Really makes you think doesn't it Sup Forums

Really makes you think doesn't it Sup Forums

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What rights do these negroes think we are oppressing? This dumb fuck would probably get the first stab at Harvard over much more intelligent whites or Orientals. This nigger fatigue has made me ill. From anger to sadness to just plain sickness.

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What a retarded. Guns don't have rights, it's the people that have the right to own guns. Like they had the right to own slaves in the past

A gun is only one right. Any US citizen has many more rights than that.

>not allowed to vote
>not allowed in schools
>not allowed in theme parks/concerts
I hope so too

>The right to bear arms
The right to own a black boy

>not allowed at the voting booth*

did anyone else notice that he actually put emojis in his picket sign

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This. What a stupid sign.

I’m not racist but this really makes me wanna curb stomp that [derogatory comment removed]

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So he wants Black people to be bought and sold again as property? Based nigger.


I agree we need to keep both out of government buildings.

He can if he joins the alt right and buys an AR-15

>a gun has a right to be bought
Can we buy niggers again?

So he wants to be owned by white men like during the slavery days?

Im black can we at least acknowledge that nigs and blacks are 2 different things. These fucks are just retarded.

Blacks and Niggers are 2 different things, pls let me be separate from them

I will be first in line to buy a fancy maid.

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Have you ever seen how a black acts in the company of niggers. He goes full nigger. They are one in the same.

la goblina detenida...

They come from the same place, you can be black around other blacks and not be a nigger.
At least i can anyway

Man I wish my fucking guns could vote..

Found the nigger.

>brutally disposed of if found by police, even if it literally didn't do nuthin.
Could get behind this

Cmon man im not a trashcan

By rights he means gibs, right?

Black user here.
I hope one day the masses aren't so ignorant so as to be lead down paths that undue them. Of all things happening in the world, a sign of ignorance has 66k retweets and 173k likes. Clearly that hopeful day in which ignorance is not so widespread hasn't come. Oh and I'm a legal gun owner who enjoys his liberties and freedoms the same as any American w/ sense.

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He wants the right to kill people without punishment? Because that's the only right guns seem to have that niggers don't.


Amerfats really love the negro.

niggers always start shrieking if they don't remain the most focused on victim group at all times

As a white man I'd like to put a bullet inside of you, just like muh gunz.

No. Nigger is a racial epithet, not a descriptor of behavior. All blacks are niggers and all niggers are black. That doesn't mean there aren't good niggers because there certainly are, but the fact remains that they are still niggers.

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No doubt.

Twitter is like 90% niggers now which is why it's so shit.

Hello. The Jews would like a word with you

Tweetards love simple virtue signaling quotes that make no sense. Bots too

They really love the nigger.
Not based blacks. There's a big difference especially among thirsty white women.

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It's the easiest way for leftists to virtue signal
>case in point: Black Panther

>calls himself a boy because it’s a plea for others to recognize some infantile side of himself, and garner some sort of feelings
>would absolutely nigger the fuck out if someone called him boy

I’m done treating blacks like people, call me when the race war starts

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Says a white nigger who fits the descriptive behavior

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Nice blog nigger. You sounded really smart. Upvoted.

Nice salt. Pass the pepper

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Literally what rights doesn't this ape have in America? Why are niggers so fucking retarded? I know that's a redundant question, but goddamn.

A gun is an object, the right to own that object is 2A. Is he saying we will be owning black people again soon?

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Well I think most of pol would agree with the black boy here. Most of pol would say they wish he'd have zero rights, just like a gun hehe.

So let me get this straight. You want to banned from polling places on the day of an election, banned from beinn able to enter government buildings, prohibited on scholl grounds, not allowed in a business if an owner doesn't like what you are, put in a locked cage (safe) when you aren't being used not be allowed in the passenger cabinof an airplane, and be the topic of a never ending National debate about how dangerous you are to the public and innocent people? Did I understand that correctly ?

Let me guess, half nigger or larping as one.


So... Be owned by White people?

To be constitutionally protected access in everyone's home. And at hip of every beautiful woman? I THINK NOT!