Ask a right-wing jew anything?

Jew here, I keep seeing nonstop that jews are responsible for mass-immigration, and while I agree many jews were and have been at the forefront of that shit, I don't think they are the only or even the greatest force pushing it. I myself HATE illegal immigration, multiculturalism, etc. Ask me anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you fuckers have been working hard shilling your nonsense here

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>I myself HATE illegal immigration, multiculturalism, etc.
nice try KIKE but only whites are allowed to have such opinions and you are obviously lying

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And what nonsense would that be?

It's time to accept we know jews are scapegoats and the real cause were soviet spies. It's unfortunate so many Russian propagandists were Jews, but they should have realised themselves they were working against their own interests.

You being here and announcing to the world your jewish and empathize with right wing views.
Know your place and shut your mouth

>I don't think they are the only or even the greatest force pushing it.
so who do you think is the greatest force pushing it?

if this isnt a LARP then good luck with whats coming your way

I don't understand how some of you guys can reconcile the far-left's virulent hatred of Israel....and than go on to say it's the jews pushing that shit. Look at Corbyn in the UK, he'd open the fucking floodgates to the 3rd world, is he too controlled by jews.

>implying that there aren’t honest shitposts

Nope, got suspended in 5th grade for calling a girl a nigger. Haha

I think some lefty jews might have been the greatest force, like 50 years ago, but it's long since gotten too big and unwieldy for them to control. For non-whites, jews are just special white people, they hate us probably more than regular white people.

I'm not worried, I don't "look jewish", not even a little, I own a summer place in West Virginia and may end up moving there permanently at some point in the future. My brother actually became a born-again christian and moved to backwoods Missouri and has a bunch of cute little blonde kids.

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Jews did it to themselves, due to their incredibly urbanised culture from not having a homeland for nearly 2000 years they're naturally extremely lefty.

You have to face the facts that jews are unfortunate victims of their own histrionics. I don't hate Jews, I hate the ideologies they gravitate to, but you have to accept this. Antisemetism isn't without reason, even if the more intelligent of us who have actually pondered the Jewish question are not antisemetic.

>implying this faggot OP isn’t the same kike with multiple proxies who posts IDF cum buckets to catch your attention because of MUH DIK
this board is a lost cause
Enjoy your mossad overlords
JIDF you won. Congrats

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No I get it, but I also see parallels between how blacks, hispanics and the other low races hate white people with a passion, while alot of regular white people hate jews for similar reasons. I also see parallels with the situation in South Africa to jew hatred. Whites are hated there for owning shit, having money, and supposedly controlling things. Funny thing, when I lived in Israel, I was friends with a bunch of white south africans (a mix of Afrikaaners and "english") and one of them actually made the comparison.

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I actually just google searched blonde jew, and no, I haven't posted on Sup Forums in several months. Just lurked.

that's a non answer. please answer the question i asked you.

My stepmom is a left-wing Jew. She claims to hate lefites but also fails to see how almost everything she does is inspired by lefties. Fucking kikes

There's a difference between resentment, which is why blacks hate white, and a sheer frustration at double thinking virtue signalling histrionics which arises when arguing with someone that's far left, and many, many Jews are far left.

Its absolutely nothing alike.

>but muh Jewish IQ
Strictly middle class people have higher IQs, yes, so do white people. Literally not a source of resentment.

Ok, I think the greatest forces are the non-whites themselves, along with far-left whites (the majority of whom are not-jewish, though there are many jews), and momentum itself. No one really wants to buck the status quo, especially people with good jobs, so they just keep their mouths shut.

I bet this bitch only cleans toilets. You kikes only try to win sympathy from us whites by showing these big nosed kike skanks.

There's for sure some merit to this. I think the problem is the international capitalist so to say, and many of them are Jewish...many of them are not to be fair
Jew's just overrepresent in SO many of the problem areas.
>International business cartels
>leftist organizations
I feel bad for the Jew that is not caught up in this, but their(your) fate is not reason enough not to act.
I'm sorry the Jew will take some blame they do not deserve, but these things are messy...I'm not sure it can be avoided.

Specifically, Israeli-American dual citizens (which are primarily loyal to Israel) are responsible for the immigration push. About 40 members of the senate and house are Israeli dual citizens, all democrats except for like 3 ( 1 repub and 2 independent). So when they say "Jews are behind this or that" they specifically mean the nation of Israel. Micahel Chertoff was also a dual-citizen, he aquitted the Israelis that were found with a van full of explosives on the same day that the Twin Towers were destroyed. For purposes of understanding, just assume the words Israel and Jew are synonymous

There are people here that just want to "gas all Jews", most of them are children or Nazi-Larps. I have friends that I am not going to let that happen to, but they are American Jews, not Israeli Jews.

I think Mark Twain knew a thing or two about jews long before jews were out "pushing for multiculturalism" or Zionism.

"The Jew is a money getter; and in getting his money he is a very serious obstruction to less capable neighbors who are on the same quest."


Just fucking die!

