Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out,
Don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out
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>I'll move to an even WHITER country with even STRICTER immigration laws!!! That'll show Drumpf!!!
BTW his wife his non-white too.
lmao in what fucking world
Take good care of him Aussies
He's Hollywood's ambassador
Why doesn't he move to Mexico?
Fuck off, we're full.
Aw shit, sorry aussies, didn't mean to use you as a dumping ground for our trash.
Have fun with our trash, Straya
lel moving to an enclosed white island with some of the best border security lmao
I can't wait to see what the president tweets about this.
....did I just actually say that? What timeline is this?!
I was under the impression that they were full and that people like who would like to move there should instead fuck off.
Everyone is mad this is so great.
He need to renounce his us citizenship. Otherwise it is just Matt Damon buying another house
Can we make it easier for aussies to house more of our traitors/enemies?
Maybe he’s running from possible pizzagate allegations coming up.
What will he use for security and self defense? Aren't y'all banned from using screwdrivers, hammers and spoons in self defense?
>USA 56% white
>Australia 90% white
stupid potatonigger.
If this fucken seppo CUNT comes to fucken Australia a pack of fucken abos is gunna rape his fucken fucked up family up the arse. What a fucken FAGGOT
I wouldn't put too much stock in the frothy howls of the original special needs actor
Fuck off we don’t want that cunt
See ya, bitch.
Why does Matt want to move there and not a diverse place??? Does Matt think people in the middle east/africa/south america are inferior/dangerous? What about Dubai Matt????
Wait till he gets a load of Australia. His illusions will be sh-sh-sh-Shattered.
Australian poltards should find some funny way to fuck with him.
What if all our Hollywood stars moved to Australia
Wouldn't that be great
It is after all, an island nation for degenerate criminals
please dont
I wish all the liberals that threatened to leave followed through like him and left
He's moving in order to escape the Pedowood crimes that will eventually be exposed. Check these digits.
Was proven fake news.
We are full anyway
That movie has aids
What is a seppo?
You roos can have him. Dude has family that glows in the dark.
Really... he's basically going to be wherever his movie is shooting is anyway.
It's just an ego boost for him.
And Australia is well known, world wide.. as perhaps the most racist nation in the western world... what a 'cunt' to use a popular Australian term.
took the cunt long enough. just waiting for all those other bastards to move to canada now. ya notice they aren't moving to majority nigger or spic countries
Pretty sure that's a fake news or Matt Damon giving fake excuse to please Holywood, I've had distinct pleasure of reading some of the personal stuff he wrote, and let me tell you guy is somewhat redpilled.
Has anyone told this poor SOB that rooland is full of racists?
Is Sup Forums retarded?
Look at all the sissy 56% faeces all jelly at Chad Damon for getting the fuck out of dodge before Drumpf turns us into Uzbekibekibekistan.
Uh that's news to me. Link?
Last I knew he was a flaming shitlib.
Soon Australians will have to turn over their teeth and fingernails in a government buy back program.
I'm moving out of America because of crappy Matt Damon movies.
at least his wife will fit in with the other immigrant nogs who try and get in there
>huge tax break for matt via trump
>industry is in america
What are taxes like there? Where do they stand in the film hierarchy?
This is some intense virtue signaling faggotry to have a vacation home somewhere.
So it's short for septic tank?
>Q: I was recently in Australia and the Aussies kept calling me a "seppo." What does that mean and where did that word come from? --John Marcus, San Francisco, CA
>A: Sorry to be the one to break it to you, John, but you've just been identified as a certifiable foreigner. South of the border you're a gringo, in Hawaii you're a haole. In Australia, you're a septic tank--seppo for short. The term was originally derived from rhyming slang: Yank = septic tank. Not exactly sure on the logic there, but the term has also been said to reference Americans' tendency to be "full of shit." Don't take it too personally though; as long as it wasn't preceded by an irate expletive, you can consider it a term of endearment.
Well, honestly he is publicly shitlib, basically I had access to some movie scripts with some of his notes. He is shitlib in a glow in the dark kind of way, the most dangerous kind.
Your flag
Fuck off. We love trump, and are literally more white and racist than america. Can you seppos tell your poofta San Francisco expats to eat shit and move to mexico. Australia is my home, not some bail out option for entitled soyboys.
>Oh no america is so racist let's go somewhere more enlightened.
>Moves to Queensland.
You know what happens to you when you force a meme this hard? Your posts are boring and kek sends you to hell.
I have 100 bucks says he keeps his house in the Hollywood hills and is only "moving" his family to one of their vacation homes
>reeee how dares he to disrespect our Lord Trump! Traitor!
