The Deep State and the Jews are trying to blame EVERYTHING on McCabe that's why MSM along with shills like Jason Goodman and George Webb are making McCabe out to be a giant boogeyman. He actually recused himself before the election in November 2016. What we're watching now is a show and soon enough we're gonna find out that Comey and McCabe were threatened and compromised and Comey along with Trump orchestrated his firing so that Mueller could be appointed. Trump interviewed Mueller the day before Comey was fired. Comey even said during his hearing in front of the congressional committee that he leaked the memos specifically so a special council could be appointed. This also gave Mueller the oxygen he needed to conduct his investigation since the Jews thought that he was going to take down Trump. Isn't it funny how all the shills get extremely aggressive and lash out whenever anyone even so much as SUGGESTS Mueller is /ourguy/? Why would someone act so irrationally angry about something like that? Just remember that if you hear something on the MSM (Even Fox News) and you see people here parroting that same information over and over again it's because it's fake news. Why do you think that Comey's book release is coinciding with the release of the IG report?

McCabe is a scapegoat the Jews want to put all blame on, but it's not gonna work. It's time to drain the swamp.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's pretty (((suspicious))) that site went quiet after a seemingly legit whistleblower spoke up for that Q&A session.

A handful of people keep thinking Mueller is /our guy/ and there is some indication that may be true

For example he flipped that Gates guy, the financial mastermind of the podesta group and has agreed to cooperate with mueller in the plea deal.

also that old boomber from your voice radio or whatever has said from day 1 mueller is a double agent for trump

and this guy says he has multiple sources that paint of a picture of mueller being in trump's corner


Mueller is literally investigating a convicted pedophile connected to the clintons and epstein. Mueller is /ourguy/

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Daily reminder 90% of Q followers believe jews are gods chosen people

Q is a mossad psy op and 90% of the people talking about it on chans are either shills or bots

The only reason people are pushing the angle that Mueller is /ourguy/ is to get us to lower our guard and go along with his witch hunt. Every time Trump has a good week, Mueller does something to frustrate Trump. All of the subpoenas and cooperation he's strongarmed via threat of prosecution have been with Trump people. All of them. Flynn and Manafort are going bankrupt because of their legal fees. The sealed indictments could be from any one of literally hundreds of federal prosecutors. If you think this is a grand show to benefit Trump, you may be functionally retarded. He's clearly out to take down the Trump presidency, not help him out.

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whats the rundown on the Q nigger? I saw a ton of his threads but figured it was LARP faggots.

anything decent he said that came true?

Pic related. It's a picture of Q.

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Q is a containment topic meant to keep brainlets out of threads that matter.

No. Q is a Mossad psy op and you're a shill.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel
propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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I figured as much, fucking kikes all need to die iiiiiiiiiee yayayayayaya ooooooOooooo


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Glad you made a thread, saw this comment elsewhere and thought it should be explored.

>The Deep State and the Jews

Deep state = israel

Israel = Trump's cabinet

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Kys moshe

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Okay, so earlier this week we had news that Mueller was now investigating a convicted pedophile.

EXCEPT, here's the thing they skim over. This guy was arrested back in JANUARY which means that this news story was specifically released in order to prepare the public for what's to come. By slow rolling information about whose been under investigation and what's going on they can condition the pubic before the big revelations start coming out.

Its probably the most effective psyop ive ever seen. Basically the short of it is it puts trump into a box of if he isnt making 900D chess moves against the Rothschilds and taking down the int'l cabal then hes a failure. Its used to discourage supporters from both sides - liberals hate trump because their normie news tells them to and now conservativws are starting to hate him because he isnt a Jesus-tier accomplishments leader bringing down the ((snake))). All of this distracting from him being admittedly not ideal on the JQ but generally good for white americas psyche and a step in the right direction. Its an attack from the opposite side of the MSM and a pretty genius tactic I have to say. Keep everyone disappointed and discouraged as ((they)) continue on.

Not even man. Trump is doing a lot of those things including planning on ending the FED and there really are 18000 indictments. That's not a LARP. Those things were applied to Q by shills in order to dismiss those claims and statements. The issue with Q isn't the claims they make BECAUSE THEY DONT MAKE ANY CLAIMS. The issue with Q is the bullshit cryptic statements and vague predictions that can be applied to anything.

Q didn't tell people about the 18000 indictments. People actually went on to find out about it.

Those indictments haven't been linked to anything yet though. Applying them to some super secret investigation Trump has been pulling off is, again, setting people up for disappointment. Trump is ending the FED? Wanna post a link for that or are you, again, setting people up for disappointment?

have a bump, op

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Mueller is NOT investigating a pedophile. It came out that one of the key witnesses for Mueller is a convicted pedophile. Quit spreading disinfo.

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Pic related

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The entire purpose of Q is to demoralize you.

>He's not investigating a pedophile guys

You're funny.

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Bump for gassing jews

What kind of retard name is Q anyway?

Q = top security clearance

It’s a reference his his claims of having “q clearance”

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Did you even read the fucking headline, let alone the story? Here I'll type it in all caps so even a sub-90 IQ dullard like yourself can figure it out: MUELLER WITNESS IS CONVICTED PEDOPHILE WITH SHADOWY PAST
Mueller is using the CP to strong arm this fuck into testifying as a witness for the prosecution. He's not investigating shit.

