I grew up in South Africa during the 70s. Ask me anything.
Thread open for any other SAs.
I grew up in South Africa during the 70s. Ask me anything.
Thread open for any other SAs.
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Do you have any family still there? Are they Okay
Oh, and just to say: I keep seeing this photograph being put up about SA farms.
It's not. This is Zimbabwe about 1994-98.
>Anglos fuck up South Africa after fighting two wars against Dutch boers.
>Shit goes downhill.
>They flee back to England.
The eternal Soutie.
Do you love your country?
I have two brothers. They want to relocate to Australia but it's a tough decision to make when you have attachments to the country. They know it'll be forever once they make the move.
Nope. I came here because I could see the writing on the wall. I haven't had it easy from the British, either, and I had to work very hard to stay here.
I'm not British South African anyway so maybe save your scorn for them.
Do you think there's gonna be a race war?
When and why did you leave? Did you like it there?
Did you see what is happening coming, if so how long ago?
I do very much. I miss it every day.
>thread open for any other SAs
Well, please send any friends or family you have there my full support snd disgust with my country. Our media is bullshit. The majority of Americans have no fucking clue what is going on, thanks to our media.
I left in 1995 because I had a work visa for a year and then it just got dragged out from there, got married, etc.
Anyway, this thread isn't about me. I thought you guys would be interested in things that happened during the height of apartheid.
I think that white South Africans have been preparing for one since the 76 riots. Everyone I know is armed in some way or another. A lot of stuff is stashed, too. Both my brothers keep illegal weapons on a cousin's farm.
That's very nice of you, man. Thank you.
Have you read anything "by" Siener van Rensburg?
Okay, how did they justify apartheid all this time? And do you think ANC and the EFF are driven by revenge today?
> Siener van Rensburg
Just looked him up. Actually never heard of him so I'll look into him further. I'm what's known as 'English-speaking South African' but I went to State schools and generally our history syllabus was concerned with the well-known Boer figures like Retief, etc. A lot about Paul Kruger, too.
If/when a war does come my prayers will be with you and all true South Africans
A lot of us are spamming social media, but get a lot of shadow bans or our accounts disabled. And then we make new ones, lol. I hate to pin hopes on just a couple of people, but if we can get Tucker or Hannity at Fox News to address it, maybe we can force other networks to cover it. A lot of us are trying. You, your family and your friends, are not ignored.
Excuses broer
Do you have any image-archives, or links to archives of
>international voulenteers
>old images of white Rhodesia
>old images of white South Afrika
>images of bantus or commies doing bantu and commie things
>images of farm murders
>images of murders in general
Minds can be influenced, memes can be created, kikebook groups can grow into the hundreds of thousands, newsarticles can be written, and politicians can be forced to take action, but not without image material.
Images that provide an emotional response are better, but with enough quantity anything can be forged into quality.
If you don't have any, do you have friends who do? Thousands have machinery still going from the burger, baguette and kraut elections, but nothing pierces the mind of a normie like an image does. Straight to the hindbrain it goes.
What is the best way to remove mustard stain from a white cotton shirt?
Nice questions. I'll split them up.
a) I was pretty young when things really started kicking off in 1976 which was when we had the so-called 'Soweto riots'. At the time, it was pretty serious. I was at boarding school in a town called Potchefstroom and I remember my parents couldn't come and visit me for months because white people were being routinely attacked on the roads outside Jo'burg. No-one ever reports on that but I know for a fact that at the time a young white nurse was stopped, pulled from her car, raped, and set alight. I remember that story clear as day yet it's never been recorded anywhere. So to answer your question, there wasn't 'justification' for apartheid as it were. The laws had come from the old National government, but over time, it just became a necessity. You had to have it separate like that. It's unrealistic to think of it working any other way.
b) I think the ANC are being pressurised by the EFF. Malema hates whites and is happy to openly express that hatred. He's got a pretty intimidating youth wing, and he makes a lot of promises to poor blacks and that's where the problems lie. The ANC have to catch up with him, or they can risk losing power altogether. And yes, probably - but it's a fallacy that white South African farmers are wealthy anyway so I have no idea what it is they think they'll gain from taking land off them. Making Afrikaners homeless? Probably. It's pretty vindictive.
Salt and soda water? Usually takes care of a lot of things. I'd ask my wife but she left me lol. Want me to text her for you?
I drive a 2009 F-150, and the tires are making like a clicking sound, any ideas on what could be causing it?
