remind me again why communism is a jewish conspiracy when it's capitalism that causes a bourgeois class to dominate the proletariat by concentrating wealth and power to a select few hands? since jews own all the corporations and governments, shouldn't Sup Forums be advocating for communist principles like the abolition of rent, banks, and inheritance?
you do know that the rich whites have always thought of poor whites as disposable trash and of less human value than a rich minority? how many of you are actually millionaire trust fund babies and have an interest in a capitalist system to reward passive income like stocks rather than earned income like labor?
where are you, bootlickers, what piece of shit jobs do you have that won't be automated or outsourced to a third world country within the next few years?
Jaxson Phillips
>there are problems in the current system and communism is the only way to address it dumb teen
Brandon Turner
>and communism is the only way to address it
but it is? we are seeing global levels of inequality not seen since the gilded age. guess what they did back then? tax and regulate the shit out of them and redistributed their wealth to the wage cucks which ironically lead to the MAGA era republican voters long for
Zachary Bailey
We've never been this global before as a species. Communism is still worse than capitalism. Inb4 hurr durr communism was never really tried
Jaxson Jackson
>Communism is a Jewish conspiracy The idea of Communism was created by Marx, who was Jewish, and the majority of the Bolsheviks that created the Communist Party in Russia and the SPD Party in Germany were mainly compromised of Jews. This isn't a conspiracy, this is a fact. And have you ever considered that both Capitalism and Socialism only benefit the Jews, the difference is Capitalism rewards people for hard work, Socialism doesn't
Justin Miller
>concentrating wealth and power Yeah, uh-huh...uh-huh, yup...yup, uh-huh... OK Mike, we heard you already. Will you go away now? >≥164227245
Ethno-capitalism is the only way There needs to be checks and balances on that capitalism too, as you can see with 'murica free market capitalism is the hallmark of innovation but it also promotes degeneracy. TL;DR: Capitalism with ehtnocentric enforcers and protectors.
Bentley Brooks
Carson Watson
I just looked at your image, I am going to bet that you have never ran your own business or someone elses.
Nathaniel Long
>it's capitalism that causes a bourgeois class to dominate the proletariat by concentrating wealth and power to a select few hands? Wrong that's a natural process, all societies whether they have been structured as either left wing or right wing have had the same kind of income inequality, it's a natural occurrence when people have different capacities for creative output.>shouldn't Sup Forums be advocating for communist principles like the abolition of rent, banks, and inheritance? Such "abolition" requires initiating violence against people and when taken to its logical conclusion leads to deaths of most people in the system and poverty and suffering of the rest.
>you do know that the rich whites have always thought of poor whites as disposable trash and of less human value than a rich minority Evidence of this?
>how many of you are actually millionaire trust fund babies and have an interest in a capitalist system to reward passive income like stocks rather than earned income like labor? Most people will never be rich but they support capitalist systems because they're moral, they don't require being violent to other people. And they're better than all alternatives, if you look at any communist state the violence eventually leads to its downfall.
Andrew Sanders
>what piece of shit jobs do you have that won't be automated or outsourced to a third world country within the next few years?
I'm in the maple business. Until they figure out how to grow a rock maple in China or Mexico I'm pretty safe from outsourcing and I'm actually heavily investing into automation of my own. The whole idea is that a robot is doing all the work for me in 10 years.
What do you do for work, gomrade?
Zachary Roberts
>I am going to bet that you have never ran your own business or someone elses.
It's safe to bet OP hasn't worked a day in his life period.
you are guaranteed a paycheck whether the business had a good week or not but the biggest flaw in your shitstain drawing is the "taxes" bubble that bubble compared to the income bubble shows me that you have never paid taxes in your entire life
also 3 posts by this id abandoned thread callin it now
Alexander Jackson
>Capitalism with ehtnocentric enforcers and protectors.
lol what? capitalism's priority is to value profits above all else, especially above arbitrary notions of degeneracy and ethnocentrism.
Isaac Sanchez
Thats why Venezuela is so equal and fair right? Why Castro's family enjoys luxuries while Cubans dont even have toilet paper to wipe their ass with and risk their lives on boats to escape to the U.S? why the ruling members of the communist party in China live completely different than the majority of the people? Some animals are just more equal than others.....
As my grandmother used to say, "communism is the best organized oligarchy".
There is absolutely nothing you will ever do to convince these good goy wage cuck coping slaves. They NEED to have their coping jobs, they are all egostistical psychopaths bent on control and power over others.
That is their dream, but all of them are slaves. Just giving a tiny bit of extra coping or tiny bit of extra power if they are an exceptionally good goyim.
They need to be materialistic hedonistic consumers because they have no soul, they are completely devoid, domesticated humans who WANT to live their meager mundane boring lives..
surplus labor IS profit, and profit margins in most industries are fairly low
profit margins are ~10% in most industries, and my income taxes alone are 10% out the gate. If all companies ran a 0% profit and absolutely nothing changed, it would still be better for me to live in a society with profit but no government taxation.
Hunter White
The tax circle is the same size as the surplus value circle in leafistan.
Parker Morris
>libertarian >logic Pick one.