I like the fact that Zionists like George Soros are actually hated by Israel, which made me see probably there are two kind of Jews: the Zionists like Soros or Barbara Spencer, who defend white genocide; and Israel, who defends Jewish nationalist ideas againts Islam, and can actually be trusted to fight Muslims.

yet it still comes down to organization. it is all being spearheaded. the bilderberg, cfr, imf, etc. and the bottomline = jews. unless you can point to a specific organization that is led/bankrolled by "the non-whites themselves" then i'm going to have to stick with "dem jooz" on this one.

Soros is no Zionist. I don't think he's ever even been to Israel. Soros is most definitely an anti-Zionist and right-wing Zionists hate him. Israel is currently forging close relationships with right-wing governments in Eastern Europe, Hungary, Czech, Slovakia and Poland. If muslims and non-whites get kicked out of Europe, it will NOT be bad for Israel, just the opposite in fact, because than Israel can expel it's own (large) muslim population without the world throwing a conniption fit.

I have a real question. Do right-wing jews and left-wing jews hate each other? Or do they get along fine at family functions?

How about orgs like the British Labour Party. Maybe it's just a case of a jewish org falling from jewish hands, but there are plenty of Israel hating leftist groups, the Labour party is now one of them.

And yet its jewish leftist intellectuals constantly pushing for Marxist ideas and subverting western culture and christendom.....really makes me wonder.

I usually try to agitate at family functions, but among ourselves, we're mostly pretty polite and non-confrontational. It's not like we're gonna throw down after we get drunk and talk politics (we don't really drink). I've worked over my immediate family for a long time now, so everyone is pretty much nigger-hating ring-wingers. My dad actually shed some tears when Trump delivered his victory speech.

Many of those lefty jews are anti-Zionist, like Chomsky and the bitch who hosts democracy now. I'd personally like to see Chomsky get an axe in the face. In South Tel Aviv, he'd probably get smashed in the back of the head with a brick.

>I-I'm a good kike, honest!!!
>Trust me, goyim!!!

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(((Chomsky))) has been exposing the kikes and their tricks for decades, of course you'd like to kill him.

i'm thinking more along the lines of Paideia. it would be interesting if an inclined user could break down their paper trail, follow the money, and post his findings here.

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>soygoy larping as a kike

>American jew thinks he'll be greeted nicely on /pol

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You don't belong here, neither anywhere. You will die along with all the muzzies and Arabs. Keep dancing for me, monkeys.

I've seen the videos and quotes about a thousand times. She is literally nobody. She's a part-time professor and head of some random tiny org that teaches bullshit. Certainly in Sweden, it is the Swedes who can be blamed for their predicament. Still, I wouldn't shed a tear if someone clubbed her to death.

Why do you deny Christ as the Savior?

The problem is that Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and second strike capability. This isn't 1933. I can totally see Israel providing the weapons and training to some future right-wing European government (the same as it did for Apartheid South Africa).

Is this you?

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Haha, my brother is a born-again christian who has divested himself of being a jew, I'm not really interested in doing that.

Ahhh yes, the bloodthirsty baby-killing IDF displaying just how ruthless and cold-blooded they really are. I only wish they really were.

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Only corbyn is anti jew, which is why a lot of the labour party hate him

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Fun fact: Amy Good man helped push lefty radio station KPFK-FM even further toward insolvency in 2001 with her Marxist faggotry and denonced fellow reporter Marc Cooper to deflect some of the blame, and got him blacklisted from all Pacifica radio affiliates.

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>Certainly in Sweden, it is the Swedes who can be blamed for their predicament.

and germany. and france. and UK. but these individual governments didnt all just decide out of the thin air to simultaneously import millions of uneducated unemployable aliens to leech off of the taxpayers. this was the EU. and who funds the EU (besides its citizens taxes)?

Alot of the far-left turn anti-jew, whether it's post-Lenin Soviet Union, communist Poland, or Bolivarian Venezuela. The right has actually been far kinder to jews, Apartheid SA, White Australia, Confederate South, even Fascist Italy before Mussolini became Hitler's puppet. The only right-wing country that really fucked their jews over were NS Germany and it's puppets. That's why the right, even the far-right, doesn't scare me. There won't be another Hitler, even if the right-wing leaders pander to jew haters, they've got alot bigger fish to fry and won't be throwing jews in ovens. Case in point, Victor Orban. He doesn't have a problem with jew haters. Here he is.

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Even Hitler only started actually killing jews after he won a few blitzkrieg wars, started shooting meth, and thought he was invincible. Even than. he wasn't crazy enough to use chemical weapons, and if nuclear weapons existed (and the other side had them), he certainly wouldn't use them. That's the situation vis-a-vis Israel, it's got hundreds of nukes in the megaton-range, enough to kill a few hundred million people. Kick the jews out, that could easily happen, throw them in ovens or invade Israel....not gonna happen unless and until you can neutralize those nukes.

yea yea right wing joo


I do, I'm just not an activist. I certainly don't want my country or Europe to become what your country is, a mud-skinned nightmare of violence, crime and corruption.

>The goyim know! Quick, make another "I'm an attractive Jew AMA" thread!
Sage goes in all fields.

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I believe you, OP. Maybe you are a based kike or whatever. But your people are still to blame. I'm sorry, but that's just what it is.