It is white if that helps any
De Klerk gave sa to the blacks dutchie, the boers took it out on Afrikaaners(dutch) and the english ask OP. My mom still remembers boers going into public places and mowing niggers and white of any ethnicity down. A brief but bright fuck you to both groups of whites here.
Know any good South African jokes?
Also, is it kaffir or kuffir? I know one is SA lingo and one is Muzzie, but I get them mixed up?
Also, what is Afrikkaners for an Indian?
You guys are really amazing. It's very strange to me in a way because I grew up with us being the pariah of the world so it's still something to get used to when I see so much support for us. The support for poorer Afrikaners is extremely welcome. I don't know if you've ever met one but they're amongst the most honest, down to earth, truly friendliest people in the world. They can come across as gruff, even course, but there's nothing like an evening spent round a braai with an Afrikaner for company.
Something you guys should seek to enjoy at least once in your lives.
Nah, boet.
Can someone post the screenshot of the discussion of the russians that visited jo-burg? I would like OP to comment on whether or not the account could be true.
I'll give a quick run down on him: He was a farmer that lived during the Boer war against Britain. As a young child he read the bible at an early age, and did try to read other books but quickly closed them as he felt they weren't divine or offered him anything. During the war against the Anglos he could "see" where the enemy would be on the field and this helped the Boers on the battlefield, while he never picked up a rifle, everyone in his unit respected him but some began to hate him because when asked if their family was dead and he told them the truth they would scold him harshly; people often hated to hear the truth.
and yadda yadda, the rest you know probably. WE'RE GOING INTO A GOLDEN AGE, BOYS!
Thanks for elaborate answers. Trips check'd
It's definitely 'kaffir'.
I can't think of any right now. We used to have the usual at school:
What do you throw a drowning black guy? His family.
Also (this is 80s, I think): Ethiopia is having a famine. The whole world wants to help them. The US is sending 10 tents for every family. Britain is sending 10 bags of food for every family. South Africa is sending them 10 more families for every family that dies.
That kind of thing. You know, just bad kids jokes.
> F-150
No idea what this is. Maybe your faggot spoiler's loose.
> Afrikkaners for an Indian
Sorry, I missed this. Indians we would just call 'coolies' usually. There's probably a word for it in Afrikaans but I don't know it. I have only basic Afrikaans conversational skills unfortunately.
>white people were being routinely attacked on the roads outside Jo'burg. No-one ever reports on that but I know for a fact that at the time a young white nurse was stopped, pulled from her car, raped, and set alight. I remember that story clear as day yet it's never been recorded anywhere.
Same thing happened in Murrica during the race riots in the 1960s, white motorists were getting pulled from their cars and beaten and none of these incidents were widely reported. GEE I wonder (((((why))))).
Wow. Never heard of him. That's extraordinary.
Doesn't surprise me, though. Afrikaners generally are a big warrior class of people. Their whole history is one of how they've had to fight so it's deeply rooted in their psyche. Not people to be fucked with, anyway.
You're very welcome, my Norwegian friend.
Were you in the military or mandatory conscription?
If yes, was pic related as good as they said?
I never had the chance to go to the conscription and our army is full degeneracy now.
> The Narrative
They just rewrite it all to suit themselves. The other one is that the ANC were such good guys and 'freedom fighters'. The ANC were active in townships killing and maiming anyone if they didn't strike or go out and join riots. All brushed under the carpet. And that went on pretty much from 76 to when Mandela was released. Umkhonto were a real problem inside the country, not just outside.
Honestly I don’t mind bad kid jokes. Post more if you feel like it.
What were SA gun laws like for whites back in the bad old days before Mandela? Always wanted one of those Armsel Striker shotguns, but by the time I could buy guns they were listed as Destructive Devices. Heard they’re shit actually.
I spent a year and a half there as a missionary. When i arrived i was fairly moderate concerning race even growing up in the South. When i left SA i was thoroughly racist.
American nogs are entitled and retarded but nothing compared to african nogs. In America occassionally youll find the redeemable nigger. In SA even the best of the best are still shit
I was but because I had a medical degree, I got put in a military hospital in Pretoria so I never saw much. I had a lot of friends posted up to the border with Angola, though. Toughest fighting conditions I've ever heard of. One of my friends was a paramedic with Koevoet. He'd have a lot of amazing stuff to tell you.
I see you are in the UK.
Is that place also a shithole? I have my british passport, but I don't want to live in the UK aka Syria
Are they suicidal? You will never fix the negro.It's hardwired in their brain to never advance pass being a savage. Even the negro in white countries that appears to be tamed will turn full ape the second it gets too hard.
