they couldn't be more annoying
Just when you thought
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*rips up your constitution*
You forgot your pic.
>ywn be this smug
I still can't believe conservatives made enemies out of mass shooting victims, lmao.
Good luck winning that fight in the public eye
>Believing people in your facebook group and Sup Forums bubbles represent even 5% of the public's opinion.
Retards, the lot of you
just stopped by to sage this shit.
fuck you AND your clicks/views.
watch the whole thing and it all becomes clear
look at her mother with the problem haircut
she can't even keep her composure, as an adult (with a problem haircut)
this is all drama and it's seriously embarrassing. we're going to have to gas probably 40% of whites at a minimum
How about even more editing in that short clip ?
it's a pretty ingenious tactic if you think about it. Make it so that you cannot criticize them without looking like "the bad guy".
The term "black lives matter" works in the same vein as this
dude even normies are sick of these kids
>commie larping as older generation of Americans that they consider nazi
You need to stop resisting.
Having cancer does not mean you are an oncologist, so why do people think that being a victim of gun violence makes you a firearms expert?
No arguments, just stupid hypothetical bullshit.
>getting triggered by literal children
big if true
On the one hand I'm ok with arming teachers because it means more murder, but on the other I'm against it because its giving women weapons.
>if the teacher dies, is a student now held responsible to shoot the shooter walking in the door?
Hmm, I guess only if they want to live..
OI Oi Skinhead
>comments and ratings arent disabled
Holy fuck and its only a minute and half clip. Fucking hell.
You mean a girl who admitted that she bullied the mass shooter? She was asked "What about the people who said you should have been nicer" she replied in roastie fashion "You didn't know him!"
She was a bully and she loves the attention, I hope she is enjoying it too, 17 people died so she could go on TV and be called inspirational.
DESU id paint her face with my freedom hose
yeah you brutes, you don't need any evidence.
>calls for more security for schools
>denounces spending money on training teachers
>would be more than happy to spend x5 as much for placing armed guards in schools
What a queer faggot.
Trump needs to send the entirety of gen z to the gas chambers.
wait, this spic's mom is white??
she actually sort of made a good point
If I went to school with these insufferable douches I'd shoot up the school too
Just the city kids
hand em over goyim
150rd mags where?
She has that undeniable 90s cyberpunk rave slut feel, makes my dick a rocket.
What a stupid and smug cunt.
No, all of them, we can start over. Any gen z faggot that has used social media is compromised. Which equates to all of them.
>ywn sniff el goblino's feet after she gives you a lecture about gun controll
Here I guess, if you really want it. It is like $500 though. I think it is more of a novelty
video didn't work
ugh, I truly wish that you retards and your retarded president get shot. You deserve it. [spoiler]although since guns are banned at conservative meeting places and at trump resorts FOR SOME REASON that probably won't happen anytime soon[/spoiler]
You are a tard. We need people to fight and restructure society. A bunch of boomers arent going to save us, you need the young blood to redeem this nation.
holy shit, imagine being an adult carrying out this interview and having to do your best not to cringe at this child's performance.
no she didnt her points were retarded.
obviously the teacher would carry the gun and no one would place blame on a student unable to stop a shooter using his teachers gun, because the student isnt trained.
>implying gen z is going to do anything but rip society to pieces.
You must be a gen z retard as well.
I hope you learn to use spoilers.
The Secret Service bans guns where the president goes, its out of his hands faggot. Do a little research for once in your miserable life.
Nice try reddit
At least I don't have to hope you die I know you will from an OD or something you burnout.
lmao you think a no gun sign will stop anyone sweetie? you can go to your local resort and conservative meeting and prove that wrong, but your ilk are such boot kickers and pussies that you'll never harm a fly.
american civil war pt. 2, and you think you have a chance? laughing @ you 2bqh
"Victim" implies that she suffered in any way. She didn't get shot, she just happened to be in the same building and is now milking the fuck out of it. She's that overly-political cunt everyone hated in high school and she's standing on the corpses of her dead classmates to build a reputation for herself. No PR problems here, only retarded leftist astroturfing and "if you disagree, you hate children" cuckery.
She has no hair. Where the fuck did her hair go? Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that she's fucking bald and seemingly not a cancer patient???
>mass shooting victims
>attention whores who barely knew the victims and are using their deaths as a platform to shill for their agenda
pick one
She's funny, and I want her to make that face when I come on her tits
I've not yet heard a word out of any of these faggot kids' mouths. Why are you faggots giving them so much attention?
why does emma looking like a spic teenage boy
lol their school ran out of paper but the sheriff has a a police fleet of luxury high end cars
Shut the fuck up you disgusting faggot traitor. I can't fucking wait until we start doing helicopter faggot drops.
40% of the kids at that school were Jews
>oy vey it'll be 40 gorillion dollars
There was a student who had bullets flying at him on twitter and he called out Hogg and Gonzo on their bullshit. I forgot his twitter though, anyone got it?
There's this thing called shaving your head
Unironically kill yourself for posting this. So fucking gross goddamn kraut.
Is your head shaved?
sry for shitting up your racial makeup amerilards :(
Germans are autistic by nature, they can't help it.
The wrong kids were killed.
wtf did that guy just litter his fucking mcdonalds
How does it feel to be btfo on ur first and last post? Go home cuck.
Aren't they white? *hint hint*
Is she imitating memes?
You need to see more of this country and read your history books. The only white kids in this country that are liberal, live in the major cities or near them. The white kids in rural and parts of suburban America are almost completely right wing, they see what is happening to the country and hate it. They also realize that we cant vote our way out of this, we simply have to brace for impact.
Yes, feels good man.
That’s the first thing that my girlfriend said about her when we first saw her. Shaving your head bald is absolutely not something that any high school kid would do.
It’s something an edgy college kid does
Is there ANY proof that either her or Hogg ever attended this school prior to the shooting?
yeah, appreciate all of you spaniards breeding with those south american savages and unleashing hell for the next several hundred years
What is going on here? Rundown please.
know people like this unfortunately
Thanks for killing our injuns off before we arrived.
Nice. I look quite good with a shaved head, can't do it though because of social reasons. It'll come back to me when I inevitably go bald though
I hate this cunt so much.
Didnt answer question.....
Old Sup Forums would've trolled the hell out of that dyke. I'm disappointed
her mom's a taco burner, no wonder she's so fucked up
Hmmm I wonder why she is a “goblina”
I’ve been saying since day 1 she is a Mexican jew. Pretty common mix actually
I unironically want middle school students to carry AR15s in school at all times.
And the response would have been to shut down Sup Forums by the new left and new government and corporations. We live in a climate where they would violate laws and our rights to "protect" people.
hey Satan, see you going with the Britney spears thing.
This one?