Eli Powell
Furthermore faggot commies literally think the best solution is to make literally everything free, so that no matter how hard your work your lot in life is exactly the same as the guy next door drinking beer and scratching his ass all day
Angel Reed
You’ll keep it nice and quiet, nice and obedient, or I’ll carve your face off in front of your mother. That simple really.
Hunter Anderson
Force companies to pay higher wages by reducing their access to slave labour either foreign or domestic. Increase labour standards, shit like vacations, etc.
That's how to claw some of that back from the Jew. Not communism where the same assholes will run the thing with an iron fist and no one wants to work hard because game theory isn't in action.
Xavier Anderson
>Capitalism rewards people for hard work
i want this meme to die. tell me how hard does a trust fundie work that's born with a million dollar diaper, lets it sit on an index fund and reaps a minimum of 9% returns? this is more money in a year than you or your boomer cuck parents will see in a fucking life time. are you not familiar with GACHA video games? because that's essentially what proletarians are doing
Mason Bennett
And that is why there need to be limits to capitalisms power. Capitalism cannot adequately protect what truly matters so it should be subjected to a state that can. Communism, on the other hand, wants to smash the things that give meaning to life, like religion, family and hierarchy. The argument that communism could be a viable alternative to capitalism, because capitalism can harm traditionalism is therefore completely ridiculous, since nothing in the communist ideology aims to preserve tradition.
Colton Nguyen
oi, dont you dare bad mouth my choccy milk
Hunter Harris
I think you might be mistaking the probability vs the guarantee. It rewards work and generational wealth, the latter more so. Communism rewards connections to the party...and that's about it. No incentive to work harder, only be a parasite like the worst capitalists.
Levi Nelson
>reducing their access to slave labour either foreign or domestic
you don't want to do this. first worlders don't want chinese sweat shop jobs no matter how much retards cry about mexicans take their fruit picking jobs. you want to let them trade as freely as possible to accelerate the capitalist doom marx predicted from day 1. any first worlder with more than two brain cells is going to realize this and demand socialist policy to provide the bare necessities
Hunter Reyes
We used to build all these things in non sweatshops. They were clean, airy, and provided good wages and benefits right into the 1990s. A huge textile factory in my town shut down that made nice winter clothes and they shipped it to China. These were not bad jobs.
Charles Nelson
>Furthermore faggot commies literally think the best solution is to make literally everything free
funny hearing NEET fat fucks on Sup Forums complain about free stuff, you will be the first to demand free mountain dew and doritos when your boomer parents die and nobody is left to support your unemployed ass. you capitalist shills are just too hypocritical to admit it, communists are self aware of that fact
Wyatt Adams
You could easily answer your own questions with a simple google search
What is wrong with Marx’s theory of exploitation, then, is that he does not understand the phenomenon of time preference as a universal category of human action.7 That the laborer does not receive his “full worth” has nothing to do with exploitation but merely reflects the fact that it is impossible for man to exchange future goods against present ones except at a discount. Contrary to the case of slave and slave master where the latter benefits at the expense of the former, the relationship between the free laborer and the capitalist is a mutually beneficial one. The laborer enters the agreement because, given his time preference, he prefers a smaller amount of present goods over a larger future one; and the capitalist enters it because, given his time preference, he has a reverse preference order and ranks a larger future amount of goods more highly than a smaller present one. Their interests are not antagonistic but harmonious. Without the capitalist’s expectation of an interest return, the laborer would be worse off having to wait longer than he wishes to wait; and without the laborer’s preference for present goods the capitalist would be worse off having to resort to less roundabout and less efficient production methods than those which he desires to adopt. Nor can the capitalist wage system be regarded as an impediment to the further development of the forces of production, as Marx claims. If the laborer were not permitted to sell his labor services and the capitalist to buy them, output would not be higher but lower, because production would have to take place with relatively reduced levels of capital accumulation.
Camden Phillips
I highly doubt the ones shilling for capitalism are unemployed. That is a very rare occurrence.
Parker Green
Communism is a fucking disgusting weird cult. All of you fucking weird cunts talk the same way, and none of you actually care about what happens to people, society or even life on Earth as a result of your stupid broken fucking system. The implementation and the revolution to get there is your be-all-end-all and you're willing to do anything to make it happen. I don't think something so seemingly tame has ever provoked a greater disgust response in my life. You ought to be ashamed of yourself but I guess you've rid yourself of the emotion since your indoctrination presumably involves snorting a potent blend of Chairman Mao's preserved cum and the ashes of Lenin off the floor of a dirty public bathroom you wretched fuck. Kill yourself.
William Morales
The problem is that going in the exact opposite direction is just as bad.
Communism is terrible for eugenics.
Bentley Reyes
Libertarianism is as cucked as communism. I agree.
Robert James
Everybody will ignore this because they cannot refute this, so they will just compartmentalize their beliefs and mumble something about roads to ease the pain of having logically inconsistent beliefs.
Blake Rogers
>the theft has to be the bigger parts, for some reason
strawman tldr gtfo back to eddit you know what goes in the options field
Zachary Turner
>Everybody will ignore this because they cannot refute this, so they will just compartmentalize their beliefs and mumble something about roads to ease the pain of having logically inconsistent beliefs.
Agreed. The funny (sad) thing about all of this is that Austrians and Marxists both agree that classes exist. They are also, in a very broad sense, quite similar.