Sorry, missed a bit. Yes, conscripted. Very happy to serve. Six months basics training outside Nelspruit.
Do you feel people in Britain treat you negatively for being SA?
As in, "fookin' racist"?
It's not too bad, but you know, it's not home. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't want to just jump on a plane and go home.
Nice to see you, too, buddy.
You fled south africa your home soil, you stood idle watching the uk get infiltrated and have their freedoms extremely limited.
Why should we care for what you have to say and what have you done to better western society?
Did you watch Barcelona Chelsea the other night?
When I first came over they used to. Every now and again I'll get shit for it. I had a black nurse complain about me once purely on the basis that I was "a white South African" and because I complained about her lax protocol behaviour I was an "inherent racist".
That actually happened. All put on the report. She's the only one, though. On the whole, it's only a certain kind of British person that instinctively has a problem with me (left leaning, grew up 'protesting' apartheid, etc.), otherwise, they're great people and have been very good to me.
Did you take any black cocks? Also do you hate niggers?
make sure they salt the earth as they leave. i would leave nothing for those people except landmines.
Have you served your country?
I know we had gun laws, I just can't remember them being particularly dramatic. I know you had to have a licence for weapons, and you had to get permission letters for ammunition from police but generally not very hard core. My father kept an array of rifles I don't think he even had licences for. It's a question of policing, and South Africa is a very big country. A lot of the police back then didn't really care to enforce anyway.
Why does your diaspora do this?
Whereabouts were you?
Thanks for the reply.
I feel like if there is a civil war I should help out (Extraction of whites) before I leave
Not suicidal but always very worried. It's a perennial aspect of the white South African mind. I don't know what views around here on Oscar Pistorius are but I could genuinely believe that he'd just shoot if he thought there was a black intruder in the house. That's a constant worry for both of them, especially, you know, because they've got kids and wives as well.
Well, I'm posting an information thread on Sup Forums to offer some insight on South Africa during the 1970s, and 80s so that definitely has to count for something.
I don't, no. And yes, I hate anyone who hates me.
Thanks, how was the political stand off of the military back then. Here, unfortunately, the military liked to intervene constantly in our politics in the 20th century.
Was there ever a feeling of a coming coup? even in the nineties?
How was the life in south africa during the apartheid? Was it easy? Was it dangerous?
Well, if that happens, I'll be home on the next available flight, so I'll see you at the barricades.
Are you afraid of a potential genocide? See [1].
Because K&N filterchargers are an economical and environmentally conscious alternative to factory air filters.
Sorry Lad. Deus Vult.
Boerboel or ridgeback?
We know.
There was during the states of emergency. I don't know if you know what that was. We were often put on readiness standings (no leave, more security debriefings, higher base alerts, etc.). It sort of fluctuated but we were generally always ready. The good thing about the military back then is that it was largely white and white South Africans by and large tend to be very good at whatever it is they have to do. That's not to big us up - it's just the way we are I suppose born out of necessity.
So, yes, our army was ready, willing, and very able. Never knew it to get involved in politics. In fact, I think our generals were largely the type who'd impose a coup if they needed to. Now, however, just like the police, I don't think the SA Army is worth shit.
That photograph is Koevoet by the way. At least I'm sure it is. They used to do that a lot.
Boereboel. Ridgeback is a Rhodesian dog. Used as a type of shepherd for leopards, etc. Boereboel will literally savage anything that stands in your way so if I had to choose between either, it'd be the boel every time.
Is Africaaans superior to Dutch?
Can you recommend a blog about SA?
I used to visit iluvsa.blogspot.com, but it is dead now.
Life was good. Africa is a beautiful place to grow up in. We weren't wealth - that's another fallacy about white South Africans: we're all rich. But we grew up outdoors a lot, we always had beautiful places to go for holidays even if it was in a caravan park, all that.
But yes, you always had to be on your guard. That never really changed.
I am worried, yeah. There's been a lot of tension for a very long time, and the ANC haven't really run things like they should have. I think it's inevitable that white South Africans are going to face something eventually. I hope not but yeah, I don't know. I'm not positive anyway.
And I say that very reluctantly.
Yeah, but then I have a very big soft spot for Afrikaners. I'd say it's certainly the better language to offend people in. Afrikaner cursing is bar none the best on earth.
I can't, man. Sorry. This probably sounds weird but I actually try as hard as possible not to deal too much with SA on a day to day basis purely because as soon as I see photographs from home I feel homesick, and if I hear how people are suffering, that makes me angry and hopeless.
Sorry. Maybe someone else can help you out.
