Let's compare Trump to Jesus Christ

Let's compare Trump to Jesus Christ

> Race: Jesus was non-white, Trump is white
> Wealth: Jesus was poor, Trump stole from the poor
> Racism: Jesus accepted all, Trump hates non-whites
> War: Jesus was a pacifist, Trump wants to start WW3
> Marriage: Jesus was likely asexual, Trump has married mail-order brides 3 times
> Charity: Jesus was likely a socialist who believed in healing the poor, Trump is a capitalist who stole from the rich
> Humility: Jesus was humble, Trump has tacky taste
> Sin: Jesus hated the sin but not the sinner, Trump wants to keep enforcing the death penalty

But please tell me more about how good of a "Christian Conservative" you are

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Other urls found in this thread:


>any american

jesus was a kike fuck and no one should follow his words

> War: Jesus was a pacifist
>what was his chimpout in the marketplace

>Trump wants to start WW3
Last time I remember, it's Theresa May who wants to start a world war over some ex-spy.
Go suck a palestinian dick, Schlomo.

God's race doesn't matter
Christ was poor to show materialism is bad. Using your wealth for christ is a good thing. The parable of the talents and all that
Jesus accepted all who turn Christian. Trump accepts all who legally turn american
>Implying Trump wants WW3
Christ married his church. Trump got fucked for money by gold diggers
Socialism isn't charity. If its forced, it isn't charity
Ok trump isn't humble you win that
The death penalty is valid in all christian sects prior to WW1

I always wonder if it's a single person that makes these threads with a my hero academia character in the OP. If that's true I feel sorry for you please get a life.

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animeposters are a blight upon this board.

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anything you say about christianity can be ignored since

1. you are not a christian

2. you have no authority to interpret the bible. The Church fathers have already done this.

now go suck some more Trump Zionist cock you subhuman memeflag

Every Euroflag is a shillblue turdmancer.

Jesus never ran a country either, Thank God.

Gas yourself you blasphemous scumbag

I hate these inaccurate portrayals of Christ. Read the gospel. Jesus was not a hippie

Jesus was a fag

>anime poster
>the post is dumb
imajun my shock

I swear sub double digit IQ lefty hears about pol once a day and thinks they have the argument to end all arguments, posts it, gets btfo, and then never returns again. There is no way someone could continue making threads like this and get the responses they do yet persist. Oh wait SLIDE. nice try kike.


>boku no hero pic
every time, you do this
are you a bot? just a stupid shill? a leftist?
how dumb can you be to use the same exact type of pics, same memeflag, and same shitty bait
please kill yourself

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Christians are the new Jews. The old fake Jews are synagogues of Satan.

God's race doesn't mean anything, he's God. Pagan LARPers and other heretics all deserve a good curbstomp.

>God's race doesn't mean anything
You’re right. Jesus could’ve come as Mickey Mouse and it wouldn’t have mattered, but it’s important to know who the Israelites are considering all the blessings and curses associated with them.

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>Jesus was non-white
If we classify "whiteness" as peak of humanity, then Jesus is the whitest person ever alive. Also, Revelation 1,14: " his head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow"
>Jesus was poor
He is the wealthiest person. His wealth is of Heaven and does not pass, also nobody can become wealthy if He does not will it to happen.
>Jesus accepted all
who repent. Those who obstinately refuse to, will die a second death.
>Jesus was a pacifist,
He did not come to bring peace, but sword. So that all righteous would fight for the Truth with those who deny it.
The only reason he told Peter to put away the sword, was that He was aware of necessity of His sacrifice upon the cross. It was necessary for salvation of mankind. If all of mankind were to be condemned, Satan would win, because God's creation was for naught. And if all of it were to be saved without any satisfaction for their sins, the Law would be rendered useless, while it had a clear purpose.
>Jesus was likely asexual
It's better to be alone, than to have thots ordering your life around.

>Thinking the Israelites of the Bible are the same as the modern Jews of today
>being this bluepilled

You're not even trying m8

I don't care for Trump. But I do not judge. People often go down the wrong path and God helps them back on track. Those tend to be the best servants (eg. Paul the Apostle).

Also, Jesus Christ was NOT a socialist.

>Leave everything, give it to the poor, take up your cross and follow me

does not equal

>Hey let's have this crowd follow us into the house of the rich so that we can take their goods and distribute it all to the poor (in a very negligent and inefficient way)

>Jesus was likely a socialist who believed in healing the poor.
"Thou shalt not steal". Socialist states engage in theft of the upper class, for the supposed sake of the lower class. Sharing your wealth should be voluntary. Early Christian communities did this, but were not communistic. Communism is state enforced, while voluntary acts charity are not and are possible under capitalist system.
The whole point of charity, is that money serves you, not the other way around. If God gives you more than you need, share with those that have less than their needs. How much is more? If you are part of the New Covenant, you will know what it is for you (but others might have different needs, you shouldn't judge that - and socialist state judges that). For God has engraved Law into their hearts.
To those that are alien to the New Covenant, charity will not do any good, spiritually speaking. And those who act against their conscience, will receive punishment, but humans have no knowledge of hearts of others - only God.
If God would want everybody an equal wage, He would make it so. He doesn't want it, because humans He created are not of equal skill, nor needs.
>Jesus was humble
Yes. Humbleness is better than pride, anyway.
What has more value?
If you look behind you, to take pride in things already accomplished by you?
or If you look forward, to be humbled by things still to be done?
Clearly the latter. If you constantly look behind, you will find yourself stagnating.
>Jesus hated the sin but not the sinner
...and that doesn't mean not enforcing punishment. You can judge someone you don't hate... in fact your judgement will be more just this way.
Those who disbelieve in Him, or do not repent, will not escape punishment.

I rate OP's bait 0 godless Jews/666 Antichrists, made me throw pearls to the swine.

christian conservative" is the second worst insult. The worst is socialist/comunist.

> Jesus was a Caucasian, so was Trump
> Jesus was poor
> But what would it profit a man to gain the whole world but loose his soul?
>Trump worked hard for his money
>Jesus only came for the lost tribes of Israel (Whites)
>Trump came to save the White Race
>Jesus was a pacifist
> He clearly says,' I did not come to bring peace, but I came to bring the sword"
>Trump will also use the sword if necessary
>Implying Jesus had no children
>Implying Trump spreading his seed is a bad thing
>Jesus also teached to work hard for what you have
>Trump does the same thing
>Jesus was humble
> He literally rekt everyone in arguments
>Trumps rekts leftistcucks like you all of the time
>Jesus was God in human flesh
>Comparing a Man to God
kys faggot


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When the alternative for trump was an amoral psychopath that got its start in life by getting a pedophile off the hook, having "close enough" atheist is good enough.

The chimp out at the market place was written 300 years later.