Want to fracture the left? Feminize stronk men of color

There is no better wedge. You know what to do. Why don't you do it? You better do it before the next election, at least.

"You can be one or the other," said Stephens, 41, sitting in a West Hollywood park. "You can be black or you can be gay. You can't be both."

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You got it.
The White liberal wants to make us all gay and shit, so we don't fight they racism.

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Make clear connections between liberal Democrats and the faggoting of strong men of color. They will register (R) in droves. Take advantage of the connections POCs have with the church. Ever met a Mexican that wqasn't Catholic? Ever met a Black man that wasn't Christian?
God hates fags, and they know it.

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>Ever met a Mexican that wqasn't Catholic? Ever met a Black man that wasn't Christian?
like on paper, or because of their mammy and shit

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If you don't bump this thread, you are part of the problem, and likely a liberal only here to DandD

terry cruz got molested by hollywood execs and did nothing about it lol

>(((hollywood execs)))
Another opportunity to divide. Blacks DO NOT TRUST Jews. They know that Jews use them for their entertainment value, and always have.
>Ruben is the shit though

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They give a macho image but there's a huge amount of homosexuality among blacks, possibly more than whites

Blacks also think Jews are White.

>possibly more than whites
LOL. No. It's present, but not celebrated. I've known a lot of mexifags and nigfags that came here(liberal PNW) because they were about to get lynched back home.

>meme flag
No. They know about the steins. Jews have exploited Blacks like no other. Music, dance, "culture," labor, etc. They know they are being played, but have few options.

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Yes, they know what a jew is, but they see jews as the top white people and not as their own personal group, IE. they don't differentiate.

And that's bullshit. They know BETTER what a Jew does and is than the average White person.
Nigger, I'm not saying I love niggers. I just want their vote.

The gist is; make sure niggers and spics know they are being used by the liberal PTB, who are godless heathens that want to make them feminine and weak, like girls.

I think the country is going to be in absolute shock in 2020 when Trump is re-elected by 10% after deporting 30 million illegals.

You need to wake up to the DL going on right underneath your nose. ALL niggers suck cock. Why you think they like prison so much?
Damn, dude. Your situational awareness needs new more than tuning, it needs new strings.

That's another wedge. Black people who are unemployed, and have to compete with illegals.
2020 is a given, unless the economy shits the bed, and we go to war, everybody dies.

But not on paper. Sure, all POC are faggots, but not on Sunday. Sunday is about giving, and giving isn't gay, sucka nigga.

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If I know anything I know according to Vlad TV interviews that rappers hate this shit. They call out the feminisation of rappers who wear dresses etc, they're illuminati redpilled, they've have problems with Jews distinct to whites. They're secret republicans and this is definitely an issue that already causes rifts, it's just not really discussed on MSM

The next 'gangster' you see, say "Are you gay? I'm okay with it. One love."
Men of color don't share white liberal's love of all things degenerate. They are, as a whole, against it. 'We' need to exploit that split.

Go to a nigger ghetto and go to a white ghetto of equal poverty. You'll find a shit load more gays in the black one. And thats out in the open let alone the ones "on the d-low" + there's a load of them who don't consider it gay if they're tops.

Trust me, there's way more than you think.

It's not celebrated culturally, but the numbers are there.


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>Feminize stronk men of color
They're already feminized . All black men are on the "downlow" . They fuck and suck other men . Thats why their AIDS rates are so high .

See. Even a drunk Mick knows we can take the HPOC(heterosexual person of color) vote. Now do it, you fucking dummies.

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Muh dick

>Trust me, there's way more than you think.
>It's not celebrated culturally, but the numbers are there.
You sound like a gay POC. I wouldn't trust you if you were straight.

Felons can't vote.

>They call out the feminisation of rappers
They want to act tough to hide their own faggyness .

He sounds right . Black guys will fuck ANYTHING .

Yes, in general they can.

They already are. Look up the hip hop culture You Tube vids of guys outing all the top artists as real closet fags and deeper and darker occult stuff and they are all involved and not tuff dudes.

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they aren't supposed to

t. violent felon nogun nojob

No. They address this too, the 'too tough' ones. They get the same vibe. Listen to The Game talk about the DL; this and the recent Afrika Bambaata abuse accusations, rappers (who are tastemakers in their communities) also bring up a situation in the rap game akin to Weinstein ie if a rapper wants to go a step up, he has to suck off a bunch of execs, which means Jews. Sometimes they record it - see Soulja boy, puff daddy etc.
This is causing disgust and now more of the black caucus are primed for alternatives.

good to know
Liberals will destroy themselves, almost. But 'we' could speed up the process by educating MOC. No pandering, just the facts would do it. Conservatism is good for MOC, in the beginning.

I like you, even though you know a lot about "hip-hop."

I know a lot about music but that side of the industry I happened upon more from an interest in power, symbolism and secret societies. I'm also interested in American politics, and am glad Americans on here are thinking of the future.

Good on you.
A couple years ago, when BLM was happening all over the country, I saw a video. The video was of BLM people mourning the death of some L.A. dindu. Some cunt from Revcom(Revolutionary Communist Party of America) was being too lod with a bullhorn, spouting revolutionary communist pap. Long story short, the nigs had finally had it, and knew they were being co-opted. Shit got real.
If we try to educate men of color on how they are being used and abused by the Left, we win.
Now is the time. 'We' can worry about the darkening of the conservative base later, after the vote.

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Most black people where I'm from are muslim.

There you go. They hate fags, on paper.
/ourmuzzies/, for their vote.

When Trump said 'what have you got to lose', I think black men were listening. Any one of them who's made a career for themselves are already red pilled - they don't want people taking what they've worked for. They are castigated for it continuously. Look at their treatment of Larry Elder by the black left. Right wing politicians of America need to address the American black male directly. He will give you the vote. They just need to do it more like Trump and less like Jeb!