Yes they are, I cut the text that was down, it said something like "Koevoet soldiers posing with a dead man like it was a trophy" fucking commies.
They are all the same world wide,ic related dead commies that killed 13 boys doing the mandatory conscription in the 70s here, they lost anyways.
We now are ruled by them and their children, I guess the cold war had a winner after all.
why do you argue that afrikaners is or was ever spelt afrikaaners? are you retarded?
How close was the AWB to actually overthrowing parts of the country? And why were your nukes never used as blackmail to retain White rule?
>you always had to be on your guard
I know that feel bro :(
Anyway, has bad was the decline in the years right after the end of apartheid?
You have a lot of Afrikaners in Argentina as I recall. A lot historically, anyway. They were the reason South Africa wouldn't let British ships station during the Falklands conflict. Not a lot of people know that.
And yeah, koevoet come in for a lot of flack but trust me, those dead niggers are the worst of the worst of all them. All of them MPLA or aligned. All of them savages that deserved every bullet. My friend (mentioned him earlier) had a whole album of photos like that. They used to routinely tie bodies to troop carriers and drive them through villages so the locals would know to be careful.
Anyway, he was a really good looking guy, Robbie. He'd pull girls all the time, take them back to his, light up a spliff, give them wine, stroke their hair, then he'd bring out his Angola album for them. Fucking makes me laugh still just remembering his stories about their faces.
Nail or other debris in tire?
Do we have nukes? I didn't know that. We had a nuclear power station that the rest of the world kicked the fuck off about when we built it. Largely, I suppose because we stole plans for it from the French but that's their problem for not selling to us in the first place.
As for the AWB - they had a huge amount of support in the military so yes, they could have. Unfortunately, Terreblanche made it all about Afrikaners particularly and not white South Africans generally and that was a mistake, I think. In time, white South Africans across the spectrum will realise they're all in it together.
Well, it was swings and roundabouts. On the one hand, we were 'back in the world' so you'd start to see things like fucking McDonalds opening up or whatever. That was odd. And then slowly everything else just turns to rot. I go home now and people live on closed off streets, patrolling guards, all that. So I'd say the decline was bad and almost immediate.
1. We know that Yugoslavia broke up along ethnic and religious lines in the 1990s. Will something like that ever happen in South Africa?
2. Besides diamonds and gold, does South Africa have any significant oil reserves?
3. What do you think about the new Tomb Raider movie?
How many niggers are you gonna kill?
1. Depends. South Africa has interesting and often nuanced distinctions between different groups. Generally, for instance, the Zulus will align with white people. Or they did and I can't see why that would be different now as they have age old animosities with some of the others. White South Africans will band together if they need to anyway.
2. We have huge reserves of most things. Also massive coal reserves and we're the world's pioneers at extracting oil from coal. In fact, when the world imposed oil embargoes on us, we pretty much just reverted to oil from coal so it wasn't a biggie.
3. I doubt I'll see it. I like my Lara to look like a woman and be all white.
All that it takes.
You guys HAD nukes, but the White government dismantled them before the niggers took over....thank God.
Terreblanche did fuck up by not making it about all White South Africans. A damn shame, the country would have been far better off under a military rule than the disaster it is now.
Good man. I would have also accepted "all of them".
I didn't know that. I knew we had nuclear capacity so I guess that wouldn't surprise me anyway. We were always very close to Israel too so no doubt they'd have helped us out there. But yes, thank god we dismantled them.
As for Terreblanche, yeah, it's a shame. He had a lot of support from white South Africans across the board, it's just I suppose a logistical issue in the end. It's hard to galvanise a whole group of people across a country and he never really sadly tried. Could've made all the difference. I know for a fact the military would've back them up.
New tomb raider starring Swedish goddess, and the left somehow hates it. Seems pretty good to me.
> the left hates it
Oh well, I've changed my mind then.
Curious on OP's thoughts on what Lauren Southern is doing
Rumor has it this was you guys and Israel testing a nuke in 79.
Pic is South African nuke casings.
Sorry, I missed this. I saw the writing on the wall in the way the ANC were arranging themselves pretty much coming up to and after the 94 election. I knew Mandela was pretty much a token leader and that they wanted the whites to stay because it was convenient to them but not because they actually saw us as citizens. My plan was always to get another passport just so they could have an exit route which is what most white South Africans do. I mean, I suppose I just knew it was never going to be ok for us - we'd all have to run or fight one day one way or another.
The default reaction to finding a Negro intruder in your house should be to shoot it dead. Regardless of broader context.
Those things are dangerous protohumans.