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>McCabe actually recused himself
At the very end, after he had spent months actively involved.

Imagine a corrupt judge going through 99% of the judicial process, and then he hands the guilty verdict to a new judge and says "i recuse myself " so you must read the verdict.

McCabe is one of MANY criminal scumbags, and no one is blaming it all on him. There are MANY we want to see imprisoned for their crimes

I’m an ex t_d retard (still retard). You can easily tell when shit there was shilled. When you suggest the mueller isn’t a 100% Democrat stooge, you get attacked hard. Any time you get attacked hard there, it’s shilled. Confused but genuine posters there never get aggressive.

Negative. [This is what I think!] and [name-calling]

>Just wanted to share what I saw when I read that post.

Lad. The best of us wont set foot here.
You are comped, sir. Don't act like you're tough shit.


There is no fucking reason to believe Mueller is /ourguy/

Instead of being pissed off that Trump is being targeted while criminals on the left walk free, faggot anons and other Trump supporters are sitting back because "Mueller totally flipped, guise!"

Trump is being attacked from all sides and has traitors from within. Things are not going well

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I agree with this. The key is the idea that there are 13000 sealed indictments. No one knows if this is true as they're sealed. These are all court actions and no one knows what type. Kind of like when Eric Braverman was supposedly missing but actually wasn't.

>There is no fucking reason to believe Mueller is /ourguy/

You should kill yourself.
>Mueller team looking into possible United Arab Emirates money into Trump campaign: report
>Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump probe
>Robert Mueller said to be looking at Elliot Broidy, who gave George Nader 'detailed report' on meeting with president
>Netanyahu-backer named in new probe into UAE attempts to influence Trump: report

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That's not proof of anything, you're a moron.


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Checked and this. Their tactics are smart.
I'm tired of waiting for real shit to happen while MSM spins the record for the masses. People are fatigued and have given up on this.

user is right. You are a dumb mother fucker

El oh el

Based on what evidence Kike? I've provided ample evidence for my case and you just keep calling me stupid or delusional. It's quite amusing.

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Does it hurt you retards feelings that you can't even feign a thread about this? Maybe stick to YouTube if you're gonna try to convince everyone fbianon was some faggot votl larp.

Comey is literally the worst, and Mueller is trying to force Trump to fire him by going after the Trump Org. They are the enemy, you shill faggots.

If you come into a thread calling me a shill or a LARP how about provide some evidence and reasoning for WHY you think so. You can't though because you're a braindead paid poster who only knows how to use prewritten talking points

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>It's all so tiresome.

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Reminder Trump has fucked 5 year old children also user and is one of (((them)))


Reminder if you're trying to shill this narrative in 2018 you've already lost.

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There is no reason to discuss WHY every FUCKING day you STUPID fuck.


You seem angry. That's because you're on the wrong team and you have no soul. That sucks.

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Actually it's because you retards have been annoying us for how many months now? I hate you. I want to turn you into a hat.

I love how after months and years you shills still don't understand this website and make it really easy to spot you people.

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Brainlet here. Can I get a link to the FBI user post?

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I think it’s important to note:
This is all a grand, epic made-for-tv shitshow. One thing is for sure: Mueller is the key to it all. If he is /theirguy/ then Trump is going to have a hell of a time actually draining the swamp. It may be impossible.
If Mueller is /ourguy/ after it has been believed for so long to be /theirguy/ ...I mean this would really sink /their/ ship. They would have nothing if he flipped the script. Mueller is currently picking the low-hanging fruit that seem to be in Trump’s corner, but they have connections to Clinton/BO. They are being charged with crimes similar to what we expect TPTB to be charged with...
#1 Mueller is /ourguy/, Sup Forums is right again, salt flows, we win.
#2 Trump has been projecting all this shit (like pizzagate, etc) and is actually a deep state pedo.

My bet is #1, but I’m an optimist.

Sup Forums is always right.

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I can't speak for Mueller but Trump and Sessions are obviously in league with the good cop + bad cop routine. Trump sends pissy tweets about him on occasion the MSM doesn't pick up the fact that Trump fucking appointed the guy for a reason and hasn't fired him for a reason.

For example, if Trump said lock Hillary up and then his guy went about doing that they might push for a real battle. But if Trump's guy that "doesn't listen to Trump at all" goes and does it on his own it looks far different to the average person. Leftists will still chimp out but their numbers are much smaller vs the centrists + right wing combined. Crisis averted.

Trump is definitely our guy regardless of any of this.

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The generals are all anti Israel and /ourguys/ too. That's why they try so hard to get them fired.

A Jewish professional who cons people. Taken from the Shakespearian character Shylock, in "The Merchant of Venice."

No offense but this reads like an Anon5 larp

Yes, Trump is separating himself from everyone so that people can't claim he is locking up his political opponents. Thats why the Mueller plan is genius. There is gonna be no room for excuses because the left has spent all this time hyping Mueller up to me a man of integrity and honor.

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to be a man*

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It's not. Anon5/Bodhi Mantra/Mega user/Q LARP/ etc etc etc are all one group. This is not them.

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1 group? Are they connected to each other somehow?

Pls pls pls

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So are we getting comfy to where we can see Mueller take both sides down with the ship?

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Yup. Nobody here ever thought that "liberals" were the problem. ZOG is going down.

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I hope you're right and Trump is playing 4D chess.

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We've surpassed 4D

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