Based Mutt Damon.
He shows the whole world how it really is in the Trump's America and if Drumpflakes are so absolutely buttflustered then it means he's absolutely fucking right.
PS Jason Bourne movies were all pure kino too. The best and the brightest are living America.
>Doesn't like Conservatie America
>Moves to literally only country considering taking in White South Africans in a hope to up the white demographics.
Ok then.
Do normies really care what hollywood actors do? I don't even know what movies this faggot stars in
>“Man is profoundly dependent on the reflection >of himself in another man's soul, be it even the >soul of an idiot.”
>― Witold Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke
Actually it is just a larp term that aussies use online to exaggerate our "Australianness"
probably armed guards. Always easy for multi-millionaires to be against guns. They dont need them, having armed security (if they want) and huge walls around their houses.
Don't let it happen Aussies.
Remember, Canada is a liberal hell hole because all the hippies and draft dodgers rand there during the Vietnam war. Keep the US liberal vermin off your shores.
We’ll keep Keith Ubran but you have to take Matt Damon.
What's wrong with Mexico? Why do they all go to whiter countries?
He will still have to pay taxes thoug. Being a US citizen makes you nothing but an asset to the US government, they literally think they own you.
No wonder more and more people are renouncing it every year. Only retarded shitskins and mexicans are dumb enough to fall for a US citizenship.
I would even go as far as saying that this is the main reason behind the whole student loans thing: you can't renounce your citizenship if you owe them money. It's little more than an entrapment so their slaves can't leave in the future.
The fact is a US citizenship becomes more and more of a liability by the day.
I say the term fits pretty well
Can this be memed into a trend and get all these hollyweird libshits to extradite themselves the fuck outta here
Fuck off we don't want him, give us Marky Mark instead
Mate you've either been on a Larry ender or youre a few stubbies short of a six pack.
My boys wicked smaht
He's good friends with Chris Hemsworth, and he's moving to the rich area of Byron Bay, the whitest area of a white town.
How did you know I am Larry Emdur?
I remember when he decided to send his mutts to private school because if he sent them to LA public school it's pretty much a slow death sentence. People called him on it and he defensive as all fuck. Little faggot stumps every leftist cause imaginable but will never suffer the consiquences.
Oh no. I'm sure he'll take all his research in cold fusion with him. Who is this clown anyway?
Did she forget her tarp?
>witold gombrowicz
another philosopher to discover, thanks ausfriend
Self defense is essentially illegal
The governments stance is "two wrongs dont make a right" and so if you fight back and hurt someone you will get in trouble yourself, especially if you use an object as a weapon.
If police determine you have an object in your house specifically for self defense this is pre-meditated as it means you actively planned on using it on someone and it then likely wasnt just a last resort
Official policy is pretty much let the criminal do what they want and hope they dont kill you because hurting them back makes you as bad as them
That is exactly the same policy we have in my home country of Spain.
There's people that have been sentenced to almost a decade of prison because they used a firearm to defend themselves from a home invasion, in cases where the invaders were armed as well.
what if everyone joined the military but just didn't show up to their military job, like just took the guns and went home or something
>the blue wave is actually immigration to australia
what if everyone decided monopoly money was now the world's currency?
Harvey Weinstein on Matton Damon and friends: "If I told what I know about those guys, that whole fucking town would fall to its knees"
>man found way to keep more of his money, blames it on trump
I remember playing as a kid and everyone wanted to be the banker cuz you could cheat when nobody was paying attention.
Kind of ironic.
interesting he choose a white country...
maybe someone should point out his racism
>comes anyway
Fuck off we're full!!
>more celebs come
F..Fuck off....w-w-we're full...
>celebrities run for Australian public office
So let's say I'm vacationing in your countries and someone tries to mug me, what would happen if I use lethal self defense with my body only, no (((weapons))) how fucked am I?
Why not Mexico?
It’s a paradise!
taxes for private citizens are some of the highest in the developed world
pretty sure movies get government subsidies hence a lot of movies being made here
Pretty much. You'd think if he's championing 'minorities' so much he'd jump at the chance to live amongst them, but instead he chooses to move to the whitest part of the country.
Chris Hemsworth the talentless hack can go fuck himself as well.
When I played I just refused to pay rent.
This poster is Jewish.
This poster is black.
is he actually gonna do it? these fags threaten this shit constantly. Amy Schumer was supposed to leave to Canada.
>Strict immigration laws
Apparently the weren't full.
Your government doesn't think so, good luck!
doing it wrong too