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Implying we need to do something...

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Well said. D. Trump/K. West 2020

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Dumb Spaniard. 'We' need to make sure they KNOW the Democrats are ALL ABOUT buttsex. Like it's a single issue, for the single issue POC vote.
Stupid brown fucker.

Trunp tried that. It works, but not as well as emotional issues

Absolutely would vote for if were American citizen.
Success is bait and appealing. Also would want to see Kanye meet Putin and Kim. Please meme into reality American anons

This is true

A rift like that could destroy Democrats. They are nothing without the black vote

LOL at this timeline. An absurdist's dream, and I don't ever want to wake up.

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Yes. Bring then into the fold, but not with gibsmedat. No gibs, just respect for masculine, traditional, AMERICANS, that don't suck Jew dick for record contracts.

Also, men of color like guns. Pretty much all men like guns. Republicans(RINOS) like guns too.
Men of color also hate "The Man." "The Man" is really big state liberals now. 'We' need to accentuate our anti-state, cowboy, outlaw roots. Men of all colors like feeling free. even more than gibs.

It's gotten me through three deaths and a break up. I Hope the lols continue, defo best timeline so far. If he brings Korean unification people are going to jump off buildings

Yes. The more black 'strong, stunning and brave' buzzfeed trannies are peddled at them the greater the rejection.

LOL. Stay strong. The fucker may be the Antichrist my mom told me about. I plan on collecting lulz, but never going to take "the number."
I really dig you. Send me BBC pic, for freedom.

>I died three times
Bullshit. I hate you now, liar.

I hope BBC stands for big black Colt rifle....

Lol no uncle, dad and grandfather

RIP. I lost my mom a bit ago.
Nah. I just don't know how to make friends, because of liberal programming. I ask for cock pics, when I really mean 'I like the cut of your jib.' Fucking liberals got me all messed up. Hard to break those chains. The chains that make me ask for cock pics when I'd rather just have a beer and play darts.

Liberal brainwashing is all too real and infects the entire west. You're not alone. Take up a sport, preferably a martial art. BJJ. Go get your ass handed to you. Believe me it's worth it. You'll meet people quick and learn something practical. Friends follow. Take an active hand in destroying the programming.

is nigger boipucci cheaper?

I dig. I was just playing. I'm old as fuck and raised by folks that drop red pills when they just walk, like shedding skin. They excrete redpills in their saliva.
And I can fight my way out of TWO wet paper bags. I had to stop. People were going to die.
Really enjoyed chatting with you. YOU made this thread good. You.
Have a hot Jew pic.

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Like when their first instinct is to try to jerk this guy back to life

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Thanks user, it was great conversing. Heading over to the Paddys day/Mick hate thread developing.

Honestly, they were on it. Even iced his balls.
Get in there!

I think this is the plan of the jew anyway, hollywood is already pushing pro homosexual propaganda towards non whites, why do you think moonlight won the oscar for best picture the way they did it defeating (((whitey)))?

Pretty ballsy to take that pic

faggotry is a white man's illness. If you choose to go gay you're not a black man anymore. You a white faggot.

>cock pressure rubbing

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there's plenty of pozzed faggots in the black community. there's nothing to push or wedge.

Gay Niggers from Outer Space? This could work.

Give up your asshole to BBC to save the white race.

>I think this is the plan of the jew anyway, hollywood is already pushing pro homosexual propaganda towards non whites
Same as it ever was. And it's not just Jews. Most "Jews" don't give a fuck. It is definitely, without a doubt, "American" Communist Jews. A special breed. I wouldn't even call them Zionist. Some new monster.

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>there's plenty of pozzed faggots in the black community. there's nothing to push or wedge.

Nigga, you sound gay.

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>'We' can worry about the darkening of the conservative base later, after the vote
Or we can prepare simultaneously. Still, gayniggers is a good approach for the lulz. They fucking hate it. Muh dik ain't good for much if you insist they use it to penetrate a dude's ass.

Haha can you imagine Kanye being Vice President, opening a speech with a new hip hop song, then stopping the music to talk about conspiracy theories and calling Democrats satanists?

Shit would be hilarious.

But that's their secret. Most people don't know just how gay "ghetto culture" is. We should expose it.

Grabbing and shaking a guy's head like that after he got KO'd seems like a really bad idea

This thread is cute

Also, post gaynigger threads in response to BLACKED threads.

Only cuddly gay niggers pls :3

>Still, gayniggers is a good approach for the lulz. They fucking hate it.
Even Canada knows. Say it loud, proud. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
>I do dig old shit, a lot

Let's do this thing that we know how to do. Fucking Sup Forums steals the black vote. The great IRL meme for the next election cycle.

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Only strippers are this flexible. Jesus. I wonder if blacks realize that their "great at dancing" meme is thanks to a bunch of closet gays.

>suggesting JB wasn't a pussy machine
Nigga, say some shit about Fred Wesley. I fucking dare you. I'll fucking murder you with a pussy I just have laying around. Don't talk shit about James Brown, up in here. I like you, but STFU about him. He smacked your mom up, for fun.

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>He smacked your mom up, for fun.
On the good foot.
sa ge

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What do you think BLMs goal is?
It's run by two lesbians and a fag.

They were all gay user, I'm sorry. No man who's that good at dancing is really straight. Maybe bi, but definitely not straight. But it's okay. Just look at Freddie Mercury. He was a so-called "pussy machine" too.

JB would have only fucked a man like you, for being you.

Fresh Bread!
Fresh Bread!
Fresh Bread!
This bread stinks of Canada

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