Bros, I so badly want Destiny to debate AltHype again and get his shit kicked in.
I want it so badly. Destiny has spent a couple months learning about GxE, heritability, and twin studies with the help of some biologist and geneticist, and suddenly thinks he can question AltHype. Destiny thinks AltHype is misrepresenting concepts and research based on the basic bitch arguments being fed to him by motivated reasoners, when in reality there are top academics in this field who believe the exact same thing as AltHype when it comes to race differences and the implications of twin research, like Steven Hsu. I want to see the look on Destiny's face when he realizes he and his biologist were making shitty arguments that can all be easily explained and rebutted by AltHype.
I'm losing hope that Destiny will ever be tricked or memed into a second debate.
Coagulation knows nothing, and if he tried to team up with Destiny to debate AltHype he would get his shit smashed in.
Please make it happen. Beg your senpai for a second debate. But he won't because he's scared.
Oh. Nah AltHype would be fine. Destiny only did a shitty thing by attacking JF personally because the "rape is immoral" thing was a really easy angle. He doesn't have much material on AltHype except a few stupid things he's said in the past.
Carson Jones
Can someone explain me why this anime obsess Sup Forums ? Is it based ?
huwhite tribe want make milkstate, not let in sargrug wife dinosaur
sargrug angry
sargrug say what is milk, say can duckbeaver come milkstate
sargrug much brain for huwhite tribe
Charles Campbell
When does this start getting good? Last episodes were like >Autistic screenching cunt with highschool problems >Beta faggot it's now revealed to be also a cuck Gimme a reason why should I care about any other character in this serie other than Ichigo and 02
Going native for cute chicks is fine I guess if you don't breed mutts, but wouldn't it be nicer if they just didn't exist.
Aaron Phillips
not the person that defines what's cool
Parker Bennett
the thing is that you have a group that thinks they're the cool guys, then another group who laughs at the aforementioned group while thinking they're the cool guys, etc. etc. and it's not a pyramid, it all goes in a circle. everyone goes "look at those sheeple with no self awareness, it's a good thing we're above that".
Jackson Clark
Is Ukraine an asian country?
Ayden Baker
most hierarchies in the real world are circular in some way or another
Cameron Hughes
the people who dont kowtow to anyone ultimately define the social stigmas hence coolness
Asher Miller
That makes it relative, now doesn't it, retard. Honestly, coming to Sup Forums to find out what's cool by straight up asking? I'd say you're better than that but I already knew you weren't, Jim.
I know slavs might not be white, but she really tries to act civilized and stuff
Dylan Murphy
>Be Sargoy of Cuckaad >Go on Andy (Race)Warski livestream with Richard (controlled opposition) Spencer >Spencer immediately destroys Sargon >"Sargoy thinks he's smarter than what he really is" >"Sargoy's autistic" >"What color is Lawrence Fishburne?" >Sargoy cracks- "Don't answer that question, it's a loaded question" >Sargoy argues in bad faith with straw man arguments, disingenous statements, putting words into Spencers mouth and actively lying about what Spencer said. >Murdoch Murdoch uploads a video starring Sargoy making fun of Sargons autism >This breaks Sargoy completely, to the point he has an existential crisis >Sargoy declares he is no longer a "youtube skeptic" >Sargoy invents a new political party "liberalist" >Sargoy goes full retard and has a nobody Jr. skeptic (Louis Le Vaux) bait Metokur into a livestream, this is Le Vaux's test of manhood, to get his wings- so to speak, to become a full youtube skeptic. >Metokur has no idea who Louis Le Vaux is but agrees to chat with him in his live stream >Sargon is seen as soon as Mr Metokur enters the livestream in telling Louis Le Vaux what to say to Metokur >Metokur calls out Sargoy and tells him to be a fucking man and get in the livestream and stop using the nobody as a puppet >Sargon enters the livestream acting like he has no idea what Metokur is talking about >After some back and forth Metokur figures out what is happening, when Sargoy asks him about personal stuff/videos Metokur has been doing >Metokur asks Sargon straight up if he has had people watching him >Sargon admits it, and says he may have some information that he can release to the internet that Metokur may not want (Doxx on Metokur) through thinly veiled threats >After Metokur leaves, Sargoy is heard patting himself on the back with the nobody (le vaux) openly sucking his dick and calling metokur a coward for not being autistic. This shit is hilarious. Please continue.