>pic related
dude u cant hide the semetics behind blonde hair and blue eyes its all about facial structure

Juden Raus

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i would even reckon to say the Ethiopians u guys are throwing out are more caucasoid than some of ur based polish whiteys simply judging on facial structure and bone type.

what a clown ho

Diaspora Jews are the one pushing this shit.

This. These threads always fails because no Jew, except anonymously, wants to admit white anglo saxons have contributed to liberty and justice in meaningful ways. Without them, great Jewish justices would never have existed.
>t. jew

jews are based. they're everything the goyim wish they were. it's pure jealousy by a (scientifically proven) lower IQ class of people.

Explain why the SA Jewish community has girls who go on birthright only to be blacked by American tourists or low iq Arsim? Hell, I haven't even started with coloreds and Jewish girls in JHB, even if they're frum.

>I myself HATE illegal immigration, multiculturalism, etc.
Yeah i bet you do. Am i surprised you dont want any of that shit in the newly named land of palestine? No.
But its fine for us all to have it.

I do have a couple questions though
1) do you feel equal to jewish men?
2) are you treated equally like jewish men, by jewish men?

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if all jews were removed to israel and international funding was cut off and water was allowed to seek its own level then tell me who would flounder and who would flourish? the jews, or the whites who have expelled the parasites from their nations?

They don't breed with them. I know most south african jewish dads would pull an honor killing if their daughter bred with a kaffir. In fact, that's pretty much all SA [white] dads.

Absolute bullshit. corbyn hates israel, and it does not sit well with the party,in any way.

Thats Ahed Tamimi in the left as a little girl

Uhhh, I'm a guy, the chick in the first post is just an image I found searching for "blonde jew".

Aside from a few leftovers, jews have abandoned Labour. They got like 13% of the jewish vote.

Ahhh, the jew-hating left's new Rachel Corrie. It's pretty funny when the far-right tries to pretend like they care about the Palestinians, meanwhile it's the same exact people gang-raping white girls across Europe.

>i'll project my cuck fantasies onto them! that'll show and silence them!
typical degenerate mutt. back to you corner.

Telegony. It's too late.

nah, the sa jewish community is probably the most racist jewish community in the world. 90% of them are orthodox too. much better than amerikkkan and israhelli jews. imo at least.


why is that?

I'd like to suck her pussy hole.

it would be alot easier to side with palestine vs israel if palestinians weren't blowing up resturaunts

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As long as you take a shower with Zuma, I'll go back to my corner.

That's a good one. I actually read an article about that a few months ago. Reminds me of Lysenkoism. There were actually articles written back in the day that predicted blonde/blue eyed whites in America would turn into Native Americans within a few generations.

They dont pretend. Its often arabs masqueradung as white euros or anericans.

If Sup Forums can separate their own kind into slavs and western Europeans, then Jews can separate their own kind into leftist atheist Jews and conservative religious orthodox Jews.

Checkmate, Sup Forums.

I'm not really sure, but even before Corybyn, Miliband only got 14% of the vote. Miliband had a commie (anti-Israel) jewish father BTW.

Palestinians are arabs, just arabs. There are few if any genetic or cultural differences between arab Lebanese, arab Syrians, arab Palestinians or arab Jordanians. They are an invented people, all ruled under a single state by the Turks for hundreds of years up until WWI. So the arabs gang-raping white girls across Europe are the same ones blowing shit up in Israel.

>Even Hitler only started actually killing jews after he won a few blitzkrieg wars, started shooting meth, and thought he was invincible.

Good chance the Zionists had sonething to do with the holocaust.

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disgusting creature. be gone with your disgusting fantasies and disgusting lies.

Pretty sure the whole photo is staged

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They do the same shit even among general whites. I understand assigning collective guilt to out-groups, but the actual numbers (percentage of jews worldwide) of jews pushing this far-left shit isn't much. Nothing compared to the inherent violent nature of the nigger for instance.

Translation: We've been smelling the gas and some of us jews will say anything to save our own skins.

>smelling the gas
Sorta. I only ever heard about the Jewish higher up conspiracy once I came to Sup Forums. So I guess if by smelling the gas, you mean this board, then sure?

Furthermore your implication that conservative Jews """"""""""suddenly"""""""""" had some of these views is ridiculous. We always had them.

nevertheless israel has no right to exist and is occupying rightful arabian clay.

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The goys won't accept responsibility for their globalist leaders....The Pope, Obama, the Clintons, Brittany Spears, Merkle, Cher, Sen. Kerry, McCain, etc, etc etc

There's only 12+ million Jews in the world...the goys are causing these invasions

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And let me guess, you can cite the "Transfer Agreement" as evidence. The Transfer Agreement was begun in the mid-30s as a way for NS Germany to fleece the departing jews of a good percentage of their property while creating new markets for german products. In any case, the history has been written, we can learn from it, but it's done. Whether the zionists "had something to do with it" or not, they've since built hundreds of nukes to make sure it doesn't happen again, at least not in such a shameful way.

Hot teacher alert I'm the quarterback I'm definitely going to smash