrelevant. the only reason this whole thing managed to stay afloat outside of this site is because of the election.

>we are becoming irrelevant. the only reason this whole thing managed to stay afloat outside of this site is because of the election.

You don't pay attention that well, I guess.

We had an effect on it far before the election.

You really think we're /fa/?

you're right, but we havent been doing well since the election buzz has died down
>most of board just happening threads or talking about lesbians or something

Fuck you stupid leaf, you right like a retard. Canadians are literally worse than Jews.