It's time to update this with all the shit happening. >Be the stepfather >Lose mind after Spencer calls you stupid in front of 10 thousand people >Get even more assblasted after Murdoch Murdoch tells people you crave dopamine >Ambush Jim in a stream your capo set up >Have your heart broken when Jim calls you retarded >Begin online war against the alt-right >Ask Andrew Anglin about his life story instead of debating him because you are scared >Ditch out on a Spencer rematch because you are scared >Run away from Mike Enoch because you are scared >2500+ hours raising another woman's dinosaur >Have pot smoking Canadian steal your movements name and turn it into a group that wants to fuck trannies
It's like a comedy movie really. This faggot never fails to entertain with his fuck ups
watching bybs right now. is jeff retarded or something? he seems to be the kind of cuck who'll talk constantly about the need to fight the jewish elite, but then continue doing nothing and expect everything to just work out in the end. I guess that's what you get with weebs.
Henry Barnes
Sargon won today. It's kind of amazing desu.
Tonka had absolutely no rebuttals. Sargon goes out of his way to smear everyone that talks about things that make him uncomfortable and risk him losing ShekelSupport from his buddies.
Weaselly fella to say the least.
Ian Morgan
based 50% of his blood courses through my veins the other 50% is potato nigger
Is does appear so. Not even sure what he even brings to the streams now that Tonka made him admit that his stupid "neet nationalism" is just a dumb joke anyways.
Wish they'd stop talking about that nonsense, it's beyond stupid.
Landon Johnson
Bullshit. No one won. They cucked to each other. It's the same circle jerk, different day.
Jordan Perry
wtf is "kumite" the word sounds fucking annoying
Hunter Cook
Fuck off newfag, vote Putler.
James Nelson
Sargon owned the Alt-Right today. I keep laughing about it.
The best part of it is that he's literally getting away with acting like an SJW ('omg don't talk about Jews!!! that's offensive!') and literally nobody can do anything haha. It's incredible to watch.
Sargon is truly a master of tactics, debate, and pragmatism. He knows how to get power, and keep it. The Salt Right does nothing but whine and bitch haha.
Sargon has one-upped white people, and one-upped identitarians (aka losers). He's in a league above everyone, with Peterson and Sam Harris, and Joe Rogan. He's one of the big names now.
LOL. The most salty part of it was how easily he dealt with Jim this time. Jim who believes in nothing, and stands for nothing.
It's all amazing to watch. He's single handedly undermined the entire identitarian philosophy and NOBODY can stop him. Soon he'll be on TV laughing his ass off at you faggots, losers, and weaklings while making millions of dollars to shut you faggots out of public acceptance.
And I'm going to be laughing all the way. The guy is a genius.
How will she ever give birth to a proper white baby with those hips tho?
Christopher Barnes
Jesus, he literally agreed to stop calling the kumite an alt right show and apologized to the shitskins who run it. Why lie?
Easton Bailey
Brody Martinez
It's only ever brought up when some normie retard gets mad that he is a NEET and goes off topic. It's like they can't contain their spergery for a few minutes to discuss a topic.
Cooper Lopez
don't post if you have nothing of value to say
no I won't, too annoying it's probably because it sounds like some tatar word which found its way into russian language
Isaiah Turner
>fucking fat chinks Probably the coolest thing you can do. I honestly can't imagine anything better than having some fat asian bitch rub up all on you like in them good nuru massage pornos.
Jackson Morales
we've always been shut out of public acceptance sargon has always been a sellout just like jim implies
Ryan Robinson
>demand to make kumite a safe space or else Sargon will leave >no one else besides Tonka and Sargon is allowed >proceed to talk shit about Andy and Jim